Chapter 52

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"You don't know about the times where it's just him and me, cause if you did you'd just let it be." - Little Mix

"What the fuck mate?" Liam screamed running over to where Niall was on the floor clutching his bicep.

"I don't know, Niall why don't you explain?" Everyone watched as Niall's jaw clenched before he spoke, "how did you fucking find out?"

"C'mon mate, you've known me practically my whole life, nothing goes by me." Niall shut his eyes as Liam began to take care of his wound, Harry let him. Sure he was pissed at Niall's antics but Niall was still the same Niall he's known.

"Tell them Niall." Harry insisted not leaving his eyes as Niall let out a deep breathe, Harry could see regret flash through his eyes.

"I've been working with Yen the whole time." Liam immediately halted his movements looking up at Niall in disbelief, Harry grunted telling Liam to continue whatever he was doing. 

"B-But I had a reason." Harry raised his eyebrows, watching as Niall's lips darted out to run over his lips.

"He threatened my brother and Theo, you know their the only ones I have left of actual blood related family. It was only up to when we got to the first motel, that's how those men knew where we were-" Zayn let out a growl stepping forward, Brianna could've gotten severely hurt that night, however Brianna tugged at his hand muttering a 'don't' under her breathe only audible for Zayn to hear.

Harry tapped his foot, "standing around here isn't going to solve anything, you're staying with us. But if I sense anything up with you Niall, you're dead in a snap of a finger. Do you understand?" Niall nodded looking down as Liam helped him up, he had managed to get the bullet out and he had equipment in the car to stitch him up, he wasn't hurt too bad however, Harry knew what he was doing when he shot him.


It was a long anxious four days, they only made minor stops, for things such as gas and food, or to let Brianna throw up on the side of the floor as well as to switch drivers.

On the first day things were going smoothly, they had gotten further and further out not stopping until it was extremely needed, all of them were cautious around Niall but by the second day it subsided and only Harry kept a sharp eye on him and Zayn a weary one.

The second day they had planned to stop off at a lake to burn the money that they had gotten from the bank and throw it in a river, it wasn't needed. However Brianna had said they should just give it to a charity or something, not wanting to spend unnecessary time on the matter Harry hastily agreed to it.

The third day they reached the Florida, it had felt like forever, they had doubted it, except for Harry, there was no fucking way they would be able to make it from California to the States in just three days, but it happened. Now all that they needed to do was get from Florida to New York.

It wouldn't be too hard.

However they were proven wrong when it got to the final day, today.

They were in New York, but they had to make it Brooklyn, but Harry noticed a sleek black car trailing behind them, he looked Niall in the eye through the rear view mirror, they had tied his hands together just in case he tried to do anything. Well Harry had, Liam had told him that it was ridiculous.

"Who's following us?"

"His names Avi, whenever someone gets close to the building he makes sure they go right pass it and isn't unwanted company. You'll have to make a u-turn or something, then come round again, he-"

Harry shook his head cutting of Niall, "or I can just do this.." With one hand gripping the steering wheel he grabbed the gun from the compartment where Liam was sat before, because he and Harry were the only ones that had licenses Liam had to drive Brianna and Zayn.

Looking through the rear-view mirror Harry flipped the gun and pointed it out the window. It only took one shot before Harry saw the mans car drift off to the side and his head roll to the side hitting the glass of his closed window.

"You're really good at that." Niall breathed causing Harry to roll his eyes.

"We'd all be dead if I weren't." Was his reply, Niall didn't respond to that only looked out the window where the others were driving beside them.

Not that they would notice, the windows were tinted so that no one could see inside.


"What?" Harry didn't intend to sound so harsh but it just came out that way.

"You'll get her you know?"

Harry hummed but in reality he fears he would be too late, he couldn't loose her.

He wouldn't loose her.

[filler chapter. but more comments guys? I need feedback. i usually don't ask for it but yeah. also, i realized i mixed some things up, instead of putting California I put London as where they were but they were in California and now in New York.]

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