Chapter 26

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"I know you mean it when you say you love me, but we're way trying too hard." - Shawn Mendez - Air

Christina's POV

I quickly deleted the text knowing Mother would eventually notice my frightened look, she was the last person I wanted knowing about these text.

The ride was silent as per usual but I didn't mind, her and my dad knew they wouldn't get much talking out of me and I was glad, I only really talked to Cory but it was only a few words.

"How was your first day?" I refrained from rolling my eyes, did she really think everything would go back to normal?

"Fine." The conversation was cut there as I put in my headphones blocking out whatever she had to say next.

The second we got home I rushed upstairs before anyone could talk to me, I needed to call Harry.

It rang for a while before it went straight to voicemail.  A frown was on my lips but I ignored it thinking he was out with friends, but the thought put me on edge. He could end up doing things with another girl.

I was acting as if I was his girlfriend. It wasn't my place to feel this way but I couldn't help it, something in me wanted to have something more with Harry but I knew there really wasn't anything there but me falling and him being, well him.

Sighing to myself I flung my phone onto my bed before ridding of the uniform off my body. Just as I was about to grab clothes someone placed their hands on my hips causing me to tense, "Keep them off." The husky deep voice whispered in my ear, now nibbling on the skin just below my ear.

His hold on me was a tight but bearable. Just as his fingers traced around the material of my panties a whimper left my lips.

"H-Harry." A chuckle left his mouth after detaching himself from my neck and letting go of me. Outstandingly he wrapped his arms around me telling me to wrap my legs around him, which I did.

"How was your first day?" His words were teasing but it made me giggle. I babbled about how strict the teachers were and how boring the whole concept of the school was.

"Harry what happened to your cheek yesterday?" I felt him tense from our position that we were in now, which was on my bed. I silently prayed no one came upstairs because mother had strictly told me not to have my door locked because I was grounded.

"It's nothing that concerns you." Scoffing my eyes fluttered closed with me placing my head on Harry's chest.

"You're going to have to tell me sooner." It was barely audible seeing as I was speaking in a whisper.

"Christina, really drop it." Shuffling away from him I turned my back so that I wasn't facing him anymore and instead got a great view of my wall.

"You should go before someone comes to check up on me." I didn't get a response after that, only hearing my window open and some rustling.

I know it really wasn't my place to get upset with Harry not sharing information on what had happened, and yeah it could be something as simple as Harry just getting in a fight but I couldn't look at this way, something was telling me it was something worst.

Much worst.


*1 week later*

The school was absolutely dreadful and I hadn't talked to Harry since the day in my bedroom.

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