24. New Friends

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Rosa is a hoot to be around, I had thought she was only like this in her shop the two times I have been and man was I wrong

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Rosa is a hoot to be around, I had thought she was only like this in her shop the two times I have been and man was I wrong. This woman may look to be up in age, but she is very vocal and hilarious.

I learn many names and honestly, it is overwhleming on if I will remember everyone's name by tomorrow morning. The kids names I hear and get the chance to speak with seem to stay with me completely though with no issues.

"Here is this Luna." Rosa hands me a plate with the dessert. "You get the first plate with it being your creation and no body is touching the food just yet with you not having something."

"Thank you." I smile and take the plate. "Please everyone get some food and enjoy."

No sooner than I say that and they can see the plate in my hands, so many wolves bound over to get their food. It makes me smile and I move over to the side after grabbing a fork.

My eyes catch sight of Zane talking with Jasel and Blaze. They all look in deep conversation, as Conan is talking at the moment. There is to much going on to where I can't hear what they are saying, but I know Zane will tell me later on. He doesn't seem to keep anything from me when I simply ask and I am not jealous.

Maybe Blaze is going to join the pack? That would be so nice to have him around, since he is like another brother to me.

Sadness pains me a little, I may have lost my family but I am creating a new one here after so many years. It is also sad I am a vampire so unless I kill myself after losing all these people, I will live forever and it is not something I want. Why live forever alone like this as an ambitation and continue to lose the ones I get close too? It would just be an existence of pain and guilt that I live and no one else I care for does.

"I can't wait for you to be able to visit the schools." A she-wolf steps up, and it is one that stood with Calin before everything happened.

"I hoping to visit within the next day or two. Everything goes back to normal by tomorrow morning right?"

"Yes, it does. I am Chave." She smiles.

"It is nice to officially meet you Chave." I smile.

"I am so sorry for yesterday. My anger went ten fold when Alpha announced what she said about the pack. I seen the way the pups took to you when we were out for recess and you walked by. Honestly, she got what she deserved." Chave sighs.

"May I ask why you were friends with her in the first place, if knowing how she had such a mean nature to her?" I tilt my head some.

"Well, when I was younger before meeting my mate I was labeled the pack slut. It is common knowledge to everyone here I would sneak drinks and then get so crazy as to chase after the males. When I met my mate though, it calmed the wild spirit and I settled, finding my place within the pack with the pups and teaching." She gives a soft smile.

I nod. "All normal to be wild when young." I laugh lightly.

"Yeah but because of that side of me and even though no male would ever take me like I wanted. I got slapped with the label and rumors which any of us that did ended up becoming friends, but I never really liked Calin that way. It is weird the label is the only thing we had in common and we never hung out or anything. There was days that Calin would just take off and no one would see or hear from her." Chave shrugs.

"I am sorry you were labeled like that. I would like to meet your mate." I rub her arm, feeling like I should comfort or just touch her.

Chave tears up. "I would have loved for that to happen. Sadly he was killed in an attack right before we were able to complete the matebond. We never got to enjoy that together. He was a couple years older than me and a warrior. That was five years ago, so now I am twenty-seven and dubbed mateless even though everyone knows I had one and he parished before we could have the life together."

"That has to be the hardest thing." I sigh and hug her with one arm.

"It wasn't easy, I still felt the snap of the bond breaking with his death. I know that I can choose to be with someone else as there are many here that have lost mates. It is just the thought of losing someone else I love that stops me because I don't want to feel the pain again." Chave lets a few tears slip.

I take a deep breath.

"I understand that in a way. For the longest that was my way of thinking until being here. Now though, I learn that it is not fun to live alone. Don't let your life pass you by feeling alone because sometimes grief can be easier by having someone to lean on, even if it is family you make or someone you can fall in love with." I gently say.

Chave nods.

"To start lets find you new friends and not just say your friends with someone because of labels. Don't let that stop you, yeah?" I smile to her.

Chave laughs lightly and nods.

"Yeah, I should actually get involved more and make friends. I just thought no one would want to with me having that old label." She shrugs.

"Nonsense, come on." I take her hand and walk up to a group of ladies.

I stand and help Chave as we all talk and laugh. It seems like all she needed was a slight push to get going and I never mentioned her old label or what we spoke about, since that is between us and us alone.

The group of ladies I happened to pull us too where all widows from losing their mates as well and it seem to help Chave fit in even more.

Seeing she is smiling and talking, I back out and finally catch sight of Zane again. I have been holding this dessert for him. Since I fed this morning again from Zane, I don't want any actual food because I am content.

Walking up to him, he is still talking with the others.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

How do we feel about Chave?

Seems like Keava is working the Luna vibe and making friends all the way around right?

Does Keave seem to be embracing more of who she is?

Does Keave seem to be embracing more of who she is?

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