57. Need You

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Right when my hands pull up the object we are looking for, Blaze gets the table and things in front of him with magic

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Right when my hands pull up the object we are looking for, Blaze gets the table and things in front of him with magic. That still never ceases to amaze me.

Ruken growls in our head until the object is placed in the bowl and Blaze begins the chants. It doesn't take long and the object is destroyed.

It is now officially all over.

I look over to Keava and she lets out the longest breath of air from her lungs. The bond is content as she finally starts to relax. A huge part of her life is now closed and an ending to the revenge she set out after all those years ago is now done.

At least we are her future and she is ours. We can give her nothing but happiness. Ruken rumbles and puffs his chest out.

It is very true and I couldn't agree with him more.

Stepping over to her, I cup her cheeks and bring my lips down to hers. Keava responds to the kiss and opens her mouth to us. I dive my tongue in to taste her sweet peachy floral, just as her scent is to me. This is something I will never get tired of.

Keava breaks the kiss and looks up at me. For the first time ever I feel like I am seeing a carefree Keava and her love feels even stronger. There is finally over amounts of happiness in her eyes and I will do anything to keep this look in her eyes.

"I love you so much Zane. You have brought so much happiness into my life that I never knew I needed. Because of you and all the help you have gave me, the one thing I wanted for years is done finally along with at least having one of my brothers in my life again." She whispers.

"I love you so much, mi tesoro. You were a treasure and became my treasure, I will do anything to make you happy. Plus, do everything I can to where we don't fight." I chuckle and make her laugh.

"Definitely, let's not do that again." She laughs some more.

I can tell as everything is wearing on her energy levels. "Why don't you go ahead to bed and I will be there soon. I just have to fix the whole in the ground again."

Keava laughs lightly and nods her head in my hands. "Okay."

I kiss her lips lightly again before letting her go and she walks to the pack house.

Turning around, I pick up the shovel and start to replace the dirt once more. Blaze and Conan work too, with the three of us doing what needs to be done. The sun slowly starts to come up over the tree lines and we all trudge into the pack house and to our own rooms.

Keava lays fast asleep in the bed with one of my shirts on. Ruken growls lightly in my head, with how much he loves seeing her in our clothes and I can't agree with him more.

Going into the bathroom, I strip out of my clothes and take a fast shower. Getting out of the shower, I towel off and it feels like I am barely registering my movements at this point. It has been stressful the last few days with barely there sleep.

Redeeming My Existence (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now