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On impulse, Eren used his legs to kick his sister away from him, causing her to stumble until she fell too. Both were crying and looking at each other full of hate, the only thing they wanted at that moment was to kill each other. With a little difficulty, Mavie got to her feet and walked back to her brother, standing next to him, her fists still clenched. In her eyes, it was clear how upset and shaken she was, however, not even her crying, threats or aggression would make him give up on his dream, even if it cost him his sister's love.

- Don't use her death as emotional blackmail against me, you idiot! I'm not going to enlist and hang around with these suicidal assholes, but if you want, great! Do what you want, I won't stop you, just know that it will drag Mikasa and Armin straight to their deaths, including you! - she said to the fallen brunette, who soon got up and placed both hands on her shoulders.

- If you don't want to go, then don't go, however... Don't stop me from achieving my goals. - Eren ended the discussion, releasing Mavie and leaving.

The girl, however, remained standing, looking at nothing, thinking about what she had said and the answer her brother had given her. A few hours ago, she had told herself that she had never enjoyed her life and now, she kept pushing the same button, insisting on staying hidden behind walls, after all, it was safe, wasn't it? However, she was scared but didn't want to continue serving as cattle as Eren and other people used to say.


Mavie Jaeger.

It's been 3 years since the titans appeared and took everything we had, giving us no other option but to become refugees and shelter in the Rose Wall, where we live in precarious situations and often have to face strong heat waves. , cold and worst of all, hunger.

Honestly, of all the things I had to go through during these years, I don't know which one made me feel more humiliated for having to live in these precarious conditions... Sometimes I catch myself thinking about starting a revolution among the residents of the walls and going all together overthrow this government, after all that damn king doesn't care about any of us, it's been 1 year since he stopped helping us and well we're working hard to survive on the scraps of money and food we earn from hard work.

I am currently 12 years old, but in a few months I will be 13, which makes me a little worried, because at that age, Eren will be free to enlist and be part of the 104th class of cadets, leaving this farm in that we have been living temporarily since the year before last. To be honest, I'm not so insecure for him just because Mikasa will always be by his side to protect him from all dangers that come, however... This still makes me very thoughtful. You know, to think that one day news might reach me that not only he, but Mikasa and Armin also died on the battlefield, makes me sad.

Since our fight outside the shed three years ago, my relationship with Eren has gone bad and it's not his fault, it's mine. He always complains because I get on him too much, but I can't help not doing that, because Eren is always taking risks and picking fights with people when they decide to curse the recon soldiers... Years have passed, but Eren hasn't changed a thing, remains the same spoiled and impulsive boy I know.

Every night before I go to sleep, I watch the starry sky through the window of the small room I share with Mikasa and two other girls, and I often wonder if my mom and dad would like me to enlist to take care of my brother too, after all, even if he has Mikasa to protect and defend him, she will not always be available and another, he is not her responsibility, he is my brother, I should protect him, however, I know that I am not so strong and agile like her... I never was.

As much as the two of us are great friends, almost sisters, I can't help but feel a little jealous of her, unfortunately. When I look at Mikasa, I see a beautiful, strong and smart young woman, unlike me, who was always considered an ugly duckling by the boys of Shingashina.

In the mirror, I see only Mavie Jaeger, the famous "Eren's sister". I just hate this title I've won, it's like I'm just his sister, useless. I confess that I have a certain degree of guilt for being known just for that, after all, I don't talk to anyone and I don't even try to fit in with the other residents of the farm, because I'm always working double and, in my free time, I read some books I managed to buy with my own money. Yes, I do my best to work harder than others even though I'm only 12 years old, and that makes me a lot of money and that's why me, Eren, Mikasa and Armin are not so hungry or are always hungry. clothes changes.

- I want to talk to you. Are you busy? - I'm interrupted from my thoughts when I hear Eren's voice behind me.

- No, I'm not... For now. - I replied in a sarcastic tone, turning on my heel to look him in the eye.

- Can we go to the stable? At that time, there is no one else there. - Eren asked a little awkwardly, I could see that his cheeks were slightly flushed.

Confused by his sudden attitude, I raised one of my eyebrows and was judging him with my eyes, realizing that my brother ended up being embarrassed by this, so I undid my confused expression and left the room, with him doing the same and coming right behind. of me. If I didn't know Eren that well, I could tell he's in love, but since when does this boy think about these things? I'm sure he did something stupid and it was just up to me to solve his mistakes, as I always do.


As soon as we got close to the stable, Eren pushed me inside and closed the doors of that place, leaving me even more confused. Before starting to speak, he looked around all the cells to see if we were, in fact, alone. I confess that I'm getting worried about this situation, what has he done now to the point of being astonished in this way? Compassion.

- It's just the two of us here... Great... - he said, smiling slightly and looking back at me.

- Eren, what did you do now!? Can you explain to me why we are here? - I asked furiously.

- I've been feeling weird lately... I think I'm sick... If anything happens, promise me you'll stay alive!

- Like this? What are you feeling? It tells me! Maybe we should take him to the doctor in the capital.

For a few moments, Eren was looking at me with a serious face and, at the same time, worried, making me more and more scared with all this behavior. He can't die, can he? I don't know what I would do if that happened, he's the only person I have left, I can't lose him! Despite our differences, I love Eren, he's my brother, I can't stand living in a world where my brother isn't by my side, that would be torture.

- I'm anxious... My heart beats fast, I can't sleep well, I can't eat... I think Armin must know what's happening to me, I always feel weird around him... Mavie, you know? do you think it's serious? - Eren questioned me, holding my arms tightly and looking straight into my eyes.

- Wait... What do you mean, "strange"? - I looked at him confused, I can't understand what he means with all these symptoms.

- It's like my stomach is turning inside me, you know? I'm not quite sure how to explain all this, but I always feel that way in Armin's presence.

- What? Oh, heavens... It can't be! Are you in love with Armin? - I asked, letting go of my arms and grabbing his shoulders.

- But... Isn't that wrong...? - his look of concern and sadness was like a knife in my chest, I hadn't seen him like that since the day the titans invaded Wall Maria.

At that moment, I didn't know what I should say to him, however, I was sure that those feelings Eren felt were not wrong at all, after all, love is a pure and sweet feeling to feel, right? However, I didn't know what words to use to comfort my brother, I just hugged him tightly, and for the first time in years, Eren cried in my arms.

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