53. Familiar But So Different

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Between Keava and I, we got the others caught up with what happened at the border with Calin

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Between Keava and I, we got the others caught up with what happened at the border with Calin. Although, Ruken and I had to have Keava touching us since the border.

It is officially confirmed with our thoughts that the nest is after Keava. I am to assume it is the nest that is responsible for when she was turned and family killed.

There is nothing we can do right now, because I had a warrior come from the cells. Calin is not saying anything else useful other than wanting to go back to the nest, which is sickening.

"Tonight, I will be out on patrol. It is my turn also, since you took last night with the warriors." I look to Conan.

"I actually want to be out as well, since I did get a small nap. It is not like I will be able to sleep with this new development, Alpha." Conan nods in respect.

I nod back to him.

"I want to be out there too." Keava looks back to me.

I let out a slow breath. "If that is what you want to do."

After our fight, we have gotten better at talking and I know I can't keep her away from this. Even if I still don't like it, she has every right.

"One condition." I whisper in her ear.

Keava stands and spins to give me an evil glare. "Please tell me you're not starting this again."

I put my hands up. "I promise I am not.

"Okay then I am listening with an open mind." Keava looks at me more curious now.

"First, please have a gun with you supplied with the ammo you made. Second, ride on the back of Ruken and I. Please?"

Keava smiles softly. "Deal."

I let out a long breath. That was much easier and honestly, I feel proud of myself with how we just talked it through. I am not keeping her from anything and the safest I can in this type of situation.

Jasel wants to do the same with Conan. With Chester asleep, Chave is staying in the room to watch over him.

We all set out of the pack house. Together we walk to the guns and Keava grabs one out. Jasel is going to stick to magic if possible even having a gun too, since her aim is still not the best with the weapon.

I strip down and Keava eyes me the entire time as I shift. The girls get on our backs. Blaze walks in the middle of Conan and I, as we start the perimeter walk.

Keava's fingers run through my fur lightly. It takes everything in me to push the sound that Ruken wants us to release in content.

As we walk by warriors I link them bringing in the others to where we all can speak without using words. So far everything is quiet.

With the quietness my mind reels over everything. More like curious what the nest may have that they think Keava would so willingly walk over to them.

We will be finding out soon. Ruken rumbles.

The wind changes directions and a scent wafts by my nose. It is barely there but it smells like decay and the faint smell of blood.

Vampires are close by. I link the others with me.

Conan links out to the guards and have them fall back, without it being obvious. 

Right now the only thing that is known is vampires are close. It is unknown if it is the nest that has been taunting us or another one ready for the feeding like before.

I huff out and Keava, leans down to nuzzle into my fur. With how small her body is, she just about hides completely other than her hair color making her be known she is on my back.

Ruken puffs out our chest some, due to our mate smelling more like us with how she rubs herself on our back. I think she is doing it purposely because if it is the nest, we know she is the main target and her scent being hidden by ours will protect her even further.

A slight hiss comes right before a small cloud of silver filters through the forest out to where we stand.

I take a step closer to the forest, trying to get a sight of something.

"The bombs will be quiet to not alert it everywhere." Keava whispers.

A screeching sounds out around us.

"There is the boundary spell I placed. They weren't told to come on the land." Blaze whispers.

"It means some of them got past my trap." Keava moves a hand off my fur.

I know without a doubt she is reaching for her weapon.

"Keep your eyes to the sky too." Blaze adds.

We all nod because right now we still don't know who this nest is yet.

Several figures walk out of the forest. They look to be having issues and holding onto their necks, while coughing out the silver dust.

One falls to the ground and squrims around. While the other bends over, but seems to be catching its breath.

Three more walk out and just seem to be smiling.

"I take it this is the Alpha?" An older guy looks at me.

I growl and bare my teeth at him. Even though he seems slightly weakened, he doesn't show the obvious torture signs the two vampires that first came out is showing.

"Where is Ms. Knight? We have some unfinished business." The old guy speaks once more.

More wolves step up around us and ready for my signal to pounce.

"We have gift for her if she would just come out. I am sure she will remember me, and I have choosen her for myself." A younger one states.

With a wave of his hand one last vampire comes out. Dragging a tall skinny man out of the forest. It seems like he is having problems walking upright and not just falling to the ground. There is marks on his arms showing injuries.

Keava's gasps and raises up from my back to be seen by them not two hundred yards out. Which takes my focus off of them. Her body tremors and it tells me she must know this man.

He looks familiar but so different all at the same time.

"How can this be!" Keava cries and slides off my body, taking off for this man.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Zane and Keava done well talking things through this time right?

Who do you believe the man is?

Could this man change everything?

Could this man change everything?

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