54. Samson

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My eyes must be playing tricks on me which is what causes me to gasp, then I sat up on Zane's back to get a better look with fur not in my visions way

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My eyes must be playing tricks on me which is what causes me to gasp, then I sat up on Zane's back to get a better look with fur not in my visions way.

"How can this be?" I let out a combined screaming sob.

I swing my leg off to the side of Zane and slide right down his side. My feet hit the ground and I take a few quick step in front of Zane.

Just needing to see better because it has to be some mean joke. It has to be! There is no way!

My heart beats harsh against my chest and my body quivers in shock.

"Keave Knight." The younger look a like with the old guy smirks at me.

"You." I yell.

Anger now courses through me. I remember him clearly and I hold my gun tight in my grip. Pulling it up, I take aim towards him.

"Now. Now. I have forgave the way you kicked me the day of your taking but now this just pisses me off. We may need to hang you up to knock some of the temper out of you. Thought the last eleven years of hunting would calm you by now." He keeps talking.

"I see Ms. Knight remembers you clearly." The old man chuckles.

"That son of a bitch made me watch while all of them here but you killed my family and then had me turned." I feel my legs tremble in anger, but my hands are steady.

"How dare you speak of my mother like that! She was no wolf that gave birth to me in order to warrant such a phrase." The young one hisses.

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. That's the best comeback he has. Really?

"Are you sure your entire family was killed? Just look closer." The bastard taunts.

I have been looking and I so badly want to believe what I see is true. If anyone knew just how badly I want too. My heart literally aches with wanting to rejoice that this one man that is hurt is one of my brothers.

Out of four kids my parents had, I was the youngest and only girl but this man looks like Samson. My brother that is barely older than I am and the third child my parents had.

For the first time in my entire life, I want to be a vampire. Only for one reason, I could see better to tell if the man is my brother or not. It is killing me emotionally not being able to tell, but I refuse to go to them like they want and away from my mate, Zane.

"Speak." The young one grabs the man and pushes him out towards me more.

Being even closer, I can clear tell it is Samson now. My eyes fill with tears and they start to pour freely.

"Keave." Samson chokes out on his own sob, but his voice is still the same I remember like it was yesterday.

I can't believe he is in his thirties now. Then again I am right here at thirty myself now.

"Bubba." I let out a choked cry as a smile finds its way on my face.

"It is honestly pure luck this Knight survived the attack eleven years ago, but since he was so strong and blood so tasty we done a favor by keeping him like a pet. All to get you to come with us when it was time to join the nest. Come with us or dear brother here will actually visit the grave this time with the rest of your pathetic family." The young one hisses.

Does he think those words work on me? Is manners a thing of the past?

No, he is stark mad and rude with everything he says.

Breath, mi tesoro. Zane links me.

I can feel him pushing strength to me through the bond.

My eyes follow the guy who has talked the most. Just as he reaches for my brother, I pull the trigger.

A loud bang sounds over the quiet night. The man drops to the ground, a visible gunshot wound on his chest. Leaving him to squirm on the ground as the silver brings an end to him and he stills completely.

"You bitch! You killed my only son. He has walked this earth longer than you can even imagine." The old man hisses.

I do something very much like my old self.

I smile sweetly.

"Oh! I'm sorry but you see I am no wolf so that can't be me your talking about and that is very rude to even suggest that a beautiful she wolf. Didn't you ever teach your son manners or is that just something your ancient ass forgot to do?" I sass, moving to aim my gun to him.

I can hear when the wolves behind me snort to keep from laughing. Pride soars through the bond with Zane and it even feels like our warriors are proud in this moment.

"What are you morons waiting for? You were turned just to help take down the Knight's. Get her and kill the guy!" The older man hisses.

Zane growls and wolves go running past me as hisses fill the air.

"Stay here!" Blaze yells and disappears a moment later.

I catch just as Blaze appears next to Samson, who had just punched a vampire in the face. Blaze takes his arm and they disappear once more. Zane nudges me to the pack house but I stand my ground.

"I have to finish this." I whisper by his head.

With a spin of my feet, I can see just when the old man turns into a bat before my eyes.

Great an original!

To bad I plan on this being his last day on earth.

Taking aim, I catch sight of Jasel next to me and she looks where I am currently focusing on.

Hearing her chant, the old man bat is stuck not being able to move.

"Kill joy, but I'll take the easy shot." I smirk and pull the trigger once more.

Zane takes off running and Conan does the same a moment later.

"Please take me to my brother, Jasel." I look at her.

"My pleasure, Luna." Jasel bares her neck and it feels weird the magic going through me.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

All the years that's past and Keava is officially not the last Knight to her family name!

How will Samson fair?

Will the siblings get the glorious reunion they so truly need and deserve?

Will the siblings get the glorious reunion they so truly need and deserve?

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