Chapter 32

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"I sold my soul to a three piece, and he told me I was holy, he's got me down on both knees, but it's the devil that's trying to hold me down." - Halsey// Hold me down

Christiana's POV

Two days had passed since Cory had passed away, I was distraught for most of the time but I never went home. I stayed in with Harry, I was given a week off school and Harry simply didn't care about going. The words he whispered o me constantly rung through my head in which sent a fluttery feeling to travel within me.

"It beats for you."

I didn't know Harry was one to say something like he did, but he did. I was staring blankly at my reflection in the car mirror, we were on our way to Cory's funeral, I had deciphered hard on wether I wanted to go or not, I didn't need mother to cause a scene when she saw Harry.

I couldn't bring myself to not go, I knew I would be consumed with guilt if I didn't. But I knew going would make me even more upset than I already was, Harry seemed to be willing to do whatever I wanted.

When we got to the burial grounds I griped Harry's hands, not fazed by it Harry squeezed my hand for reassurance, tears were already welling up my eyes in my eyes as I let out a shaky breathe, I saw my father and mother approaching us, I could tell my father didn't want mother here either. Harry protectively wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.

Just as mother was about to open her mouth I beat her to it, "just stop, you don't even deserve to be here." My father stopped her from talking back by glaring at her, I'm glad he's finally realizing she was in the wrong.

"Christina, I just wanted to warn you, she's here." I could feel my walls falling in on me, wouldn't this trigger something in her? Seeing Cory put under the ground.

Harry stared at me questionably but I couldn't, I simply tried to hide myself in his side, he must of noticed because he kissed the top of my head tightening his arms around me.

"Who is he talking about?" Scanning the crowd the crowds my heart dropped at the sight of her, I pointed in her direction to Harry then quickly dropped my hand, I just shook my head muttering that I'd tell him later.

We went to our seats in the front, I could feel mothers and her stare on me but I only let my eyes stay strained on the casket that was being lowered into the ground, I could head sobs all around me from my family, I saw Brianna clutching Lucas to her so he couldn't try to run up to the casket, it hurt me to see so much pain in one place.

Once the grave was finalized I saw Andre walk up to us, I shook my hand out of Harry's before Andre engulfed me in a hug. I buried my face into his neck, "Christina, I'm so sorry for your lost." He whispered to me causing me to cry harder and let him go, I didn't want anyone to say anything like that to me, I felt Harry encircling his arms around me, it oddly soothed me as he rubbed circles into my arm with his thumb.

He was tense and I knew it was because of the hug Andre had just given me, "mate she's upset I think you should go." This wasn't the time or place so I lead Harry to where Brianna and Cory were.

I smiled sadly at Lucas crouching to give him a hug, "he's in a better place, just know he loved you and he still does. He doesn't want you sad." Brianna told me that she could call me anytime I wanted and that she would even make Zayn leave if he was ever over and I wanted to come over.

I smiled at her thanking her silently. Harry had calmed down a bit so I didn't say anything about it, I'm glad he was able to control it.

"Can we go back to yours?" I asked noticing she was approaching us, it wasn't like I didn't want to talk to her, but I knew if I looked into her eyes I would get more upset than I am now.

"Christina, wait." I squeezed my eyes shut at the familiar voice.

"I've missed you." She whispered touching my cheek, I felt Harry's gaze on me but I couldn't look away from the women in front of me.

"I've missed you to." I managed to choke out.

"How are you holding up?" I asked wiping some of my tears away, which was hopeless because

It only resulted in more coming out, "oh my beautiful girl don't cry. Please don't cry."

I knew she wasn't okay, she couldn't be by the dullness in her eyes that had once shine so brightly, I saw mother approaching us but my father pulled her back shaking his head, Harry didn't say anything only keeping a secure arm around me.

My dad looked like he was having an internal battle with himself, I noticed that she had now glanced at Harry smiling ever so lightly at him.

"Who's this?" She asked, I loved that she didn't care about his tattoos or anything.

"This is Harry, my boyfriend." She smiled holding out her hand to him, I knew she would always hug people she met that were associated with me but it was as if she knew Harry wouldn't like being hugged.

"I'm Veronica." Harry nodded as I looked over her, it worried me to take in her appearance because it had changed so drastically.

"Take care of her for me." She whispered, she smiled at the both of us and my heart clenched, the wind around us seemed to wrap around our bodies causing me to shiver.

"I should be going now. I love you Christina." She whispered.

"I love you too mom." I whispered back.

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