Chapter 60

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She got me doing crazy things without a drop of liquor - Jack J.

I watched as Harry's face dropped, realization dawning on him. I shook his hand off of me before burying my face into the pillow.

I wouldn't think he would have ever done this to me, my mind was fuzzy. People had told me of these things in the past, told me he was nothing but a player but I just couldn't believe it, and I still can't.

It all feels surreal, I wanted to believe he had a good enough reason for all of this but there wasn't anything that could sugar coat any of this.

I felt like I was in some drama action movie, and it was the time he did it that put me on edge, why when I'm going through all of this.

Or maybe he had been doing this whole time and I was able to catch him this time, tears brimmed my eyes. Harry was getting up now and I reached for my phone, as the tears momentarily blinded my vision I scrolled through my contacts in a haze before clicking on the one I could barely make out.

Once their groggy voice answered I hastily asked them to come pick me up, I made a mistake not listening to my dad. Is this what Harry wanted? Make me wait till I had no where to go and hurt me like this? I tried not to think about it, Harry hadn't fully left the room when I made the call and was instead asking me in worried tone where I was going.

"I-I can't stay here, don't make me."
I wiped away my tears with my sleeve before untangling myself from the duvet. My heart felt like it was weighing me down but I rushed upstairs to grab some extra clothes.

My phone lit up with a text signaling that he was here, I tired to rush past Harry but he gently grabbed my arm.

"Chrissy, please let me-" I shook my head shaking my arm free before rushing outside to the car.

Once inside he took one look at my appearance before opening his mouth to question me but I didn't give him time only shaking my head, now wasn't a good time to talk, if I did I wouldn't stop crying. That was something I knew for a fact.

Once we had made it to his apartment he led me to the guest room.

"Thanks Andre." I whispered, I was afraid my voice would crack just from those two words, Andre curtly nodded pressing his lips to my forehead, "you can come to me when you want, my room's right down the hall." He muttered, it was times at this where I was grateful for friends like this, I would've went to Brianna but I didn't want to put any extra stress on her and the baby.

When he had placed his lips on my forehead I didn't think much of it, I saw it as a friendly gesture but I couldn't help but compare it to when Harry does it.

When Andre did it, it felt like how a mother would do right after tucking you in when you were a child. But when Harry did it, my stomach exploded with butterflies and I felt safe at home, a lot of things with Harry made me feel safe and at home.

His smell, his voice, his arms, everything in general really, I wanted to slap myself, I had climbed onto the feeling of love, the serenity of it all had me locked in but now it wasn't as tranquil as it was before, the reality of it all was shining through and I wasn't sure I could hand on anymore.

Grabbing my phone and headphone I plugged in my headphones before scrolling down to a playlist and pressing shuffle.

'Haunting' by Halsey came on causing my eyes go flutter letting my mind clear before more tears escaped my eyes, I should've skipped the song but I couldn't pull myself to do so.

I waited for sleep to come upon me, but it never did. I just felt really helpless.

Why I allowed myself to do this? To let myself get caught up in this web of hurt, not even I know.

I tossed and turned the whole night before my eyes fluttered open, I would have to go to school tomorrow, with all that happened I had forgotten completely about school, the break we had was now going to be over tomorrow. We were graduation soon so I tried not to dwell on it too much, a few more weeks and we'd be free.

So why was I feeling so trapped?

Once morning came the next day I sluggishly made my way downstairs, my head was throbbing with a headache as I smiled weakly at Andre, I didn't want to face the world today, I'm pretty sure a lot of people would question me on the whole mishap seeing as it was on the news before and still is, it's beginning to die down I'm media eye but it still didn't mean people would be mosey about it.

"Wanna a ride to school?" Andre asked softly, I was glad he knew not to question me yet, he could see I didn't want to talk about the touchy subject. I silently nodded, I didn't have my school stuff swing as it was left in my locker since I was taken.

After getting into the car I closed my eyes finally letting some sleep come over me.

After ten or so minutes Andre and had woke me up with guilt on his face for having to do so, "we're here." I reached over to hug him, "thank you."' I said again, he was doing so much for me when I knew he was quite the busy person.

"Hey, it's no problem. You know I'll always be here for you. It's always been like that." I nodded before getting out of the car, people stared at me, but it was amazing that I was only able to lock eyes with Harry.

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