2. Overwhelming Rage

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Three weeks later

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Three weeks later......

I awoke the next day after the vampire nest busted through my family home. The hunger I was feeling was like none other and I didn't understand until the spilled blood on the floor had me diving for it momentarily.

It was then in the moment that I could smell the dry blood. My stomach turned and I dry heaved on the floor next to it. None of the bodies from my family was on the floor and I spent the last three weeks searching trying to find out where they had went too.

Everything feels wrong. The sunlight does not hurt me but if I stay out for to long it seems to drain every ounce of energy I have. Then there is the silver on the table we always used to eat with. One touch from that left my fingers burning with blisters forming immediately, and I learned they are pure silver which now harm me.

I have substained off blood bags that I semi stole but also somehow got the lady behind the counter to hand over. I never drink a full bag at a time, just half a bag a day. So, for now I still have plenty of stock on blood.

Nothing made sense to me until I took time to sit down and read through my brothers writing on Dads desk about vampires. It seems like all three of my brothers and Dad were researching them or gathering all the informationon them they could. One paper I came across was a vampire wanting to have me as his beloved.

No thank you! Bastards killed my family in front of me and then turned me.

I am a vampire.

Right now, I hate myself with an overwhelming rage. The only thing is I don't know how to kill a vampire that is one thing that was not in the writings I found at the desk.

I need answers and help from somewhere. With a bag packed and all the cash I can get from selling things out of the house and all I have saved, I walk out the front door and stop after a few steps. The only items I have are clothes and one lonely framed family picture.

With a swipe of the match, I throw it at the house and watch as it burst into flames thanks to the fluid I threw on it just a little bit ago. There is nothing in this house anymore. All the good memories will stay with me but will forever make me feel sad because I will never walk in and see Mom cooking or hear my brothers as they race to the dining table. I can't bare to know this house still stands after the horrific events that took place three weeks ago.

Over this time, I have been practicing my strengths and learned not only am I stronger but also faster.

I turn my back to the house, picking up my bag of items along with the small bag of blood bags. Taking off into the night air, I reach the airport. I buy a ticket and catch the next flight out out this town.

Once the plane lands, I take off and find the closest forest. My feet hit the ground until I find a cliffs edge. I lay everything down and sit on the rock over looking the town below. Lights from the city glow bright with it being over a day of travel.

I can hear the beating of a heart and jump up from my spot. With slow movements, I turn and my eyes focus on the forest behind me to see where the person is.

"It is dangerous in these woods at night." A male voice calls out.

I see when he emerges from behind a tree.

"Then again. You knew I was here." He continues.

"I am in no mood for games." I hiss out by accident.

"Vampire." He mumbles, but I could easily hear it.

"That is great you know what I am now just move it along. Like I said I am in no mood."

"When is the last time you fed?" He walks up closer to me.

"What is it to you?" I snap.

He doesn't speak another word but takes a knife out and cuts his hand. The man holds it out towards me.

I bite my tongue as my fangs try to slip out. I can't even take a deep breath because his blood now fills the air. Holding my stomach, I will myself not to loose control. I vowed to never drink from a person, that is why I have blood bags. I didn't want this.

"Go ahead. You can take some and I won't let you drain me not to mention you would know when it is enough." He steps up.

"No." I hiss and bare my fangs.

I grab a clothe from my bag and wrap his hand with him being close enough now. The smell of his blood still fills the air, but I have gained control with the wound being covered.

"Your new?" He looks at me.

"By new you mean I have only been a vampire for three weeks, then yes. Now, if you would just leave me." I sit back on the cliffs edge.

"I can help you. You seem to have a lot of anger going on and it needs to be channeled before you snap and kill many people and you don't seem to be the type to want that." He sits next to me.

"No I don't. I have never fed from a person. Apparently, I used persuasion on the poor lady at the desk of a blood bank and got blood bags." I huff.

"Where are my manners? You have to excuse me, I don't tend to interact with others much at all. Name's Blaze."

"Keava. Why didn't the persuasion work on you when I wanted you to leave, because I thought I tried to push it."

"You did but I am a warlock, so helps to be immune to other supernaturals abilities." Blaze shrugs.

I look out over the city again, wishing he would just go away. Because right now or well for the last three weeks this anger has been boiling and making it hard to control. All I want is to take down the ones who killed my family.

"I know what your thinking." Blaze sighs.

"No you don't." I hiss once more.

"You want revenge but nothing makes sense. Right? Like I said I can help you with all of that and teach you how to hone into being a vampire." Blaze speaks gently, which is surprising given his manly timber voice that does nothing for me.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

So a rough start for Keava.

Do you think she may find out things she never knew? Seems like she knew of creatures but should she have learned more when she had the chance?

May be early but any guesses on whats to come?

May be early but any guesses on whats to come?

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