37. Chants

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The day has gone by smoothly with catching up and getting ahead on paperwork

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The day has gone by smoothly with catching up and getting ahead on paperwork. Blaze and Jasel both have napped off and on today from the updates I have gotten from Conan and Keava. Keava did have a nervous moment midday, but is much calmer now and ready for what is fixing to be starting as she has got ahead on paperwork and took a small nap herself.

Conan and I got the table set up for the three of them. Blaze has sprayed painted some symbol on the ground and Jasel is sitting out some candles around the around with some herbs every so often.

Keava, Conan, and myself stand off to the side waiting on instructs on what next to do. Jasel and Blaze move back over to the table.

"I need you two step inside this opening." Blaze points to a symbol off to the side he made out of the spray paint in the grass.

Conan and I walk over to it where he pointed and wants us.

Ruken growls out in my head and I can feel an overwhelming anger. I can tell Conan is having the same reaction.

"I am sorry, but this symbol will keep you both contained until the spell is completely over. We can not risk your wolves pushing through and winning control during any part of this spell." Jasel sighs having known ahead from the way she looks.

I take a deep breath. "I understand."

It is true, I understand. Ruken can get mad all he wants but if my guard slips the least little bit he could win conrtol over my body. Sonething that is not needed no matter what we are about to see.

"I understand as well. I am not always the strongest at keeping him in check." Conan lets out a sigh.

"Has the pack been alerted not to come out in this area of the pack lands?" Blaze looks over to us again since he had looked at the table briefly.

"Yes." I respond.

We are not in the front like we were last night but instead off to the side where there is literally nothing out here and would be a decent walk to get here from the pack house.

"Are you ready?" Jasel steps up to Keava.

"I am." Keava lets out a breath of air as she answers.

Blaze steps around the table. He hands a silver pendant to Jasel, while he holds onto another.

"Please step inside to circle here we have made." Blaze watches Keava as she follows the instructs.

"Hands out please." Jasel takes over instructs.

Once Keava's hands are out and palms up. Blaze and Jasel both take the pendant with a cloth. They place the silver on her palms and quickly tie it around her hand to where it can't just fall off.

Keava lets out a hiss from the discomfort the silver has on her skin. With the quietness of the night, you can hear the slight sizzle it is starting to make in her delicate skin.

Blaze and Jasel light up some of the herb bundles that are around Keava's circle. The smell of sage and lavendar fill my nose, making it slightly sting.

"We start with the blessing of the willing vampire to come back to the land of the living completely." Jasel whispers.

Blaze holds his hand out and Jasel does the same with a blade from their pocket, they make a small cut on their hand. You can see the blood slowly dropping to the ground, as they squeeze their hand over top of the paint on the grass.

"With this blood of two witches, we are here to willing perform the spell to cast the returning life this vampire once held." Jasel speaks up much louder.

They remove their hands and walk to the table once more in a fast pace movement.

The language Blaze and Jasel start to speak further is one I have never heard of before in my entire life. It sounds so different from even the normal chants I have heard either of them speak before from last night or Jasel using in the past.

No these words almost have an angry sound to them. The first line both of them chant repeatedly. My eyes can't leave Keava, as she slowly starts to shake inside the circle.

A loud hiss escapes her lips, before her mouth opens and her fangs protrude from her gums. Keava is still able to keep her arms up and in front of her but her elbows bent. Her fingers are stretched out from the pain being given to her skin on her palms from the silver still.

Blaze chants and starts to move things on the table around. I can tell he is adding things to the large bowl in front of him and Jasel.

The chants turn and new words start to be said. Keava let's out a groaning hiss, as her knees bend some. I can clearly see the pain that is starting to flow through her body, but not able to feel any of it like I had been told earlier today may be possible.

We are muted from mate! This damn circle you so blindly walked into without question cut us off completely! Ruken growls and paces in my mind.

They done this to where you wouldn't do anything to ruin this chance Keava has at becoming human again. I know you don't like this and neither do I one bit. Just please try to shimmer so I can focus on Keava and the others. I try to calmly talk with Ruken.

This is a small circle and I don't him to fight for control and us shift inside this circle. The last thing I need is for Ruken to win control and Conan possible get injuried because Ruken got out of control in this tiny space that we are stuck in until this is over.

My eyes zone in closer to Keava and I don't realize that my feet has moved. A burning course of electricity runs through my body. Making me hold in a groan of pain from it.

With a shake of my head, I focus back on Keava and I can see her start to sweat as her body trembles.

Blaze and Jasel grab at something on the table before walking around towards Keava. Their chants never stop as they move and start to walk opposite of each other around her space, dropping whatever it is they hold.

Keava screams and turns some to where she is angled facing our circle off to the side of the table. The pieces dropped on the ground are stones that start to glow a bright red color.

The pain must be to much as Keava, drops to her knees and lets out the highest pitch sound that is mixed with a groan and scream from her lips.

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