5. One Reckless Moment

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It has been eleven years since the night I walked out of Blaze's cabin

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It has been eleven years since the night I walked out of Blaze's cabin.

Eleven years, I have been hunting and killing other vampires. Not one has got away from me and lived to see another day once I am within close range of it.

I still have not found the ones responsible for the slaughter of my family and turning me. Every time I come upon a nest, I get hopeful.

I am now twenty-nine as of today. Each birthday that has pass is one for mourning. Because it is no celebration with it being the day I feel like I lost my life with my family. The one picture I carry is the last thing of my life I cherish now.

Which lead me to a rather secluded forest not to get from where I grew up. Just needing to come to the roots I had all those years ago. Today seems to be weighing heavier on me than they have before.

Luck has been on my side as I have never came across this 'beloved' Blaze had said I would have in the world. Trust me in the last eleven years it has also been on my mind due to all the traveling I have done. At times, I wonder if it would be a good thing to even have one to help share the loniness with someone that is supposed to be my love and world. Then again could I have someone with me on this venture of revenge I have been on for many years now.

Could I even stop if I found my beloved?

If it is a vampire than I am certain I would end the life of said beloved. I hate myself. So how could I love someone that is the same creature as I am and hate?

I shake my head and bury the blood bag, I just consumed. It is the time of the week to indulge with the cold bittery taste that helps to give me the strength I need. I eat normal food that humans do twice a day through the week but on the middle day of the week instead of human food I will have a blood bag, as I don't need it everyday.

There are whispers in the wind about me since I don't stay in one place for any length of time. During my hunting, I have gained some haters wishing to end me before I can get to them. The name they call me by is Vampire Huntress, and I expect they don't know my true name since not once during a kill does the vampire mutter my name but instead the one others started calling me by.

A sound comes from behind and I still my movements. The blood bag is hid under the dirt but it does not sound like a human off of the trail. As I am far from any civiliation there shouldn't be anyone out here.

There are huge trees around the area and I was to make one my bed tonight. I hate using the ability to convince a human for a room and I am just about out of cash money. Something I still enjoy to do at periods of times is work small diner jobs for the cash to where I can still feel somewhat human and not just get a free ride, even if it is overly easy to do.

I stand straight and there is growl coming from behind. To keep from being a threat, I don't move for the blade on my back. With a slow tilt of my head to the side, I can see a large wolf behind me and two more off to the side.

How could I have been so careless? In all my time and travels I make sure to never venture close to a werewolf pack.

Makes sense now this forest is secluded and very little to none humans venture out here. As I was moving not even a scent of a human could be detected.

All I wanted was to get away from everything on this one evening. I needed the privacy and to be close to what used to be home. Stuck in my own head, I have let myself venture into claimed land by the wolves. Blaze would be shaking his head at me in this moment, if he were to know.

Over the years, I have visited several times with Blaze to hand over black talsmans. Watching them be destroyed is a wonder in itself.

More wolves come up to my right and form a circle around me. Their teeth bared towards me as they let out snarls and swipe their claws in my direction.

Not wanting any trouble, I drop to my knees and hold my hands out. The sound of bones snapping flits over to my ears and I don't make any other movement.

"What are you doing on our land?" A males voice calls out.

"I was just looking for a place to sleep away from anyone. It had gone without my notice a pack has claims to this land. I will simply leave, as I mean no harm to your kind." I keep my voice level and even.

The male lets out a laugh but not the friendly type just humor in my words.

"We can't just let some blood sucker walk away. Just so you can go run and tell your nest." He taunts.

"I don't have a nest." I keep my hands up and the mention of me being involved with other vampires makes my blood boil, as a small hiss slips out unwillingly.

A wolf steps closer and snaps his canines towards. In return making me to jump slightly and lower my head. I have never seen one of these creatures before now and being as what I am they have hatred for me.

There is nothing more I would prefer to do in this moment than to explain myself. Something tells me that none of these men would believe what I would have to say. Not considering they can smell the blood I just consumed moments before.

None of which helps my case.

Vast amounts of pain stems from my wrist, as the one talking places silver shackles around them. The smell of my burnt flesh fills the air and it takes my breath away, leaving me unable to tell them I truly don't mean them any harm and I, myself, hunt and hate vampires.

The man wanks the shackles and it causes me to let out a small cry of pain, I had been holding in. I get the hint to stand as he drags me through the woods.

The other wolves following, nudge me along if I don't move at their pace but don't bite or show teeth. As for the guy walking in front of me he doesn't seem to be all here but more like he is fighting with himself.

One reckless moment in eleven years. Now I may not live to see another year depending on this pack, even if right now they seem to act differently. The only thing I am concerned about is finding the nest that killed my family and now I won't get the chance too.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Looks like Keava made a misstep! What will she do?

Why do you think the big bad wolves went from snapping their teeth to being a little distance?

Why do you think the big bad wolves went from snapping their teeth to being a little distance?

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