51. Calin

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Calin's POV

Life has been tough since I got banished. It is more like surviving than living.

How the hell do other wolves just turn rogue for the fun of it?

I put my foot in my mouth with that blood sucking slut. Now this is where I have been for months. My own friends turned their backs on me.

Well, okay.

Not my actual friends but they were the sluts in the pack too and I could control them easily with them believing they couldn't be friends with anyone else.

Finally a damn rabbit comes up to eat on the clovers I have been staring at for hours. I know they like to feed from them and once their stomach is full, my wolf and I can eat something better than some random berries I can find in the bushes around here.

What I would not do for some clothes that is not tore and more rags than anything. Sure, I can move to a city and work like so low life human but come on I know that I am better than them. So that is a hard no go for me.

I pounce on the rabbit, my wolf and I not being able to wait any longer. Tearing into the animals hide, I start to feed but sounds reach my ears I haven't noticed before hand.

It sounds like feet brushing over the leaves on the forest floor. I am far enough away from the pack and no one ever ventured out here this far before.

"Shift." A grizzly voice comes out to my side.

I lift and spin but no one is there.

So, I must being going crazy.

"I said shift." The same voice comes out and this time multiple hands grab me.

Letting out a growl, the hands keep me from moving. Their scent fills my nose and it tells me it is vampires.

"Let's just kill this wolf. She will only run off to warn the next pack." One of them hiss.

A guy steps in my line of sight and he looks very old. It seems like he was turned in what would appears his forties.

"There won't be a need in that. She will shift and then talk with us. I think she can be useful." The blood sucker stares me down.

"Or we can just kill you and feed from your dead body. I am sure my men would be delighted to eat." He hisses.

I shift and it takes a few minutes since I really don't shift into my normal human skin much anymore since being banished from the pack. It always made sense to stay in wolf form where I am stronger.

The guy smiles once I stand naked in front of him. I don't get why he is smiling because I am covered in dirt, since I have been moving around today and not got the lake to wash off after I hunt like normal.

"Now why would you be out here all alone and a rogue no less. It is obvious you used to keep hair and tend to yourself." The man looks me up and down.

"None of your business. The one thing I can't stand is vampires and there is no reason for you to be around here." I roll my eyes.

"You see, I have something in this country that I promised to my son years ago. He had let her go to calm down for the longest, but my son is waiting on his turned one to be by his side. She is more than strongest enough, it is after all why we choose her family line." The guy shrugs.

"Women are not property." I state.

"It shouldn't matter to you as I think I understand you now. You're the one that she ran off. So save us both the time and just tell me which pack this Knight resides in instead of me searching through the last two we got left." The guy puts his hands out to me.

Another man steps up and looks like the same copy as the old man but at least this guy seems to be in his twenties, but he is silent. The nice looking one steps up and his hand lands on my jaw, pulling my head to bare my neck.

His fangs sink in my skin and there is a painful bite before it turns into a blissful feeling.

When he pulls back, he looks into my eyes and the forest now spins slightly around me. How much blood did he take from me? That was the best bite though and I could feel when I literally orgasmed from it alone.

"Tell us where she is. I risked so much by having our men kill her family and turning her." The sexy finally talks but his voice isn't as deep as I prefer my men to speak in.

I point my finger.

"Good wolf." He smirks and turns away from me. "All that bitched needed was the bite from us to feel relaxed, father."

"At least this saves us time. We can strike and go into tonight to fetch the one you choosen all those years ago." The old man states.

"I won't let her get away this time. Eleven years ago I let my anger get the best of me and just left her to cool off, never did I think she would turn out the way she had."

"That is exactly why we have been running all over the world. At least when you felt her turn human again from the change, we can control her." The older man sighs.

"You are stupid. She has a mate and a witch with her." My mouth opens on its own.

They spin to look at me.

"Fine. You can help us and we have one piece to bring her to our side in the mean time. When Knight sees what we have she will walk to us willingly and leave her mate behind. There is not but one chip we know she wants more than anything. It is just ridiculous and a shame we must change her again." The old man fumes.

The young man steps up again. "Night for now, we must hide with the sun up and I need my strength."

His fangs sink into my skin again and at least I get some pleasure before everything turned dark.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

A different chapter! Gives lots of answers in a way right?

What could be that one thing they believe will have Keava walking over to then willingly?

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