Chapter 19

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"Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. All my scars are open, tell them what I hoped would be impossible." Shontelle - Impossible

Harry took a step forward and I wanted to hold a hand up to him as if telling him to not try but Andre interrupted me by placing his hand on my shoulder, causing me to spin around and face him.

"I think that's it for the day, unless you wanted to go anywhere else?" I knew he could see that I was about to cry but he didn't bring it up, it was something I always admired about him, he knew when and when not to do certain things.

"Um, no that's all." I tried not to let my voice crack but it was no use, all I wanted to do was go curl up in a ball and hide from the world.

Andre of course complied gently taking my bags from my hands so I wouldn't have to carry them.

I didn't dare look back at Harry as I hurriedly dragged Andre out of the mall.

Once we were safely away from the mall I let the tears escape my eyes, I didn't care if Andre was giving me worried glanced every time he could, when it came to my emotions I wasn't like Harry who could just hold everything in.

But once we got back to my house Andre didn't give me a chance to get out of the car before he was wrapping a comforting arm around me. He didn't ask me any questions just told me everything would be okay.

What did I even get myself into? I knew Harry was like this and I had to go and get caught up in him. I had to get lost in those emerald green eyes, in his curly hair and dimples.

I should've just stopped when Brianna reminded me that he would only break me. But no, I was being naive, "Thank you for today Andre." My voice was small when I broke away from him. He had left his car to take me home and I felt extremely guilty because of that.

Now he'd have to go all the way back over there.

I tried to hand him money for a cab but he gave me a stern look as if to say, 'put the money back or I'll bite your hand off.'

So reluctantly I did. I waited outside with him after he called a cab for it to arrive and it when it did I went inside.

I hadn't realized my phone was shut off until I pressed the home button and it didn't turn on.

Upon turning it on my eyes flew open when I saw the amount of missed calls and text I received from Harry.

I decided to respond to the messages once I saw what he was saying.

It was rubbish, my head was spinning and I just needed to stop thinking about it.

Sleep, that's what I needed.

When I woke up it was to someone shaking me, which scared me seeing as I was by myself before I fell asleep.

"Chrissy, baby wake up." Immediately my eyes flew open at Harry's voice and I tried to get up but he softly pushed me down.

"No, Harry go away." I figure isolating myself would be the best thing to do, but just from him.

"Chrissy, just listen. I told you, you would get hurt, but you're doing something to me. Fuck, you make me care about wether or not I'm hurting you." I didn't want to believe him, people had said he was good at manipulating people and I couldn't do this. This past month has been hell knowing him.

"Harry, I-I, how do I know you're not just saying this? How do I know if you mean it." Distress was dawning on me with my heart rapidly beating when he softly caressed my cheek. His eyes stared deeply into mine and I could feel myself melting when he moved a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Harry please." My eyes began to water slightly my chest weighing down like an anchor was tied to my heart, my stomach was in knots.

"What Chrissy, tell me."
Suddenly my head snapped up to him with a single tear gliding down my cheek.

"Don't make me feel like this, don't make this oblivion turn into a high and then let me come down from it alone. Just promise you won't pull me under the dark because it's scary down there." His forehead now pressed against mine, our breathing conjoining.

"I promise."

But one thing I should've known, Harry Styles doesn't keep his promises, for anyone.


Harry had left for work for real this time, at least I hoped, and I was once again left alone.

However this time my thoughts consumed me, the change, the reason we moved here.
Everything in general. But one thing that stuck out in my mind was the constant questions my conscious felt the need to keep repeatedly asking.

What are Harry and I?
Where do we stand?
Were we just friends?

I didn't dare even think about asking him, whatever it is we had I would need to find out a way to accept it, it was like he was toxic. I wanted to break away but I couldn't.

My mind's a mess these day and if Mother were to find out my thoughts and desires that weren't church or college I'd be dead.

It was late when Harry came back but I was already in bed with a book in hand so I hadn't noticed the curly haired boy entering my room.

I just felt a pair of familiar arms engulfing me and their body pressing against mine, I knew it was Harry but how does he keep getting inside? I had made sure to lock everything but I didn't dwell on asking him.

My focus stayed on my book but I'm guessing Harry didn't like that seeing as he growled lowly prying the book from my hands and hovering over me.

"I don't like being ignored Chrissy."

A/n: Shoutout to Nialler147 for motivating my lazy self to update sooner then planned !!

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