Chapter 25

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Mistakes are mistakes, you can either deny them or fix them. - Me

Christina's POV

I had woke up the next morning with Harry's arms around me and my phone ringing. Squinting my eyes I looked at the screen and sighed when I realized Brianna was calling me.

"Hello?" I mumbled sleepily as I watched Harry peek one eye open before rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

"You need to get to your house now, your mom is having a mother fucking fit and Cory's scared." My eyes widened and I wriggled out of Harry's tight grip frantically looking around my room for my clothes I had came with yesterday.

"Alright I'll be there in like thirty minutes." Harry stared at me questionably but I struggled to tell him what was happening. I was far too worried about my little brother much more than whatever mother was fretting about.

He seemed to know that I needed to leave so silently he tugged on a pair of sweats and a shirt following me downstairs. I didn't get her, why did she act like everything revolves around her?

She knew all too well it didn't, yet she chose to see it that way.

When we did get to my house I kissed Harry promising that I'd call him if I needed to.

"Christina Marilyn Sermin! I told you not to go with that hooligan yet you did, now you will sit down and listen to me and your father." I cringed at her voice, she had to exaggerate every little thing didn't she?

Once I was sat on the couch opposite of them I watched as a wicked grin spread across mothers face.

"You will not be seen with that boy ever again. You are grounded, your phone and laptop will be taken away and you are changing schools." At the mention of changing schools my eyes widened, why was she taking it this far? She was acting as if Harry was the devil in disguise.

"What?! You can't do that! You don't have the right!" Then my father decided to step in.

"You will do as your mother says, tomorrow you will collet your things and start at an all girls school." Tears pricked my eyes and without thinking the words slipped out of my mouth, "I hate you."

Rushing up the stairs I slammed my door locking it. I know they had already taken away my laptop and no doubt they would come and take my phone so I carefully slid it under the door so they wouldn't have to come inside.

But in the moment I didn't think to blame Harry, I blamed myself not knowing that's how it would be the rest of my life.


My body was tense as I took out all of my stuff from my locker with Brianna's help with her complaining about mother.

"She's a bitch and I want to rip her head off." She huffed reaching over to engulf me in a hug, the next person being Zayn. I hadn't gotten a chance to tell Harry anything seeing as I didn't have anyway of contacting him so when he walked over with Liam, Louis, and Niall, to say he was confused was an understatement.

Asking Brianna to finish for me I tugged Harry in the direction of the exit of the school.

Once outside I didn't say anything simply wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him. I sniffles pulling back to wipe away the tears that were sliding down my cheeks effortlessly.

"Chrissy tell me what happened." Harry's voice was stern but I smiled sadly.

"She's making me switch to an all girls school. I'm grounded and they don't want me to talk to you anymore." A growl came from Harry and in a matter of seconds I was being pinned against the wall.

"Like hell they'll keep you away from me. They can have you change schools but they can't keep me away from you." His words sent chills throughout me.

But it was sad because I was falling for him and I was changing, I would have never even tried to go against mother, I would have never thought about yelling at her. I would never let someone touch or kiss me like I let Harry.

"Harry..." Instead of responding he pressed his lips against my neck.

"They can't keep you from me Chrissy." Unpinning me from the wall he now pressing his lips against mine. The kiss was rough but it was a good rough.

"They're waiting for me outside." I whispered and Harry wiped away another tear that managed to escape my eye.

"I'll see you soon." Was all he replied a smirk on his lip.

I didn't want to know what the smirk was for so I pecked his lips before going inside and saying goodbyes to everyone.

Once I was in the car I didn't dare say a word to my dad or mother.

I would be starting the school today but had to change into the uniform that was required to be worn at the school.

Unfortunately Mother would be driving me alone seeing as they took away my car for a few days.

Mother made sure that I had gotten to my classes the minute we arrived, the building was dark and scary, like something out of a cliché horror film.

Without telling her goodbye I got into the class where only a few heads turned their attention to me before quickly turning back to the board when the teacher snapped a ruler against the board. 

"I take it you are Ms.Sermin." Pausing and not waiting for a reply she began to talk once again.

"I am Mrs.Evans, whenever you are late you must knock on the door and await to be allowed in. But I do advise you never be late."

"Yes M'am." I knew at the school you had to have manners or you'd have severe consequences.

The rest of the day dragged on, most of the classes being the same. Strict and boring teachers.

I didn't talk to any one but at the end of the day when I waited for mother to pick me up she handed me my phone with a frown.

"Your father says that you need it in case anything happens, but I will be monitoring you with it." Turning the phone I felt my heart drop at a text on the screen.

From unknown: What a shame I don't get to see you as often in school. What a naughty girl, getting in trouble with your parents. That could get you punished - A

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