Chapter 23

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"Let me show you how proud I am to be yours, leave the stress of us on the floor." - Selena Gomez, Good For You.

Christina's POV

We were in our last period class and Harry had kept to his word on staying in class. We got the same reaction from each teacher, a baffled expression, wide eyes, and gaping at Harry.

Guess he had a reputation with his classes as well. Harry seemed to be bored in this class because mid way when he were supposed to be working in our textbooks Harry's hand rested on my thigh for a while. I thought it would stay like that but instead he decided it would be a fantastic idea to travel upwards.

Smacking his hand away I turned to glare at him, "Harry!" I scolded in a hushed whisper. I gave him a delirious look when he locked eyes with mine and placed it back there.

It spread warmth through me but I didn't care, were in class for Christ sakes.

"Harry please stop." Harry didn't though. After I gave him a pleading look he stopped but let his hand stay put on my thigh, he just didn't move it.

I'd take what I could get.

Mumbling a thank you to him I glanced at his text book and told him to at least try. Rolling his eyes he reached over and took one of my spare pencils off of my desk.

When the teacher looked back at Harry I could've sworn she almost fainted.

It was funny but Harry didn't notice, I'm pretty sure if he did he would've just yelled at her so I didn't say anything.

The rest of the class dragged on and when it was time to go Harry drove me home grumbling about how mean I was for making him to work. I smiled at it though. I got to see his laid back, joking side and something told me not many people got to see that side.

Harry dropped me off a block away and when I walked into my house Cory gave me a guilty look as he rushed upstairs muttering that Mother and my dad wanted to see me in the living room. I gulped, the look he gave me worried me. What had I done?

"You wanted to see me?" Mother pressed we lips into a thin line before telling me to take a seat.

"Christina, do you remember me talking about college and marriage in the past?" Mother asked, knowing to actually answer I mumbled a yes. What was he planning? My dads eyes was blank so there was no telling.

"My friends son, Austin, he's around your age a year older, he's already gotten a scholarship and ha a wealthy family. You will go on a date with him." My eyes widened. She did not really just say that to me.

"No! You can't make me do that." My fave was red with anger but mother wouldn't tolerate it.

"Sit down right now Christina. You will not talk to me like that young women, you will go on a date with him and that is final!" I shook my head tears already threatening to fall.

"Y-You can't make me." My father now stood and I silently dared him to agree with her.

"Christina what has gotten into you? Don't talk to your mom-" I cut him off with a glare. He knew what he had done wrong and I stormed upstairs.

I wanted to pull my hair out from frustration. They didn't have the right to force this on me, my head immediately went to Harry, we weren't dating so it wasn't like he was allowed to tell me no, even if I didn't want to go. I knew I'd be in big trouble for going off like that but I didn't care. My phone buzzed twice besides me and I hoped it was Brianna, she was a good person to rant to.

From unknown: Little problems with mommy and daddy? - A

From unknown: What you and your boy toy were doing in class was very naughty. - A

My eyes widened, great, another problem.

Guess it wasn't just someone messing with me. Slightly scared I thought about calling Harry and telling him about it but quickly shot the idea down.

And the only thought gong through my head was that I was screwed.


"Christina, Austin's here." Mother called Cory rolled his eyes next to me mocking her voice. I laughed patting his shoulder before making my way downstairs.

Mother had forced me into going on the date with Austin and it was as if she was taking away my freedom.

When Austin did arrive I had to admit he wasn't bad looking but I couldn't help but find Harry much more better.

He didn't say anything, simply linking our arms. Not our hands. Our arms.

With a soft sigh I got into his car watching him turn on the music, high was something classical and I couldn't say I hated it but I had gotten used to Harry's taste of music.

When we got to the destination I wasn't surprised to find us at a fancy five star restaurant. From the first glance outside you could tell the place was expensive and although I hadn't really had much experience (with the exception of the two Harry took me on) with dates I could tell this wouldn't be something I enjoyed.

And I was right, when we got in we were immediately seated with one glance at Austin. Looks like he was known here.

I put on a fake smile but unfortunately he saw right through it. "You don't want to be here right?" I was slightly shock seeing as neither of us uttered a single word to each other.

I opened my mouth to say something but he beat me to it, "Don't even try lying, I don't want to be here either. I only did it because my father begged me to."

"Mother forced me to." I mumbled picking at the food they had given us. I didn't know what to order so I just went with what Austin had.

"We can leave early?" I laughed nodding waiting for him to finish his food because I sure wasn't going to finish mine, it was weird and I didn't like the taste of it. It's why I never go with mother, Cory, and my dad to eat.

"Come on." I followed after Austin once he finished paying but when we got outside I was startled to see Harry across the street.

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