44. Back Up Plans

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"You're human now, Keava

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"You're human now, Keava. There is nothing you can do but get yourself killed." Zane growls.

My eyes bulge out of their own sockets at this point. I raise my hand and point a finger at him.

"That is enough right there!" I scream.

Zane goes to say something else, as his eyes turn to the color of Rukens.

"Don't even speak another word. I may be human but at least I have been in the presents of an extremely old vampire that was right up there with the originals. You have no clue the territory your even stepping into. How do you kill one completely? Can't answer that can you? I am more than strong enough being some poor pathetic human girl now to still take one down. Just because I am some meer sap to you and your wolf, doesn't mean I forgot how to use my blades. That is a trained skill with what I can do with weapons from a distance and not some the vampire to me controlled alone."

"Keava, Ruken nor myself is willing for you to get hurt." Zane starts, but I stop him once again.

"Oh, so it is completely fine for you to do some suicide mission! You worry about me, but if you truly cared about me as your mate then you wouldn't be in that chair talking and not giving a care about dying. Like you can just go in with your paws and teeth, that will do nothing against an original. That is even if any of you are right on that forefront anyways. This nest if it is the one that turned me is more of my fight than any of yours. They killed my entire family. All it was to you and this pack is a loss of their supply people."

I fume not even holding back. At this point, I don't care if my words hurt because in my eyes they are the truth with the major difference.

How can Zane do this to me? Treat me like I am below him in all of this just because there may be a fight.

"We valued your family much more than the thoughts of them only being our supply people." Zane stands from the chair, that flies back with the force he used.

"Then don't even make it seem like that. This is more of my fight than anyones. I will not sit on the sidelines and just act like it is nothing. How dare you even speak of talking about your death so easily in the first place!" My body shakes and angry tears start to fill my eyes.

It truly hurt me the most when he could talk about his death like it was nothing. Like I meant nothing to him so easily and I am his mate. How did he think I would react?

"I would risk everything for you and that means my life. Also I have this pack to think of and have to put them before myself too." Zane takes a deep breath.

"I am fighting and there is no way you can stop me." I state firmly.

"Watch me, Keava. I will lock you in the basement if it means keeping you safe." Zane's voice takes on a dark edge.

"You wouldn't dare." I ball my fist up at my side.

"Don't fight me on this because it is one you can't win." Zane growls.

"Why because I am some weakly like your making me out to be and want me to be? This right here is one reason why I was not ready to have kids with you because you can talk so easily of dying like it is nothing if I am left behind. A week of being back human and we are here with you trying to keep me from something I have a right to fight on."

Right at that moment, a streak of pain runs through the mate bond. My anger is still over the top and it does nothing to make me feel guilty.

"As Alpha of this pack, I forbid you to fight if the nest comes here." Zane tries to used the Alpha command on me.

I step up and stare into his eyes.

"Your commands do nothing for me. We are supposed to be equals. Now, your just acting like an ass. This is something I will never forgive you for if you even think about locking me away from something that has been my fight for over a decade. My death would mean nothing to you anyways, not with how easily you could sit there talking about yours not caring how it would crush me."

I spin on my heels and walk for the door. A hand touches my shoulder and I know the sparks it leaves behind is Zane.

It takes everything in me not to at least punch the daylights out of his dumbass. With a jerk move, I move my shoulder out of his touch because I will not let the mate bond calm me down.

Picking up my steps faster, I open the door and beeline for our bedroom. With a glance behind me, I can tell Zane is not following me. I run to my dresser and pull out the rose essential oils.

I put my hand out and add a few drops, rubbing it over my neck area to hide my scent from Zane. Plus, I focus on the mate bond and shut off my end to where he can't feel me out.

Taking a few steps over, I open my closet and walk in grabbing my bag to throw a few clothes in. I shut the door back and sneak out of the room and down the stairs.

The one thing I refuse to do is sleep in the same bed as my mate right now. If he can go around and talk about his life like it is that easy to die then threatening to lock me away, he doesn't need to have me in his arms tonight.

Now, I won't be petty and not talk to him. Just the only things right now that needs to be spoke between us is about pack business since I am the Luna. Otherwise right now I have nothing to say.

A part of me hurts that I threw the baby thing in his face like I done. No it isn't something I should have thrown at him and a dirty thing I done. Zane needs to see and understand though, this right here him not caring about dying is something that bothers me. I don't want to have a kid with him for me to have to raise the kid alone either because he is fast to lock me up and risk it all.

We are supposed to be equals but it makes me feel less than a speck of dirt with how I am to be treated like glass at the first sign of possible danger. I am at least good with weapons and don't have to fight hand to hand, where I know is lacking now not being a vampire.

My feet lead me a hall full of doors but all of them are empty, since this is the wing for visiting guests. Not that it ever really happens but on extremely rare times when another Alpha wants to make an alliance. So, guess this is a suited area for me to stay and sleep in for tonight at least.

If I have too then I will get the report and see if I can figure out where the nest was last and may be going next. After that I can figure out a plan to where everyone stays safe.

I will protect this pack and I have more than enough ways to kill the entire nest even being human now. You don't go eleven years without learning back up plans for if you don't have silver blades.

Hey Hey Guys!!!


Seems like Keava's temper doesn't make her think straight either.

What back up plans could she have in the works?

What back up plans could she have in the works?

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