31. First Time In Years

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Anger courses through me looking at this black object in my hands

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Anger courses through me looking at this black object in my hands. What in the hell would the vampires gain by turning a wolf? It kills the wolf spirit in the person and forces them vampire. It essentially makes the poor wolf hate themselves or not be able to cope with the loss of their other half, which leads to becoming stark raving mad.

Zane pulls me through the yard after picking up my blades. I pocket the talsman and take the blades from his hands right before we enter the pack house.

Opening the door, people are moving around and still coming out of the bunker. I still think it is genuis to have an under ground bunker in the pack house and one place for every member to go to, by a staircase in the kitchen. It is funny as you can up go the stairs to rooms housing unmated wolves but also by the hidden stairwell to find safety. 

I move over to the side wall again and take a towel. I wipe over each blade once and quickly. I can get them out later on once at least all the pups in the pack are asleep and not running around to clean them properly. Now, it is just time to place them back in the safe and out of reach for any of the pups to grab ahold of them. Since the pack doesn't have an actually armory here, which honestly they need to learn weapons.

I walk up to my office and open the safe in there. The only ones that have this combo is Zane, Conan, Jasel and myself. Which is the safest place for this evil object. Unlike the safe in the kitchen all the warriors have access along with us high rank wolves.

I walk to our bedroom and shred what is left of the blood drenched clothes. I step in the shower to simply wash it all off. Later after I make sure everyone is okay, I will get back in and properly shower but right now the wolves of my pack need me. The only reason to rinse off is to not scare the youngest pups.

I throw on clothes and dash out the door and into the kitchen.

"How did everyone do in the bunker?" I ask Jasel when I get next to her.

"They done well. The older kids played games with the youngers ones to help pass the time and ease their worries."

"It is good to see the older kids helping the adults tend to the children and not panicking themselves." I nod.

"I got something from one of the vampires in my safe. Can you destroy a black talsman?" I look at her.

Jasel frowns. "I can't. My magic is no where near the strengths of Blaze's."

"It is okay." I rub her arm.

I hate that she isn't able to do it but she knows her limits and if not done properly with destroying it then it could make things even worse. I just don't want her feeling down because of it.

"I am making up a letter to Blaze now to let him know what happened here and that you have something for him to get rid of." Jasel grabs paper and starts writing.

"Thank you. Are you okay?" I look over her and Chester one more time.

"Yes we are good. Conan is out and dragging the corpses around now with the warriors. Zane is with some of the elder warriors of the pack went out ot the border to see if the guards were wounded and getting new ones set up there for now."

I nod my head.

"You need to feed though. These wounds on your chest and arms are pretty deep." Jasel looks back to me.

"I got fu." I stop and look at Chester again. "I got tackled by a small group, it will heal up soon." I change my wording some, since he is such a small child.

Rosa walks up and places a cup in front of me.

"Thank you." I try to give a small smile. At this point, I am not even going to fight them.

Especially not fight against Rosa. This woman is as stubborn and funny just like my mom used to be. It helps in a way with how Rosa is because it feels like there is a small piece of my mom here with me when she is around, whether we are in her shop or she is here in the kitchen with us working.

I finished the cup even though Zane taste better than this stuff does, at least it should help heal the wounds and give me some energy back. Right now since the fight has calmed, I can feel just how drained I am.

Jasel chants a few words and the letter disappears, which is amazing to see in person. She gets Chester off the chair and we go around making sure that everyone is doing okay and still not frightened.

The entire time, my stomach knots up and is leaving me to feel miserable. I hide it down the best I can because the pack needs me now.

Zane comes in the pack house and makes his way to me. We go up to his office, with Jasel behind us.

"Your still not healed." He mumbles, looking over my wounds.

"Rosa brought her a cup for feeding almost an hour ago." Jasel speaks up.

"How were the warriors at the border?" I ask Zane, wanting to not talk about me anymore.

"They will be fine. The vampires knocked them out but didn't feed from them." Zane growls.

"That is strange they weren't fed on when warriors fighting here was." Jasel points out.

"Yeah, I know. Maybe it was just them wanting to try and make it to where we were not alerted. Or the first ones in the border were not the blood hungry ones." Conan chimes in from the door.

"It makes sense how the first ones could have had a different motive than the ones that were just starving. It would explain it and vampires don't have a system like we do and it gave the one trying to turn more into what they are the assurance we would be busy." Zane growls in agreeance.

My stomach clenches so tightly all of a sudden. For the first time in years, I double over in pain from it. A burning feeling comes over my throat.

"What is wrong?" Zane runs over.

Thankfully, Jasel seems to know something is up and moves the trash can in front of me. 

I go to answer as I feel his hands on my waist. My head seems to lower to the floor even more and I vomit everything from the feeding I done from the cup.

A deep burning sensation is left, as my eyes water with how quickly my stomach is expelling everything. Just as it all slows down and I am able to catch my breath from vomiting, my legs give out and Zane's hands around my waist catch me from falling to the floor.

Everything is hurting and burning through my body, and I have no energy to move. The one thing that hurts the most is an overbearing hunger and my fangs protude from my gums on their own with the strong desire to feed.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

They were working on what could have been the reason for the attack. Anyone agree with their line of thoughts or think it is something else?

What may be wrong with Keava?

What may be wrong with Keava?

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