Chapter 56

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"It was my fault cause I could've sworn that you said, it was easy to find another for your bed." - Rixton

I woke up next to Harry the next morning, my bare chest pressed against his as I watched him sleep.

My fingers lightly traced over his tattoos, then his lips. My fingertips ran over every different swirl of his tattoos until he peeked one eye open at me, a giggle left my mouth as he grabbed me and pulled me closer to him.

"I've missed waking up seeing your beautiful face next to me." He spoke, his morning voice groggy as he kissed my neck, in all honesty so did I, I wanted to stay here all day under the sheets. Unfortunately all things must come to end, Harry had told me that I had to eat, I could feel that I needed to eat as well but it wasn't such a good idea when I did.

My body immediately began to reject the food, Harry seemed to think before going back into the kitchen as I rinsed my mouth.

I felt absolutely horrible now, I gripped the sink before looking up and staring at my reflection. My eyes were red and my throat burned, I felt Harry rubbing my back as he led me over to the living room, throwing a duvet over my body Harry brought back a bowl of fruit, I looked up at him then back at the bowl shaking my head.

Sighing Harry sat down on the ground besides me, "you've gotta start off slow with eating Chrissy, you haven't eaten much during the time with Yen so much that your stomach has gotten rapidly use to it, please just eat it, there's only a few pieces anyways." There were a few peaches in the bowl along with sliced pieces of small watermelon, reluctantly I brought the fork up to my mouth and nibbled on a piece of watermelon, it seemed that I was able to stomach it so I kept eating like that.

I was able to eat half of the fruit but that was it, however Harry looked happy so I didn't dwell on it.

"M'tired." I murmured when Harry came back gently lifting me up and carrying back up to his room, "I'll let you rest for a bit, but no longer than an hour."


It had been a week since I was home, I didn't even wanna go back today but Harry had pointedly told me that my dad would want me home, I sighed kissing Harry's cheek before exiting the car telling him to call me when he got out of work.

Walking into the house I stayed in the living room as my dad came to greet me, I didn't want to go up to my room so I stayed downstairs talking to my dad.

It wasn't until we had to eat dinner that I froze, Harry had been managing my meals for most of the time, weighing out the size portion so I wouldn't be forcing my body to eat what I couldn't.

"You can go ahead and eat, I have to make a call." I stepped outside on the patio ringing Harry, it took a few rings before a breathless Harry answered the phone.

"What's wrong?" Was the first thing he said, my heart swelled knowing that he cared enough to be concerned, "nothing, just what do I eat? My dad ordered pizza." I elucidated over the phone biting my lower lip.

"You can eat the pizza but you'll have to cut it in half, symmetrical wise, and eat as much as you can of one side."

"Thanks H." I mumbled stepping back inside, after an exchange of goodbyes I did what Harry instructed to the pizza.

Joining my dad in the living room we ate our pizza in silence. It was when we both finished eating that the conversation was brought up.

"Christina I need to speak with you." Turning my attention to my dad instead of the television I blinked, he had this serious look on his face and it slightly made me nervous as to what he was about to say. The last time he gave me that look he ended up telling me that my mom was going into therapy and that they were getting a divorce.

"Everything alright?" I asked softly.

"We're moving, as in out of California." I wanted to laugh because I thought it was a joke but the look on his face made me not, he couldn't be serious.

"What? No, y-you can't do that." I stood up with tears in my eyes as my dad stood up with me.

"Christina you don't have a say in this. You're still a minor."

"I turn eighteen in a few months!" I cried, why was he doing this?

My dad began to raise his voice as he spoke his next statement, "I'm not going to make you stay in a place that you're terrified of, it doesn't work like that Christina!"

In any cliché moment a sudden spur of anger would've caused me to say I hate you, but no something else came out of my mouth, "But you're making me leave the person I love." I whispered running towards the door, I didn't turn to look at his reaction as I left the house.

I knew Harry was working at the gym late tonight and I didn't want to bother him so I went next door, it was stupid knowing my dad could just come get me anytime but Brianna could always lie and say I wasn't there, her mom was out on a business trip so I assumed she was by herself.

Making my way over to her house I knocked on her door.

When she opened the door she was dressed in an oversized jumper and was wearing a pair of sweatpants her hair in a messy bun, and was weirdly eating a pickle with peanut butter smeared on the top, once she saw the tears sliding down my cheek she opened the door wider.

"What's wrong?" She asked leading me over to the couch where she had her movie on pause.


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