Chapter 5

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to the side is a collage of the rooms/features in Harry's condo, note that dotted line separates the bedroom it separates them because it shows the bathroom and balcony in the bedroom because there are two of them one for just the bedroom and the others for the whole house

Christina's POV

"I know I scare you."

The words replayed through my head as Harry left me in the bathroom. Sure he intimidated me but was I actually afraid of him?

It didn't feel like it, shaking my head I managed to get down from the counter and followed after Harry after putting everything back.

I didn't bother on saying anything, I knew I'd have to call my mom so I grabbed my phone from the table were Harry had set it and asked quietly where I could go make a call.

Harry simply pointed to the main balcony and disappeared down the hall.

The phone rung twice before I could hear a tired yawn, and it was then that I could tell that it was pretty late.

"Christina? Where in hell are you?!" I refrained from sighing into the phone at my mom's words, "I'm sorry the time slipped by and I'm staying over at a friends house."

"Is it a boy?" In any situation no matter what I would never ever lie, it wasn't something I wasn't comfortable with but I could tell she would come get me herself if I was, and an odd part of me didn't want to leave, "No mom, it's someone else. I'm utterly exhausted, may I go now?" A slight hum came from her before she mumbled a yes and hung up.

It was cold out here but my eyes wouldn't peel away from the scenery in front of my eyes, the night sky was dimly illuminated by the stars, it was absolutely breathe taking. I let my gaze stay on the stars despite hearing the door slide open and Harry's gaze on me.

They reminded me of the old times when things were normal and better for us, sure I was content now but everything was suffocating to me these days. I missed the times we would just talk about endless amounts of things and just talk about girly things, if only that night didn't come.

I didn't realize a tear had slid down my cheek until a thumb ran over my cheek and wiped it away.

"Are you okay?" Harry's voice made goosebumps rise on my skin and I measly nodded before turning to him, I didn't know why he was asking me, it was clear it wasn't something that he didn't do, nor actually care about.

"No you're not." He noted letting his hands reach forward and encircle around me, he was drunk, or at least tipsy. I could smell the alcohol on him but I knew it wasn't enough to make him truly tipsy, he had drove fine here and was acting normal, or at least what I assumed was normal for him.

I let my head rest on his chest and took note of the way he tensed but relaxed when I let my arms go around his neck.

I didn't want my mind to be true, it was telling me that he was only doing this to get in my pants. The thought saddened me because it had to be true, I had only known him for a little over a week and we only had one major encounter then it went to simple smirks and winks when we made eye contact.

It was the worst part of not knowing how someone else felt, you never know if you're doing something wrong or right. He wasn't doing anything so I let the thought slide, but I knew that something was wrong he didn't treat girls like this.

It wasn't just what Brianna warned me about but what I had seen for these past days, one period he would be snogging one girl and the next period someone completely different.

I tried to pull away but his grip was too tight, "Harry let me go."

Simply he shook his head and frowned, "Not until you tell me what's wrong."

"It's nothing really- just please don't make me talk about it." Suddenly I was being released as if something snapped inside of him.

"There's clothes in the bathroom so you can change." I would admit that it hurt that things changed in a mere second but I ignored it and nodded silently brushing past Harry.

Once I made it back to the bathroom I saw that there was a plain white shirt and boxers on the counter. Slipping them on, I had to fold the boxers over twice and the shirt reached a little over my thigh, yet I found it intriguingly comfortable.

It smelled like him, which was like mint and cigarettes, normally the smell would be described as disgusting but I wasn't, it made me feel comforted and it actually smelled good.

Guess it was something Harry pulled off.

I don't know if pulling off a scent is a good or bad thing...

Once I got out of the bathroom I shyly walked into the living room, constantly tugging on the shirt. My hair was out into a messy bun and I was clutching the folded dress and bra to my chest seeing as I wasn't wearing a bra anymore and my nipples were quite clear through the material of the shirt, immediately I regret not keeping the bra on.

Harry glanced up from his phone and smirked at me, "Come on." Confusion crook over me and I cocked my head to the side.

"To my room." My face reddened and I shook my head, did he think I was going to sleep in the same bed as him?

My mom would kill me if she even knew I was thinking about it.

"Well I'm not sleeping on the fucking couch." I winced at his words whilst moving my hair so it was now covering my chest a bit more before putting down my clothes onto the edge of the couch.

"It's alright I'll sleep on the couch." Muttering a 'suit yourself' under his breathe Harry left the room only to return back with a few pillows a duvet.

"Cheers." And with that he left me alone in the living room.

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