40. Decisions

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Zane laughs

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Zane laughs. "Oh I would, but we need to talk about that now too. Since your human again, do you want to have pups with me?"

My breath hitches. I never thought about the possibility of us being able to have children, not even when this was talked about with me turning back human. Maybe it is because I didn't want to get my hopes up completely about the spell working? Now that it has, the thought never clicked until he said that and now I am not protected.

I swallow the lump in my throat. Do I want kids? Maybe.

When I was younger I thought about it before everything happened to me.

The thing is now, I know how easy death can come and I never want my kids to feel like I did for so long and still do with losing my parents the day I became an official adult.

"I don't know." I whisper.

"We got time to think about it more. Just have to be careful now, if your not ready. I am not going to rush or force you into anything." Zane smiles.

"Doesn't it bother you though? You lost your parents to murder just like I did by vampires. To be honest right now that is all my mind can think about is not wanting to have kids to have them be left like we were. Our world is so unknown." I sigh and stand from the bed.

"We can't be afraid of the future. That is what I have learned. It hurt like hell losing my parents and still gets me mad quite often when seeing the vampires that just cause issue." Zane shrugs.

"I am just not ready yet." I whisper again.

"I understand that, tesoro. Do you want to visit the doctor in a bit? I can't trust that Ruken or myself can hold back without protection." Zane gives me a sheepish look.

I nod. "Yeah, I will see about getting on something again."

Walking to the bathroom, I step in the shower and it feels so different but in a better way. I am not as aware to every little detail and the shower is just a calming relaxing feel and not this feel every single water drop on its own.

If only people knew how exhausting it was to force the part of my being a vampire away to feel more human and not notice literally every single thing. I will never let myself take any of this for granted.

Once I have dryed off and put on clothes, I walk back to the bathroom and brush through my hair.

"Keava?" Zane calls out.

"I'll be out in just a minute." I call back to him and get my hair finished. While I was showering, I knew Zane had went to take the tray back down to the kitchen.

My eyes catch sight of the blood ring Blaze had given me. I hold my hand out in front of me and take it off, no longer needing the magic behind this ring. Makes my finger feel almost naked in a way after wearing it for so many years.

I open the bathroom door and go to walk out but Zane is right in my way. I smile and look up to him.

"I brought company. They couldn't wait to see you, knowing your awake." Zane whispers and kisses my lips gently, before stepping out of the way.

Blaze and Jasel both stand inside our bedroom. I smile and Zane wraps his arms around my waist.

"How are you both feeling today?" I look to both of them.

"Good, just tired some." Jasel smiles back to me.

"Same. We wanted to check on you and make sure there is no lingering effects from the spell." Blaze gives a soft smile.

I hold my hand out. "I believe this is yours now."

Blaze steps up and I place the ring in his hand.

"You should keep it. This is yours, the stone is hard to come by and it was the only one I had and still ever found. Never in my life time do I plan on helping another vampire." Blaze shrugs and puts it back in my hand.

"Thank you for all the help through the years and especially now that I am human again." I smile.

"Like I have said your like a sister to me and seeing you the first time I knew you were not like the normal vampire." Blaze pulls me in for a hug before Jasel joins.

Jasel steps back and holds out the silver pendant used from the spell. "Are you still able to touch and hold this?"

I pick it up and a wide smile graces my face because it does not burn. Everyone watches for a few minutes before I start laughing.

"I think it is safe to say I am no longer a vampire." I wipe my eyes when wetness touches my cheeks. I didn't even realize I was crying happy tears.

"May we check where your fangs were? I want to make sure they are healing nicely." Jasel smiles.

"Sure. They were tender trying to eat the sandwich earlier." I pull my lips to where she can see. Blaze bends down to look as well.

"There is a gel that I can make up and you can use it once. Those will heal within a few minutes after it has been applied." Jasel nods.

She hugs me again and leaves the room, waiting to make it up.

I look back to Blaze, just as Zane pulls me into his arms again. "So are you going to stay on pack lands now?"

Blaze nods. "Yes. My family is here and Zane keeps saying it is fine with him."

"There is a house not even a miles walk from here or you can keep the room your in now." Zane speaks up.

Blaze laughs. "I can stay in the room I am in now. What do you want me to do within the pack?"

Zane shrugs. "Whatever you want to do. There is no areas that needed anyone to be in. So, it is just where ever you want to help out or even do nothing at all."

"Thank you both. Guess I should start saying Alpha and Luna now." Blaze laughs.

"I don't expect it." I laugh.

"Neither do I. Your a sibling to high ranks so it is not expected in the least." Zane laughs.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Things are coming together nicely right?

Is it smart of Keava not to jump on the baby train immediately or do you guys think otherwise? Hehe

Everyone liking that Blaze will be sticking around?

Everyone liking that Blaze will be sticking around?

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