1. Darkness Consumes Me

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It is a normal evening as any other

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It is a normal evening as any other. Today I turn eighteen and Mom has made an extravagant dinner for the entire family to enjoy. I am the baby out of four children. My three older brothers are overly protective, Mom says she kept hoping for a girl and then I was born.

There is but one secret my family holds and that is we know that supernatural creatures roam this earth. It can be hard to tell them apart from normal humans but I have been taught through my life so I can stay away from them at all cost.

Most of the things I am unsure about when it comes to other beings because mainly I never asked. Once as a young child I did and that was the wrong thing to do because I got shown all types of pictures and learned how to tellthem apart, which at the time gave me nightmares. Granted I was maybe five at that time. So, since then I just went to school and finished earlier before getting a job at the local dinner leaving any questions about creatures alone.

Dating has been almost impossible because of my three older brothers. Mom and Dad never help me out and just thank my brothers for helping to watch over me. Needless to say, they have no clue I am no longer a virgin having lost it to a party I snuck out to a little over a year ago with the boyfriend I hid, but they caught on and that said boyfriend took off for the hills after one visit to my family.

Pansy, told me that my family is crazy just because he walked into the den where there are pictures of supernatural creatures instead of the bathroom he was to use.

I never even go into that den since I was five but since I'm an adult I know it will come up soon again for me to officially learn about the creatures that roam the earth. Because I've heard my family saying it is almost time for me too is how I even know. Honestly I think I would react better than I did at five years old but it is something I feel uneasy about for some reason.

"Now, we had the meal everyone loves. Who is ready for the famous dessert?" Mom asks.

We all answer and I get up to help place plates down to be served with. It sounds like the floor will cave in as my brothers come barreling into the dining room.

"Why is it you only make this cake for birthdays?" My oldest brother ask.

"Because it takes all day to make and gets to be difficult." Mom shakes her head.

"Well thank you for making it Mom." I smile at her.

"How did you get the day off at the diner?" Dad asks.

"It is my normal schedule day off, so I didn't have to ask. Oh, I got accepted into the college a few towns over and their dorms are nice. Plus, I have saved every penny I can up." I smile and eat on the cake.

Sweet vanilla and cherries blend together. The cake is so soft it seems to just melt in my mouth, as the cherry center dances around in my mouth.

"Looks like we need to get to packing up then since you will be moving in the next month." Mom rubs my shoulders.

"I will still be around for the holidays." I chide, as Mom tears up.

I listen to my brothers drag on about how it will be weird without me being around town. Since they can come to see me whenever they are not at their jobs or home sleeping to where they can work. I swear this family is workoholics. They all get paid good money but most of the time it seems like work has them away from home and I never really get to ask about their jobs, since everyone wants to talk about my life.

A large bang comes from the front door and Dad stands immediately, my brothers following suit. Everything happens so fast that my eyes can't keep up. Mom pulls me under the table and holds a hand over my mouth to stop me from questioning her.

The floor seems to vibrate with feet pounding into the house. It sounds like hissing is all around us and I barely hear my brothers yelling to grab the silver.

My feet is pulled out from under me and Mom gets pulled out the other side of the table. My eyes widen, as I see at least nine grown men attacking my family.

"It's a nest!" Dad yells out, just as two of the guys over power him and open their mouths.

I watch fangs come out of their gums and bite my Dad.


One by one I watch as the vampires sink their fangs into my family. I start to thrust against the man holding me in place but it doesn't phase him in the least. Letting out a blood curling scream as they drop the bodies of my Dad and brothers, before turning to my Mom.

My vision blurs with tears as the creature holding Mom does the same.

A sharp pain overcomes my shoulder and the arm of the vampire holding me wraps around my front. My eyes catch sight of a blackened piece of wood with weird engravings. It doesn't feel like my blood is leaving my body, but there is an overwhelming sense of anger rising in me.

What is he doing to me?

"Is it working?" One of the things walks up to me and pinches my cheeks.

Everything hurts and I can't get a word out. Not even a sob will sound from my throat with everything going through me.

"This is what the family deserves. No humans should have knowledge of us. They hate us so much lets see how their precious daughter fairs. The fool should have agreed months ago. Now, I will just take what I want." It speaks more.

With all the strength I have, I rip my jaws out of his hand and throw my head back. The shooting pain in my shoulder is worse as the vampire bites down harder before letting go.

"Fuck! It is working." It yells holding his head.

My sight starts to cloud over in darkness and my head throbs. My legs start to feel weak and I crumble to the floor.

The floor vibrates more and I can feel hands trying to pull my legs. With the last energy I can muster, I kick out harsh making them drop my legs.

The last thing I hear is another hiss and then a bang by the front door.

Silence is deafening as I try to move my limbs but get no where. Everything hurts but the bite on my shoulder is the worst. Moving my eyes to look over, I see my family laying on the floor. Why didn't none of the vampires hold onto something with them? Why am I not laying without my blood right now?

Darkness consumes me.

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