Chapter 22

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The lights are so blinding in me, but when he's around me I can't seem to see. - Me

Christina's POV

I woke up in the morning with Harry's arms around me and my bare chest pressed against him. My first reaction was to look at the time with wide eyes proceeding to shove Harry away from me, waking him up in the process.

"Chrissy, what the fuck?"

"Harry! Someone could walk in and see us."

"I locked the door." He mumbled his morning voice deep and raspy.

"We have school." I argued, but to no avail Harry simply pulled me back against him. His breathe fanned against my neck with his eye closed, but I knew someone would come banging on the door to tell me to get up if I wasn't downstairs in less than twenty minutes.

"Harry really..." With a groan Harry flipped me over so I was straddling his torso. I blushed because the only thing I had on was my black panties.

"Hmmm, stunning." Harry's eyes raked up my body with his hands on my waist once again.

"Meet me across the block." He mumbled letting me go, I watched as he tossed on his clothes, from when he had taken them off after I had fallen asleep.

"Don't you have to go home and change?" Harry nodded pecking my lips before leaving via the window.

It felt weird, this whole atmosphere.

After I had changed along with doing my daily routines I made my way downstairs where everyone was sat eating breakfast.

"Good Morning." Mother nodded towards the table signaling for me to sit down and eat, but I knew Harry was fast and I had taken way too long in the shower.

"Um, me and Bri are going to grab something on the way to school, if that's okay." I spoke slowly knowing that mother disagreed with fast food, but it wasn't her stomach.

"We're taking her car by the way." I made a mental note to tell her to say that I had drove with her knowing mother would ask her.

"Suit yourself." Mother said swiftly glancing and my dad who didn't say anything.

"Thanks. Bye." Not wasting another minute in there I fled the house, they were hiding something.

Cory was silent and I knew he was an extreme morning person and would always greet me.

Once I spotted Harry's Range Rover I smiled shaking off the awkward encounter.

"Can we get food on the way?" Harry chuckled nodding his head and I poked his dimples.

For the most part the ride was silent with the only source of sound being the radio playing softly.

I watched Harry drive, his eyes focused on the road and a frown on his lips.

"See something you like?" A playful smirk pulled onto his lips causing me to smile back.

And in that stupid moment I realized something, something that would soon tear me apart.

I'm falling for Harry Styles.

Harry had stopped at McDonalds and we ate on the way there. I let my thoughts leave me alone for a while just enjoying whatever this was.

"Stay with me today." I quirked an eyebrow at him, we had an identical schedule today but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't go to all of his classes so I took this as my opportunity.

"If you go to all of your classes then sure." It was Harry's turn to quirk an eyebrow at me but instead of saying anything he chuckled.

"Whatever you want princess." My cheeks reddened and I reached over to punch Harry's arm, we were parked in the parking lot waiting for classes to begin and I had texted Brianna to cover for me if mother asked her if she drove me today.

"So that's a yes?" He asked humorously, to which I nodded drinking the rest of my orange juice.

"Let's go." Brianna glanced at me when we passed her and she mouthed to me that we'll talk about it later. Harry put an arm around me pulling me closer and whispering to me to ignore the people staring at us.

Every so often he would glare at someone staring at us and they'd quickly look away, it awe'd me. It was like he was powerful.

Everyone held fear in their eyes when they looked at him, even the girls who flirted with him.

When we approached the others Zayn was the only one I knew so I smiled at him.

"Hey Christina." Louis was the first one to greet me wiggling his eyebrows admitting a giggle from me.

"Hi Louis." After I greeted everyone else I could immediately tell they were a major contrast to Harry.

They were more goofy, but I liked Harry more.

I saw the girl who Harry was kissing approach us and when she spotted me she rolled her eyes.

I thought Harry would remove his arm from around me but he didn't instead he tightened it around me as if to reassure me.

Zayn leaned down to whisper in my ear, "she's a slut, none of us like her." I almost laughed but before anyone could talk Louis laughed.

"Ayo, the skank has arrived." His eyes crinkled at the end when he smiled but she went red in the face and Louis scoffed.

"What, you know it's true..." Zayn was the second to burst out laughing Niall being the first one.

Instead of saying anything she turned to Harry and smiled, which faltered when Harry turned to me and kissed me deeply. I was surprised at first, was he trying to make her jealous?

"You'll never be her. Get lost Abby." Her eyes were wide in shock, as were mines and everyone around us, minus Louis.

Harry dragged me away from the scene leaving me still flustered until we got far away from everyone.

"What was that?" I asked still shocked.

"She gets on my nerves." I giggled but it didn't make sense

"That's why I kissed her, she kept fucking bugging me." Now it made sense. Oops.

"Come on, you said you'd go to every class."

Beat Down ➵ au h.sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora