49. Convinent

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Together we get to the pack house and I guide Keava straight to the kitchen

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Together we get to the pack house and I guide Keava straight to the kitchen. We missed dinner but that is all okay because the alone time was needed for us, but now to make sure she gets some food into her system.

I walk to the microwave when I catch sight of something. Opening the door, I see there are two plates full of food.

"They left us plates." I turn my head to Keava before spinning back to get the plates.

Part of me had to turn quickly because it should seem my mate is enjoying the dessert first that is on the the counter with individual containers.

I place a plate in front of Keava, where she sits on the bar stool before I sit down across from her. Together we eat our food in silence, but it is a comfortable one and not the awkward type. My eyes watching every move Keava makes as she eats her food until the plate is clean. I slide mine over to let her have more since she seemed to inhale hers.

"No thank you. I am full." She slides it back to me.

"Just wanted to make sure you got enough, mi tesoro." I give her a soft smile.

Keava shrugs. "Even if I didn't then there is plenty of food to make something up or I am sure there are some leftovers in the fridge. Besides, now I get to enjoy this delicious sweet treat without you laughing at me for it." She smirks and pulls over the half eaten dessert she put aside to finish now.

I laugh. "That couldn't be helped, you didn't waste any time digging into the chocolate whatever that is before eating solid food."

Keava groans and not in a happy since. "Well sometimes a girl just needs chocolate first. I still ate the solid food as you call it, which by the same you literally sounded like a mother trying not to scold a child. My stomach wanted food and the chocolate was literally on a silver platter up in my face." She finally starts to giggle after the little mini rant.

The back door opens and in walks Blaze, Conan, and Jasel.

"Well, well, well. You two snuck in on us." Conan smirks.

"We were waiting to see if we had to send a rescue party." Blaze adds in smirking.

Jasel elbows them both. "Don't pay these two any mind, they have been more of a handful than Chester was before going to sleep tonight."

Jasel walks over to Keava and they go into a little whispering talk. I can make out part of the words and Keava is telling Jasel we are okay and talked things through.

"We were actually out checking with the patrol warriors." Conan steps over and goes into Beta mode.

I nod. "Still nothing looking off?"

"No. Also got word from the other pack that hasn't been searched through yet and it is clear over there. The nest has gone silent again for two nights."

I shake my head. "This nest searched through packs everynight since she has been human again and then the last two just stopped. So, it begs to differ if they found something in the last pack or if they are planning something for our pack and the other one."

"My guess is they are laying low because they know that everyone has been alerted to what they are doing." Conan suggests.

"The other pack doesn't have a witch though so it would be easy for them to go in and still search without being caught so quickly, like they would be here." Blaze chimes in again.

I turn my head to the ladies who are giggling quietly.

"Keava?" I call her name to get her attention when something hits me.

"Yes?" She gives the same tone back to me, making everyone laugh with her sass but I wouldn't change it for the world.

"The silver bombs placed were by you weren't they?" I ask her, since the warriors told me they were there but not by whom.

Keava nods slowly. "I know that Blaze added the boundary spell to where we would get the alert noises, but that didn't feel like enough for a first line of defense. So, to me logically would be to place somethings around the borderline on the outside of it to where our wolves wouldn't get harmed by accident but would slow the vampires down. Which would also help our warriors to react and not be sneaked up on so easily."

"It won't just kill them though." Conan slumps into a chair.

"No, not if they are very old like the originals or even if it is some of the originals. It will at least wound them to make the kill a lot easier for the warriors and everyone else." Keava spins in her chair some.

"So the originals how are they killed?" I ask looking at her.

"Pretty much the same as every other vampire. It is just harder because they are incredibly strong due to age and not to mention they can turn into bats if your getting close enough." Blaze speaks up.

"Thing is in bat form is easier to kill, for someone who can shoot that is." Keava chimes.

"Shoot them with silver right?" Conan looks to Keava who nods.

"Plus in bat form, they don't fly all that well. Like every other bat, they get the goofy flying which if not a good shot then it can be harder, but shooting with silver is the key because even if you nick them with the shot then they can't turn back." Keava softly explains like it is nothing.

"So basically we fight because no one is as good with a weapon as you are." Conan looks at Keava before glancing to me.

"I will be out there shooting, gives me something to do at least." Keava smiles.

"Also, if someone else was shooting I could help guide the shot to the target if they aren't good shots." Blaze smirks.

"That is convinent." I nod.

We talk a little more before we all make it to our rooms. Having Keava in my arms again brings me comfort and the exhaustion sets in hard.

With a gentle kiss to her lips, we fall into bed and I hold her tight in my arms.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

What could the nest be doing?

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Hope everyone is enjoying the story so far!

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