Chapter 33

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Fight this war, and escape with battle wounds, or ignore it and face the gruesome consequences. - Me

Christina's POV

Harry let me think to myself during the car ride, it wasn't the simplicity of being confused but I knew he knew I needed to think about things. I needed to tell Harry about everything, it wasn't fair to drag him into my family problems and have him comfort me if he didn't know what he was doing it for.

When we got to his house I sat him down in the living room, he rested his hand on my thigh causing me to let out a shaky breathe, was I ready to even talk about this? It had taken me so much time to just get over this and here I was reopening past wounds and throwing salt into them. 

"Chrissy, you don't have to tell me anything." He was looking deep into my eyes as his tongue darted out to swipe over his lips.

"M-Mother, she isn't my biological mom. The women you met today is. My dad and my mom had gotten a divorce when an event accrued that greatly impacted my mom's life, that's why I don't call mother mom, because she isn't mine," pausing I took a deep breathe casting my eyes downwards, "she had depression, Cory was the one who found her when s-she tried to kill her self. It took a large toll on me. She didn't stop and my dad didn't have a choice, he sent her to a rehab but it's not a good one. The good ones that could give her great help cost far too much, and-" my body shook as I sobbed.

Harry pulled me into his arms.
He wasn't saying anything but I was thankful, I didn't want someone telling me things would me good because those people at the rehab weren't trying to help, they just wanted money. My dad wanted to heal his pain and mother was the only way. The divorce tore me apart because I felt like everyone was just giving up on my mom. I felt alone like no one could feel what I was going through.

I knew Harry had secrets but I wasn't going to push him to tell them.

My phone lit up and I pulled away from Harry to read the text.

My face paled as my eyes scanned over the words.

From unknown:
Don't cry baby girl, I'll get to make you feel better soon enough. - A

Harry didn't question me as I told him my dad just texted me, I just didn't know how much everything would fall apart.


Harry was in the kitchen making me something to eat, I didn't want to eat but my stomach was telling me otherwise, Harry was acting so much different then when I had first met him and it made me wonder what had changed.

When Harry came back he set the plate on the bedside table before motioning for me to sit on his lap, reaching for the plate Harry balanced it between us before bringing the fork to my mouth, was he actually feeding me? I wasn't complaining because it was cute. I had asked him to share the food with me because I wasn't too hungry.

After finishing the food Harry went downstairs to put the plate in the sink, I began to think about Cory and my mom, I wasn't sure wether or not it was a good idea to allow her to go to the funeral. I knew when she saw my dad and mother she would think he gave up on her. And seeing your own son be taken away from you when you were barely in his life must've been hard for her.

I didn't want her to do anything to harm herself, as selfish as it sounds I just couldn't loose another person in my life.

When Harry returned I looked up to him, pretty sure he could see the pain in my eyes, "Harry?" I asked quietly looking up to fully meet his gaze.

"Yes babe?"

"Make the pain go away." I spoke brokenly, he seemed to know what I talking about so he slowly made his way towards him.

Slowly he pushed me against the bed, intertwining our fingers as he connected our lips. The kiss got heated quickly with Harry nibbling on my bottom lip slightly asking for permission, that I didn't waste a second without granting.

I parted my lips slightly allowing Harry to push his tongue past my lips, his tongue roamed my mouth, at one point battling for dominance with mine, in which he won.

He rutted his hips against mine so that I felt his bulge, simultaneously
we both let out moans, mine shaky and Harry's loud.

"I wanna hear you." He whispered in my ear, not being able use my words I nodded as Harry slid off my shirt followed by pants.

I had taken off my bra earlier due to discomfort but Harry had a different approach to taking off my panties.

Harry took one of the side traps into his mouth, his teeth trapping it as he slid them off of me, his teeth grazed over my thigh, resulting in me shivering in sheer pleasure.

Tensing when he slipped two fingers inside of me Harry looked up locking eyes with mine, I nodded slowly. He whispered to me to relax so I did.

"H, r-right there." I moaned as he pumped his fingers in out of me, the pain was a dull throb when he added another but it was gone as fast as it came.

Biting my lip to hold back my moans, until Harry reached up and connected out lips again, "Don't hold back Chrissy."

After his words he picked up his pace and several moans escaped my mouth.

"F-Fuck Harry." I came undone as Harry smirked at me.

"You swore." Blushing I slapped his chest and shook me head, "shut up."


I woke up to my phone ringing, Brianna's caller ID was the first thing I noticed, "Hello?" My voice was groggy but Brianna's frantic voice over the other line had me sitting up in a flash.

I heard shuffling next to me, indicating that Harry had woken up.

"I-It's Lucas, h-he locked himself in the bathroom and he refuses to talk to me, I-I think he's trying to kill himself."

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