30. Running Back

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Ruken makes us shift a moment after sending out the mass link to everyone

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Ruken makes us shift a moment after sending out the mass link to everyone. I can hear as feet hit the floors inside the pack house. Teachers run from the schools to the pack house, with warriors around shifted and watching around. I know they are all making it to the bunker inside the house and out of harms way.

Ruken and I take off for the North side, rounding the pack house. One of the smaller pups, makes us stop in our tracks when the pup toddles away from the crowd. We dash over and Ruken uses our snout to gently push the pup back with the others.

After that we turn and as the last woman and child are in the pack house, vampires come running from the forest. They seem like maniacs with how their fangs are showing as hisses escaping their lips, and hands in the air ready to grab ahold of wolves.

Warriors fly out from the duties they were performing after training. Fighting against vampires is harder in our wolf form, but it is the safest for us all. None of us are the strongest in human form like we are in wolf form as there are more muscles.

Ruken and I keep biting and slashing through the vampires. We help any warrior that has more than one around them. The hissing is like an annoying buzz in our ears as the vampires are angry that we are fighting against them.

Conan comes up beside us and slashes his claws through a vampire that was sneaking up behind us. We nod and turn back into the fighting. Every vampire is after the pack house just like every single time we have ever had an attack. Never has one been on this scale level in thirteen years, this is the same size vampire attack that happened right after they killed my parents and forced their way onto our land.

I see Keava fighting through vampires and creating a pile around her as she protects and fends them off from a wolf behind her on the ground. The smell of the wolf drawing them to her area.

I need several warriors to help the wolf behind your Luna to the medical building. His blood is drawing them there and making them closer to the pack house. I link out to every warrior.

Conan is still slashing out trying to help keep more from going to the area fifty yards away from where we currently are fighting.

I eyes catch warrior moving the wolf to where he needs treatment.

Just as I turn back around, I see fangs in my face. Opening my muzzle, we snap out at the vampire wrapping our teeth around its head. I throw his to the ground and use a paw to hold his chest down and rip the head clean off.

A loud growl sounds out next to me, as Conan had done the same but facing the area of the packhouse unlike how I had to turn.

Spinning around, I see five vampires piled over something. It feels as if skin is being tore from my body and I know it is Keava.

No sooner than I feel it, I see vampires go flying in the air from the same pile. A shoe is throw at the same time a vampire gets kicked into the air. My eyes zoom in on Keava, and my paws hit the ground. Ruken letting out the loudest growl and snarl we have ever done.

Just as we reach Keava, she jumps onto her feet. Using her hands, she ripes the head clean off the closest vampire with the spin and jerking motion she done to him.

I dive after one and Keava, jumps next to me where her blades lay in the grass covered in our enemies blood. Just seeing that sight sends pleasure through me, along with pride on how many vicitims that blade has claimed alone today with her using it.

Between Keava, Conan, and myself we rid of the five vampires that jumped her. Turning out to the field again, there is not many vampires left standing alive.

"There!" Keava points before taking off.

I run with her and Conan takes off and helps another wolf. The one vampire Keava and I are after, has his fangs in another wolf but holding something in his hands.

My teeth clamp down on the vampires arm holding the object. I can feel when his bone breaks and I jerk my head to the side, ripping the vampires arm off. Causing him to stop feeding from my warrior. Keave moves beside the warrior, and just as the wolf falls to the ground her blade swings and slices through the vampires neck as if it was a hot knife cutting through butter.

The vampires body falls and I drop the arm. Keava kneels next to the wolf who whimpers. She drops her blades to the side and runs her hand over the teeth marking.

"Does it burn at all?" Her voice comes out harsh with a hiss.

The warrior shakes his head.

"That is good. The fucker didn't get to finish the change. These teeth marks show he hadn't got deep enough for it to finish the turning, but I had to ask and make sure it didnt burn." Keava hisses more.

She stands from the wolf and walks around, picking up the object the vampire held.

"This is a black talsman to change anyone the vampire was feeding on into one of them. Thankfully, the vampires fangs didn't get deep enough or stay in the poor warrior long enough for the turn to happen." She hisses looking at the talsman.

I turn and see the last few vampires left are running back to the forest, as the sun starts to shine through the clouds.

More warriors step up and pick up the injured warrior, before they walk off to the medical wing.

Conan runs over with shorts, having already shifted and wearing a pair himself. Ruken helps me to shift a moment later. Keava is still staring at the object and small hisses keep slipping through her lips.

I can tell and feel her anger with the object. The sun is also starting to affect her with the energy she used during the fight and the wounds she has gained also, making her weaker.

"Let them know it is safe to come out of the bunker." I whisper to Conan.

He nods and takes off to the pack house. I turn my attention back to Keava.

"Let's get you inside." I whisper to her and she jumps at my light touch on her shoulder, where there are no injuries.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

The attack is surely over?

What could come from this attack, if anything?

What could come from this attack, if anything?

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