Chapter 28

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Fear is a choice,
But fear has a choice.
And it chose me.
- Me

Unknown/Mystery POV

I watched Christina from the corner as she ran away from Harry. It was humous to me, he couldn't keep a girl for a week. I knew she was probably just a challenge for Harry, or so I hope.

My love had tears threatening to fall, which angered me to the slightest.

So I pulled out my phone shooting a text to her,

     To Sexy: Don't cry my love, you'd be so much happier with me, happy and carefree. - A

I grinned silently to myself satisfied, watching Harry come out of wherever they were, pushing a hand through his hair he got onto his motorcycle, part of me wished he would get in a bad crash with it, the thought was highly tempting but I let it slide.

I needed him alive for my plan to go through well.

               Christina's POV
As I stepped into the shower I bit my lip. I had gotten another text and it had left me highly worried. Was he or she watching me? I knew it had to be when I was with Harry, it creeped me out on high levels and I wanted to scream.

This could either be something meaningless or something I should be extremely worried about.

"Pull yourself together" I muttered changing into my night clothes and crawling into the bed.

Sleep, that's all I needed.

But before I could close my eyes my phone rung with Harry's name flashing across it.

   "What Harry?" I answered not caring if it came out rude, if he wanted to call someone he could just call that girl he was with at the party.

"Chrissy, fuck please just listen to me okay?" Reluctantly I muttered an okay back into the phone.

"Meet me at the park."

I sighed to myself. But I decided if I went I would be able to just get Harry out of my head, at the moment it made sense but I didn't know Harry would do what he did.

     As I got changed I could feel eyes on me, causing me to quickly turn around.

But to no avail no one was there.

Or so it seemed.


When I got to the park it was lightly raining. I didn't mind it but if lightning or thunder made an appearance I'm running away.

Once I saw Harry sitting at a bench I walked over to him.
I knew he probably was enjoying the weather but I wanted to make this quick.

"Chrissy." He breathed out standing up to which I gave him a small smile.

"I'm here, now what happened?" Harry quirked an eyebrow at me causing me to blush, because honestly saying that was completely out of my character.

"Listen Chrissy, I'm so fucking sorry that I hurt you. Normally I wouldn't care, but you're not like other girls. Fuck, you make me want to protect you and keep you from the destruction of the world. I don't want to loose you, please just-"

"Harry, what makes me different?" I asked quietly looking down at my shoes.

Harry placed his finger under my chin and slowly lifted it so that I was now staring into his eyes. Slowly he tucked a piece o hair behind my ear, now stepping forward to fill in the space between us.

His lips met mine but this was different, it was gentle and needy, but not needy at the same time.

"So you made me come here to tell me that." I whispered after pulling away, however confusion took over me as Harry shook his head.

"Chrissy, I don't do relationships, I don't believe in love but you make me want to try. I've only known you for a few months. I'm not romantic so I have no idea how to ask this so I'll just do it bluntly. Will you be my girlfriend?"

My eyes widened, this most definitely wasn't something I was expecting, but I found myself nodding.

The rest of the time at the park was spent with us laying in the rain not caring about how soaked we were getting.

I didn't know how much my life would change from this point on.


"Needle in the thread, gotta get you out of my head, needle in the thread gonna wind up dead." A voice whispered in my ear but it was dark and the voice was so unfamiliar but familiar at the same time.

"Christina." The voice whispered, it was a girl and the voice had a slight panic to it. I was confused.


The voice scared me so I began to sprint, but then I realized I wasn't moving at all. A shriek left my mouth with tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

I couldn't find my voice. I was trapped.

"Run and don't ever look back, he's dangerous. He's the game changer and you just entered his game as the target. He's throwing darts but you don't notice. Pitiful, such a shame. Love has blinded you and there's no going back.

A/n: if you want to be added to a Liam group dm tell my your Twitter

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