Chapter 10

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A/n; This ones pretty long :) x And thank you so much for 200+ reads.

Christina's POV

I pushed my annoyingly long hair out of my face waiting for someone to answer the door in which I had knocked on a second ago. I had thought about Harry not getting home yet but his car told me differently.

Just as I was about to knock again the door swung open and an annoyed looking girl with a blanket wrapped around her petite frame swung the door open. My eyes blew open and it didn't take me long to realize what was happening when Harry appeared behind her clad in nothing but dangerously short boxers.

I let my mind go blank and I coughed, the girl was glaring at me and I wanted to snap at her but it wasn't in my nature to do so.

"Er, I-I left my phone...." Harry slowly nodded stepping aside with the unknown girl following his actions, I could feel tears springing in my eyes and I could hear my self conscious laughing at me. I was being stupid, he was and always would be a player. I was no exception.

Hurrying to grab my phone as I walked out of the kitchen where it was left I pressed the home button and I saw that I had a missed call from an unknown number.

Curiosity got the best of me and I called the number, by time I got to the door where the still glaring girl and Harry stood the person picked up.

Harry was beginning to give me an annoyed look too and I realized I hadn't stepped out so they could continue their previous.....activities.

"Hello?" I was out of the door and just as Harry was about to close the door I took in the familiar voice.

"Zayn? How did you get my number?"

"Not important, I need you to come over." His voice was low and I was pretty sure Harry and the girl had gone back to doing it.

I shrugged to myself momentarily forgetting Zayn couldn't see me. Muttering that I would be there soon I hung up the phone but not before telling him to take mother somewhere with him mom so I could go.

I feel weird twisting things around, but yet it gave me a sense of freedom. When I did arrive at the Malik's residence Zayn opened the door his eyes bloodshot and hair disheveled in different directions, yet still managed to fit him. He was shirtless only wearing sweatpants and he had a scrape along his cheek with a black eye. I winced at him and quietly asked him if he was okay.

I didn't bother on bringing up what he had said to Harry just yet, maybe that's why he called me here? So he could tell me what exactly was going on.

We were currently sat in the living room. Running a hand over his face in distress he gave me a pointed look.

"What's bothering you?"

"I could ask the same." My eyes widened when he laughed and slowly my head rose to give him a smile.

"So what did you want...?" If I was being honest I was tired and wanted to go home and cry into a pillow.

"It's about Brianna." His voice cracked and he barley even said anything, why was he acting like this?

"I'm worried about her."

I didn't give him any more time to say anything before butting in, "why?"

"I can't tell- you know what? Fuck it. She's probably going to hate me for telling you. Just let me finish not interruptions. We've kinda got something going on," Zayn immediately looked up from where his eyes were planted on the ground when I started spluttering. Concern flashed in his eyes and I told him to continue, because really I haven't even been here a month and I'm already majorly confused on everything.

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