Chapter 9

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Christina's POV

Harry was walking with an intense fast pace and I barley was able to catch up to him, and when I did my breathing was off and I was panting.

When I saw him about to start walking again I quickly protested, "Harry! Stop!" Spinning on his heel I could see his dark and rage filled eyes staring into my soft brown ones.

"What was that back there Christina?! Why the fuck did you stop me?!" He was fuming and it caused me to flinch. Timidly I walked closer to him, my hands slightly shaking. His back was pressed against the wall and I could tell we were most likely in the back of the school.

His nostrils flared and he tensed when I laid my hands onto his chest, an attempt to calm him down.

"He's your best mate, you would've killed him!" My reply came shortly causing Harry to give me a delirious look.

"You really are too innocent for your own good. I don't give a fuck if he died-"

"Harry what did he say?" I could tell it wasn't something he'd done because they seemed fine and his mouth had moved before Harry hit him, clearly what he said riled Harry up.

Harry's chest rose and fell as if trying to calm himself, he was breathing deeply and I could see something flash through his eyes before he pushed me off and began to walk to his car, me being the idiot I am I followed him again.

Silently I got into the car with him, I was glad he didn't say anything and just drove out of the school, the thought hadn't crossed my mind that technically we were skipping school until we were halfway the way to his house. Harry seemed to read my thought and smirked to himself.

The silence was soon broken as he put his hand that wasn't on the wheel on my thigh and chuckled.

"Stop being so nervous." I hadn't realized my leg was bouncing up and down until he put his hand on my thigh and I ceased my movements with my face reddening in embarrassment.

Once we got to his house I immediately made Harry go into the bathroom and take out the first aid kit, it's weird because last time it was me being taken care of but now it's him. I still wanted to know what Zayn had said but I decided to just let it go for now.

When I cleaned the cut on his eyebrows and knuckles he didn't flinch as if he had gotten far too use to the sting of it.

I wouldn't be surprised if I was being honest.

Once I had finished and the first aid kit was placed under the sink I could feel Harry's gaze on me but I refused to talk him, not until he told me what Zayn said.

I heard him sigh and a second later his hand was placed onto my shoulder and he was spinning me around to face him, my breathe involuntarily hitched and I walked backwards until my back hit the wall and he was pressed against me.

His eyes closed and his free hand that wasn't on me clenched into a fist.

"He said he would take you home...." I waited for him finish knowing that saying that wasn't enough to make someone mad.

"And show you a good fucking time." Harry took deep breathes as if wanting to calm himself down, Zayn said that?

Why did it rile Harry up?

My mouth parted open to say something but no sound was coming out.

Seconds later and a dark chuckle left Harry's mouth and he dipped his head near my ear so that when he spoke his lips were brushing ever so lightly against my ear.

"I don't share." A shiver ran down my spine and Harry's hand left my shoulder and he walked out of the bathroom leaving me gaping at nothing.


Harry had left his house and I was forced to walk to school and get my car back then head back to my house.

Mother was infuriated when I reached home, her blonde neatly pinned up high with her red lipstick perfectly applied and her manicured fingernail flashed in my face as she accusingly pointed a finger at me.

"You skipped school?!" One of her neck veins were popping out and her face was beginning to redden from anger, as if she had supplementarily held everything in for the second I reached home.

My head hung low and I could literally hear her seething.

"Look at me this instant Christina!" It didn't take me a mere second before my head whipped up my brown eyes staring into hers. They were angry, mother wasn't happy.

My father had suddenly appeared his face hard and disappointment clear in his features. But it was weird because my blood was filled with adrenaline and my heart was beating in my chest, I was afraid they could hear it. It made me feel amazing. The new feeling was like a shock in my body as I swiftly spoke.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I knew it was a lie so long as I was associated with Harry there was no telling what I would be doing. Mother was about to go off again my father rested a gentle hand on her shoulder and I was free to go to my room.

Mother made it clear that if I was to ever do something like this again I would be in more trouble then I had measly just been in.

I searched my bag for my phone and my face went pale when I realized that I had left it at Harry's house. I internally battled with myself on wether or not I should go and get it, Harry hadn't even told me he just...left. So I decided it was okay for me to as well, but the real question was if mother would allow me to go and fetch it. Sighing I grabbed my car keys and after checking with mother she reluctantly agreed.

In and out, it would be easy.

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