Chapter 34

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a/n: man, I cried so much writing this.

Drown in your sadness
Or drown your happiness.
- Me

Christina's POV

My heart was beating as Harry sped to Brianna's house, why was this week going so horribly wrong? I knew Cory's death was heavily impacting Lucas but I wouldn't let Brianna loose her brother, the feeling wasn't a good one. I knew I wouldn't be much help in this situation because I wouldn't know what to do.

My dad would always make me go to my room when my mom was like this. I was surprised, but grateful, that we weren't pulled over with how fast Harry was driving. My dad was trying to help along with Zayn, Brianna, and her parents to coax Lucas out of the bathroom but he wouldn't budge, the door had been bolted on from an incident that had happened with a dog Brianna used take care of for her grandparents, so no one could break it down.

When we got there Harry seemed to be more frantic than anyone, I wanted to know why but it wasn't the time to question anything. Zayn was holding Brianna close to him as my dad tried to get him out of the bathroom.

But I could see Harry ready to shove my dad away from the door so I put a hand on my dads shoulder.

Harry surged forward jiggling the door nob, "Lucas, listen to me." We could hear sniffling coming from the other end, no one dared to talk over Harry, "I need you to drop the pills and blade right now, and I need you to scoot back."

"No! No one knows how much pain it was to loose him!" I looked over to Brianna and the others reactions which were the same, "he hasn't spoken to us yet." Brianna whispered to me gripping Zayn's hand tighter.

"I know it seems like that but his sister, his dad, his mom, they're all going through the same pain as you are. He wouldn't want you to do this would he?"

A loud sob was heard along with water running, metal clanged against the ground from inside the bathroom and Harry muttered curses under his breathe.

He firmly kept his hand on the door, backing up as much as could and motioned for us to back up as well.

Harry rammed his body against the door, shoulder first. Pieces of the door cracked but didn't open, so the second time Harry used his foot.

Which did work.

He ran inside shouting for us to call an ambulance. Brianna hurriedly did so, Harry walked out holding a wet Lucas in his arms. Lucas had thick cuts along his arms.

It didn't take long for paramedics to come bursting in and taking Lucas into the ambulance.


"Time of death, 10:54 pm."

I saw Brianna turn in Zayn's arm and sob, my own tears blurred my vision. Why was this week going like this?

Lucas' mom was trying to run past the doctors but my dad was holding her back.

Brianna broke away from Zayn running out of the waiting room. I told Harry to stay here before falling after her, I wouldn't let her go through this alone, we both lost our brothers and it's not a great feeling. 

Loosing someone in general is like a sinking feeling in your chest, right where your heart is. It's a dull throb that never goes away. The thoughts will always haunt you.

I saw her sitting on a bench outside sobbing into her hands.

I sat down next to her letting my hand fall onto her back.

"Does it hurt this much?" She asked, brokenness was laced in her words causing me to wipe away one of her tears, I knew she was referring to Cory.

"Yeah, still does." I whispered sadly. Of course it still did, I had just lost him a few days ago.

"Will it stop?" She rested her head on my shoulder with a sniffle.

"I don't know, but I'm here for you."

"You're a really good friend Christina, thank you so much." I smiled sadly at her.

I couldn't respond because both Harry and Zayn came rushing outside.

"Don't shut it him out." I whispered referring to Zayn, "don't shut anyone out." She nodded hugging me before going back to Zayn.

Harry came over to me with a frown etched onto his lips, "your dad wants you to go home with him." He spoke slowly causing me to nod.

"I probably should go home, I don't want my dad to go through this alone." Harry nodded cupping my cheeks and connecting our lips.

"I'll call you." I muttered quietly when he pulled away. He nodded watching me walk to my dad before he got into his car and drove away.

I didn't talk to my dad for most of the ride only when I realized why he asked me to come home, "mother made you tell me to come home didn't she?" I asked bitterly, when he didn't answer I scoffed.

Of course.

"No." He muttered to me when we got to the house, I looked at him in the corner of my eyes but remained silent.

"She's not the reason I asked you to come home." I stared at my dad dumbfounded, "I need to tell you something." I nodded signaling for him to continue, neither of us had made a move to leave the car so I guess we were going to have this conversation in the car.

"I'm getting a divorce with Martha. I want to be with your mom when she gets better." I smiled at the fact that dad had said 'when' instead of 'if', but it was quickly replaced with a frown. Was he doing this because of the way she had treated me? As if hearing my thoughts my dad turned to me, "and this has nothing to do with you or the boy. I never loved her, she was just someone who was there when the stress came." I nodded reaching toward to hug my dad.

"And you'll have to be going to that school for a few more days until you can go back to your previous one, but otherwise you'll never see it again."

After we had gotten out of the car my phone buzzed in my pocket. I expected it to be from the unknown number, he or she seemed to always show up after an important moment. But it wasn't.

From H: I wanna take you out tomorrow.

A/n: I was going to let Lucas live but this happened instead.

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