41. Young Warlock

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A full week has passed since my life changed again and for the second time in just a few short months it was a good one

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A full week has passed since my life changed again and for the second time in just a few short months it was a good one.

Being human again has had so many perks. There has been some down falls, the exhaustion I feel after a long day is one of the bad ones. It took me almost two days to remember what it was like not being a vampire and not having the strength.

Jasel and Blaze bounced back to normal with their energy levels after they rested more the second day. Blaze is fitting in with the pack nicely, he has enjoyed the training sessions with the warriors, Conan, and Zane. I think they use him more because he has more defensive magic and can force them back, so it is even more learning for all the wolves.

I have been to see the pack doctor also, that was a trip I made the day I woke up. So it is safe to say I am protected from pregnancy because right now I really don't want to baby of our own, yet. Zane and I are still new as mates and call me selfish but I want more time with him before we do. Also, I want more time being Luna before bringing a child into this and I still have fears about if something happens to Zane and myself once the maybe kid is born.

At some point, we will have a baby together because there is a massive part of me that wants it too. Right now it is just overshadowed by my fears mainly.

Today, I have already been to the schools in the pack. I love seeing all the smiling faces and their laughs as we play around on the playground or I walk by them while the older ones are testing. The teachers have said how all the scores are better when I walk around the room as they test, must be my Luna vibes calming them to do better.

Now, I sit at my desk and sign away my life. My ears register as feet hit the floor hard and fast. I look up to see Chester barreling towards me.

Sliding my chair out, I laugh as he seems to spring into my lap. Poor kid is shaking though.

"What is wrong Chester?" I wrap my arms around him.

"Chester!" Jasel yells from the stairwell.

"Mama is mad at me. I done what daddy does and put some of my slimmy puddy on her hairbrush. The color matches just right to where i could hide it easy. Then when mama seen, my hands started tingling." Chester holds them out in from of him, staring at them.

I hold my laugh in with his scunched up eyebrows.

"There you are!" Jasel all but yells from my door.

My head jerks up to face Jasel, but everything I been holding in spills. My laughter rings out when I see a green slim streak in her hair and matting it down.

"I think the color suits you." I laugh.

Jasel huffs. "Glad our Luna is amused. Just my luck my mates habits is a trait our child got."

I think you better talk to Conan before Jasel gets ahold of him. Just tell him not to show Chester anymore pranks or he may not be getting a piece from Jasel. I link to Zane.

At least I still can mindlink to the pack even being back human and not have to redo all the ceremonies. Plus a flip side too, my mark I gave Zane he still holds and just as sensitive for him like mine is he gave me. Happiness isn't strong enough to explain when we learned I can still link and he holds my mark.

I stand from the chair and with a breath, holding Chester at the same time. He seemed to light weight before but now I can tell the forty pounds he weighs is normal for his age but hard on me.

With a few steps around the desk, I can tell Jasel takes a deep breath to calm herself.

"I am sorry, just was not expecting my son to pull something like that." Jasel sighs, and gives Chester a small smile, while rubbing his back with him still in my arms.

"I am sorry mama." Chester moves his hands to his moms hair.

I watch as his hands seem to glow before the slim in Jasel's hair disappears and leaves her hair clean once more.

My mouth gapes open and a wide smile spreads across my face a moment later. "It should seem we have a young warlock on our hands now."

Jasel's eyes tear up and she picks Chester up out of my arms. His arms goes around her neck. "My baby is going to be a warlock and wolf." She nuzzles her nose in his hair.

"Why don't we go tell the others? They are almost done with training." I move to the door.

Jasel follows me and the little prank seems to have been forgotten. I open the door and hold it for Jasel to step outside. The warm sunlight shining down on us as we walk over to where the guys are makes me feel giddy. Maybe I should work on a tan now that I actually enjoy the sunshine?

"Everything okay?" Zane whispers in my ear as his arms wrap around me.

I nod some and smile up to him. "You need a shower." I hold my nose a moment later and step out of his arms.

Zane, Conan, and Blaze all laugh.

"Oh come on now, mi tesoro. You never once said I stunk before." Zane opens his arms and I push the tip of my finger on his chest to keep him back, even if he is strong enough to overpower me easily.

"Yeah your normal scent of cinnamon orange would be stronger after working out but now I smell the sweat mixed in too." I huff.

"Harder to pick out the smells you prefer like when a vampire. Now, you just smell it all." Blaze laughs.

"Am I in the doghouse?" Conan steps up to Jasel and Chester.

"You were about to be but our son done something to make it all the better." Jasel giggles.

"What did you do Chester?" Conan takes him in his arms now, but Jasel gets dreamy eyes looking at her mate and son.

"Chester done his first bit of magic. The slim that was in Jasel's hair, he removed it completely." I smile.

Blaze's and Conan's eyes go wide before they both start loving on Chester even more.

"This is great news. We already seen signs that he has a wolf too, on his last birthday. That is his friend currently when you catch him talking to himself." Zane whispers in my ear.

"I never knew that." I smile, since it makes sense.

"Oh yeah, as a child your first true friend is your wolf. At first you talk to them out loud because you don't realize you can do it in your head." Zane pulls me back to his arms.

"You seriously have to shower." I laugh, but don't get to push his arms away this time.

Zane scopes me up in his embrace and I start laughing hard.

"Great now I have to change." I laugh out.

"Good. Maybe we should shower together?" Zane smirks and carries me as he swiftly moves through the pack house.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Sweet moments?

Maybe possible for young Chester to be a very vital and strong member of the pack in the future? Could definitely take after his dad as Beta?

Maybe possible for young Chester to be a very vital and strong member of the pack in the future? Could definitely take after his dad as Beta?

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