42. This Should Be Fun

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After showering with Keava, I took her to our bed and made sweet love to her

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After showering with Keava, I took her to our bed and made sweet love to her. Part of me is worried to go hard and rough with her now, because I could literally break her.

You need more faith in mate and us. It is not like we will break her pelvic bone. Ruken literally huffs and rolls his eyes in the back of my mind.

I shake my head not even bothering to respond to him at the moment. Keava is napping and I came to my office to read through more reports.

Conan walks through the door a moment later.

"I thought I woud find you here. There are more on the reports that just came in from the pack closest to us." He hands them over.

"How bad is it over there?" I look over the first page.

"Not to bad. It is about the same as we had here but none of the vampires had anything trying to turn a wolf." Conan sits in the chair.

"The Alpha states here that none of their wolves were hurt?" I look up.

Conan nods slowly. "This is that nest that has been traveling through packs seems to be after something. Just no one knows what it may be or why. The nest is rather large and it comes in the middle of the night without causing troubles. By time the warriors get on the fields the nest is already leaving."

Ruken growls.

I don't like the fact this particular nest is looking for something and not a single one around knows what or why.

"Has their been any rogue attacks lately for other packs?" I look back down at the papers.

"Nope, everything is quiet other than this nest." Conan huffs.

"We need our warriors to be on guard at night fall. Our pack and one other is the only one not hit by the same nest that is striking others. The attack we had is not the same because they came for the kill and feed not to just look. So, I am already betting we will be getting sight of this nest before long." I flip through the report.

"Already done that and let the Head Warrior know. He is ready to put out more warriors for night patrol, he just needs what numbers you want out." Conan informs me.

I rub my temple. "No less than a seventy warriors and in groups of five. That way it is not as hard if it comes to a fight to keep them out of our pack. I don't like the idea of these blood suckers coming to just browse. The last thing I want is for them to decide our pack is the best feeding grounds or some shit." I growl.

"That would is almost half of our warrior base."

"I know but that is the only other option. Our pack is still the largest around the area, so I believe we can handle it." I pick up the report again.

A knock sounds on the door, before I call out for them to enter.

Blaze opens the door and walks in, before closing it back. "Alpha and Beta work?" He looks between us.

I nod and Conan does as well.

"Anything I can do to help?" Blaze takes a seat.

"Not that I know of." I shrug before it hits me.

"Wait a minute, Keava once said the area where you lived in the mountains was surrounded by magic." I look up to him again.

Blaze nods. "Yes, I didn't like anything being able to just sneak up on me. So I had a ring around my cabin that would alert me to an intruder."

"Could you do that for the pack?"

Blaze tilts his head. "Yeah, won't be to hard to do. When do you want it done by?"

"As soon as you can honestly." I huff.

Blaze looks between Conan and I, and scrunches his eyebrows. "Is something going on?"

"Something is just about always going on. Not that I am complaining as I love a good fight." Conan chuckles darkly.

I go over and tell Blaze about the nest that has been scouting through the lands over the lands. He gets a far off look, before his face shows anger.

"Keava." He fumes.

"Excuse me?" I control my anger that is starting to boil dangerously.

Blaze looks over to me. "She is human now, the ones that turned her will be able to tell because it sends a shock wave through the supernatural that turned her. You said when this started and that would be the only reason. While I was traveling for the things needed for the spell, everyone talked about how a vampire was mated to an Alpha but no one knew where."

"So your telling me this is the nest that turned my mate and she has been trying to hunt down for over a decade." My fist ball up in anger.

For the last week Conan and I have been coming up empty just like Keava has for years on where they could be hiding. I made the promise to Keava that I would search for the nest, and now it may seem they are searching for her.

But why? What is it that makes her so important to these blood suckers? Something isn't right. I don't like this at all. They turned her and then just left her because she put up a fight. She has never been able to find them, which means they were always on the move but now that she is human they want something again. Ruken growls.

That is the whole question. What is it they are after?

"How do they just not know that she may have been killed?" I look over to Blaze, as Conan seems to be thinking.

"I would have no idea. The spell Jasel and I done is one that has not been casted in centuries. We only know based off the sideline reading the one that turned would be able to tell. Apparently there is a difference." Blaze sighs.

"Maybe not in our life time or however long. Vampires live forever. Who's to say this is not an old nest? It would be about the only thing that makes sense, because of the fact it is the only nest that could storm into her family home like they done. Being as they were Knights, there was things placed to keep supernaturals out. Then the fact no one can find the nest and it seems to have just vanished after that night." Conan speaks up.

"Fuck me." I growl and fall back into the chair.

We are not talking about the normal vampire here, but the chance these can be some of the originals. The strongest of all vampires around.

This should be fun. Ruken licks his lips.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

They are figuring things out or is it all just far fetched thoughts?

Will the nest try and search through their pack?

How or when Zane tell Keava about all of this? Or does he even dare?

How or when Zane tell Keava about all of this? Or does he even dare?

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