33. Good News

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I can tell how amused Zane is in seeing how Blaze destroys the object

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I can tell how amused Zane is in seeing how Blaze destroys the object.

Blaze sits on the couch once the object is gone. It always seems to take a good amount of energy out of him as well but he bounces back within just a moments notice. More less, like he has to catch his breath after such a spell with the level it takes.

"How is the search going?" Jasel breaks the silence.

"Well, I have good news there. I was actually on my way back when I got the letter." Blaze gives a soft smile.

"That is great. How hard was the last two items to find?" I try not to squirm in Zane's lap.

I am excited, nervous, and incredibly horny. It is just a whole thing about which one is raging a war to be the strongest emotion. I know if I squirm with the happiness and nerves, then Zane will get worked up down below which will only make me that much more in need of him.

That part has to do with the feeding being an thing we do with intimacy and this feeding didn't allow for that.

"The herb and spell were equal in difficulty getting ahold of. Ever try to portal into a hidden cave surrounded by ancient magic. Yeah, well that was almost impossible and then once inside there were constantly things jumping out at my ass or blowing up with magic that I had to counter." Blaze sighs.

"I done it for you though since your very much my sister." Blaze looks back up and smiles again.

"Where can I help in everything? I know there is some prepping that needs to be done." Jasel looks to Blaze.

He sits up and waves his hand. "All this jazz is now in your room." He looks to Jasel.

Jasel nods and Blaze waves again and there is so much that pops up on the table now.

"This right here is everything needed for both of the spells that together, we have to perform on Keava. I know your not at a high level with not practicing or honing in on the magic like we done growing up, but I need your help for both spells. These take two witches and honestly if we could have one more witch I would be all for it." Blaze rubs his hands down his face.

"Why is there going to be two spells instead of just doing it all in one?" Conan speaks up from the side.

"Because with the spell just for healing Keava's body since being a vampire alone, is going to be draining. In order to do the massive one and reversing the vampirism that is in her will take everything we have and then some." Jasel explains once more.

"I thought when listening to it all before that it was just going to be a one and done deal. Not a step process." Conan nods in interest.

I can see Zane is right with Conan in a line of thinking.

"It would have been the plan but seeing the full spell to the reversal alone changes it all up." Jasel looks over the delicate scrolls.

"If you want to prep Jasel then go for it." Blaze smirks.

"You know I do, that is why I asked. Prepping for a spell is some of my favorite parts to it all." Jasel laughs and moves items around on the table.

"So is there anything the rest of us can do to help either of you prep for the spells? Or anything you need from us?" Zane speaks up.

"No, not at the time. The best thing to do is the healing spell. That way all the injuries Keava has taken since being a vampire doesn't kill her immediately if we were to do the reversal spell first." Blaze explains calmly.

Even though he is just talking it gets a growl from both Zane and Conan. Since both of their wolves only heard one thing and that was me being killed if the reversal was done first. Over protective wolves!

"Settle." I sigh and both men finally do.

"I would suggest one spell tomorrow and then the following spell the night after." Jasel adds in. "It will take me right at a day for some of these things to mix for the healing spell. Nothing to mix together for the reversal until it is time for it to be completed."

"That also gives time for you both to spend time together and get the pack back straight after this attack. Plus, Keava's wounds now will be healed by then and it just makes the healing spell all the more easier by it all because it will put it in past wounds to heal and not current." Blaze finishes before looking at me.

"What?" I ask him. I know that look all to well.

"You have to go a full forty-eight hours without injuring yourself again." Blaze says point blank.

"I can do that." I shrug.

"If there is another attack, you can't be out involved. If you are and injured once again then we have to restart it all over again." Jasel looks up from the things to me.

"Okay, okay. I will be the good girl and sit out if nothing is too serious." I sigh.

"She will be good." Zane chuckles behind me.

Turning my head, I catch his smirk.

"I am going to go make sure the corpses are burning nicely." Conan stands and announces before he walks out of the office.

"Do you mind if I use your office space Keava? It is larger than mine for all of this to be placed out." Jasel looks over at me.

"Help yourself." I smile.

Blaze and her start to pick up things and walk into my office. I can see Jasel sit on the floor and Blaze makes several trips to get everything to her on the floor, rather than using magic to move it over. Guess they are starting now on saving their magic for the spells.

"How about we go to our room for a few minutes?" Zane whispers in my ear.

I nod and stand up, turning around to make sure he has his balance. He stands easily this time and we walk out of his office to our room.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Will this get interesting with spells coming up?

Who hopes things go smoothly? Or will something happen just to stir the pot?

Who hopes things go smoothly? Or will something happen just to stir the pot?

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