Chapter 20

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I didn't know who you were, but you scared the hell out of me. - Me

Christina's POV

"Of course not." I mumbled shyly looking away from him as his hands pinned my arms above me and he hovered over me, it was indescribable.

His head dipped near my neck, with his breathe fanning over the slightly fading love bite I had received from him.

I hated how he made me weak.

I hated it all, just a few hours what I had witnessed still nudged its way into my head, I shook my head and gently pushed him off of me.

"Please leave." I watched as Harrys eyebrows slowly furrowed, "Chris-"

"Please." I begged staring deeply into his green eyes that held confusion. How naive could he make me? He could act like this, this whole time and still be playing with me.

Harry complied shuffling out of my room until I could hear him slam the door downstairs. I brought my knees closer to me hugging my arms around them.

I was lost and all I wanted do was cry for help but who would help me? There wasn't really anyone who could help me.

So I stayed there staring blankly at the wall.

It wasn't until my stomach kept growling at me for food did I hesitantly make my way out of my room.

My legs were aching from being in one position for what seemed like forever and I winced when my foot came to contact with the wooded floors.

Waiting for the blood to rush back to feet I reached over and grabbed my phone.

Making sure Brianna hadn't tried to contact me I reached over to my school bag and pulled out the textbooks I was given. Just because Harry has been taking most of my time doesn't me I'm slumping back on studying, if my grades dropped then mother would be on my case about why.

It wasn't until halfway through my studying did my phone buzz, lazily I reached over to where I tossed it but furrowed my eyebrows in confusion when I saw a message notification from an unknown number.

From Unknown: You looked stunning today my love, if only that boy toy of yours wasn't with you.

My heart was thumbing in my chest it had to be Harry, right?

To unknown: Who is this?!
To unknown: Harry this isn't funny!
Two unknown: I'm studying.

I awaited a reply and my eyes bulged wide open when I read over it, I don't even think Harry would go through this much trouble to do this.

From Unknown: Sorry babe but it isn't Harry.

From Unknown: I wonder what you'd do for me, do you know how much you torture me? You and your pretty self.

My hands were full on shaking and it surprised me my phone hasn't slipped out of my hands by now because of my very loose grip and clammy hands.

To unknown: Leave me alone.

From unknown:
I'm afraid I can't do that.
But for now, I'll just admire you from afar - A

A deep shudder was felt throughout my body and I scrambled to close my window and curtains.

A voice in the back of my head was repeatedly telling me to call Harry immediately and spill to him but I couldn't find myself doing so, I sought comfort but I didn't, couldn't, nor wouldn't, tell Harry.

Of course not knowing the consequences it would cost the both of us.


"He's intoxicating, it's like the when he's around you, you can feel the burn of his cigarette being pressed against your wrist, where the deepest cuts were once made. In a sick and twisted way You are mortality and he is immortality. Your very unique but different paths clashed once, it was utter perfection, but then the darkness started to seep in, draining all of the lights presence. You mustn't let his demons define him, don't let them consume him. Show him the light needs to keep its presence, but before you may do that there is one thing you must do my young child."

The voice sounded drained to me as if they had been screaming for years upon year but no one had heard them.

I didn't know what was happening, it was dark but I could feel eyes on me. I fought back a whimper and stealthily allowed myself to croak out the question.

"What must I do?"
My voice was weak and frail, my head fuzzy from what ever was happening. It suddenly clicked to me with the questions flooding in as I awaited their response.

Who was this voice?
Who were they talking about? What did any of it have to do with me?

"You must believe the presence of light is truly there with you."

My forehead held a thin layer of sweat when I sat up and hastily reached over to my bedside lap switching it on I let out a deep breathe.

What was that all about? My heart was pounding inside my chest which I swore I could hear in thumping in my ears.

I wanted to cry, my throat was dry and I didn't know what I was going but I ended up calling Harry.

A/n: I know it's short I'm sorry :(

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