55. Old Friend

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Right when Jasel teleported with Keava, my focus went on the task at hand

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Right when Jasel teleported with Keava, my focus went on the task at hand. There is roughly nine vampires on my land now after my treasure killed two of them.

I could feel her silent content through the bond with those two being gone from this world. Peace and relief flooded through the bond from Keava, before a nervous and anxioous energy busted through. There is not a doubt in my mind she asked to see her brother.

Most of the warriors have tended to the vampires that were left. Conan and I walk around and watch as the warriors group together and disband every single one.

Just as the last vampire falls, a warrior brings up shovels and we all start to help the clean up process.

Blaze pops back up and looks around. I shift in an instant and throw on the pair of shorts Conan hands out, since I was helping to drag the corpse into the pit.

"How is Keava?" I ask not wasting a beat.

"She is doing well. Honestly, I think she is trying to process her emotions." Blaze gives me a sad look.

Guilt hits me. "I thought she would want some time with him after it being so many years. So, I thought I would make sure this was finished and clean up."

Blaze nods. "That is understandable and this is where you need to be to help her know it is completely finished. It just makes it hard because she also needs your to help her cope with the guilt and sadness that radiates off of her."

"There is times like this I wish I could be in two places at once." I sigh and watch as Conan lights the bodies up.

"If there was a spell for that then I would help you." Blaze gives a light chuckle. "Jasel is with her and Samson to help them both out."

I nod and never let my eyes off the bodies. The one thing that weirds me out is the vampire bat currently taking on the flame.

"She needs her closest friend to help her with me making sure this is over. How is Samson?"

I knew he seemed familiar with the view I had of him. He has aged so much since the last time I had seen him, then again so have I.

The one and only time I seen him was when I was fifteen and he is the same age as I am. We are both thirty-two or well he may be a year older, time makes all those details a little fuzzy. Samson had came with his father and two older brothers that year for the delivery of supplies, it had been his first time. So, my father made me attend since it was my first time and Alpha training had started for myself.

Not going to lie between Conan, Samson, and myself during that one visit of delivery the three of us were thick as thieves. We all enjoyed the pranks together, which never made our fathers mad surprisingly but they rather enjoyed seeing us get along like we had.

After that visit, I know Samson came many different times after but due to my training I didn't get time to see him. That is one reason it hit me hard when I got word of the Knight family parishing because I had made friends with Samson quickly, not just because of the fact what they were to my pack but to me personally.

"Samson has some major injuries. Jasel has spoke to me about a healing spell." Blaze speaks up, catching my attention to look at him briefly, as he watches the fire.

"Is it something you both can do again?"

"Yes. It seemed like we both got stronger after the major spell with Keava the last time." Blaze sighs.

"That is good your strengths are gaining." I nod.

"I am just watching." Blaze trails off.

I look over at him again. "Nobody here would let anything happen to niether you or Jasel." I pat his shoulder.

Blaze nods. "We know and thank you along with this pack for everything. I have never met a more open pack of wolves before." He chuckles.

"The only thing this pack is against is vampires. Or well the only one they were for was Keava, but there were so many rumors and stories about her line of work that made everyone just love she was fighting against what she was."

"I seen it too the moment I met her all those years back. There was just an aura about her I knew was different and I followed my gut instint which was right. Thinking on it now, I can tell the Luna vibes that were there." Blaze laughs again.

"Thank you to everyone. We will return to normal patrol now, so everyone that does not have the normal shift please get some rest." My voice booms out to the warriors on the field.

I get many of the 'Yes, Alpha's' with their necks bare to me in respect, before they all disburst from the area.

Once everything is ash, Conan and I start to pile the dirt back on top of the remains. Blaze pitches in and everything goes much faster.

"Where is the others?" I turn and ask Blaze.

"Medical building. That is where I took Samson knowing he needed to be seen by the pack doctor." Blaze gets out quickly.

The three of us take off.

"I knew he seemed familiar!" Conan exclaims and gets a sad look on his face.

We walk in the building and I follow the bond the rest of the way. I knock on the door and Jasel opens it for us. We all walk into the room. My eyes move to Keava immediately, who is sitting in a chair next to Samson's bed. Her face is tear struck and it eats away at me.

"Zane." Samson gives a small smile before grimacing.

"Samson, our old friend." I walk over and place my hand on his shoulder. "I am so incredibly sorry we didn't help you before this. It was reported the entire family parished. It was a shock to even find Keava like we did."

Samson gives a light chuckle and holds his ribs. "I have heard all about that. We have been catching up after the doctor left us. Thank you for taking care of my sister and it is the best news ever with you two being mates. Like I told Keava, maybe we should have made sure to teach her about all of this before her eighteenth birthday."

"It would have made things much easier. Then again I never really listened either so it is my fault too. I thought dad was just joking or crazy, especially when my three older brothers never spoke up." Keava gives a sad laugh.

"We can get on the healing spell whenever your ready." Blaze steps up with a few things in his hand.

Samson gives a small nod. "Sure. Your the witches so you tell me what you and the doctor thinks is best."

I let my hand off his shoulder and stand behind Keava. The bond still shows her self torture she is inflicting on herself. I lean down and kiss her head, wrapping my arms her shoulders. Keava's hands rest on my arms and leans back into me.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

So many emotions for Keava and Zane. How will they process through them?

It's good to see one of her brothers survived right?

It's good to see one of her brothers survived right?

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