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Mavie's blood boiled like fire inside her veins. She felt like she was betraying her nation by dressing like a Marleyan soldier. That mortally wounded his human and Eldian pride, it was like lying in the blood of his companions who had been killed by that enemy nation, Marley. She walked through the streets of Libério, carrying grenades on her waist and a loaded machine gun on her back, emanating the aura of the evil being that a Marleyan could be just by having a red armband on her arm. Because much of her face was covered by the steel helmet on her head, as well as the rest of her white uniform that covered her from head to toe, hiding her breasts and body structure, this made her easily pass for a man, which could make things easier for that black-haired woman. However, underneath those filthy clothes, as she herself said, was her new Military Police uniform.

The Jaeger wore a black jumpsuit, with small gold and dark green details on the shoulders and calves, made from a fabric brought from Hizoru, especially suitable for the movements necessary in her missions. The piece was fitted, but it wouldn't bother her; on the contrary, it provided freedom of movement. On the back, the coat of arms of the Military Police was displayed, with the unicorn that for many symbolizes strength, courage, healing and protection. Her uniform displayed a harmony of sensuality and beauty, combining elegance with utility. On his waist, he had a belt with small pockets containing new bullets and small homemade bombs. On his hands, black gloves with openings for the fingers. Mavie Jaeger, with her new uniform, radiated glamor and authority, representing everything that a woman in the Military Police could offer to eradicate crime or, better said, everything that Kenny Ackerman could offer to clean his hands of the most sordid blood in the name of the royalty of Paradis.

After a period of walking around Libério, she finally found Kyiomi Azumabito, who was waiting next to a carriage, accompanied by some Asian men, signaling, like her, the connection with Hizoru. When the two women saw each other, sarcastic smiles appeared on their lips, followed by a formal greeting with a handshake. Then, everyone got into the carriage, which quickly started moving towards the port of Marley. There, the Azumabito would leave on a ship, returning to Paradis. Excluding Mavie, who still had to remain in place for the imminent attack. It was crucial to ensure that the Asian woman left there safely, without exposing herself to risk.

The surrounding atmosphere was charged with the impending tension of the mission. The wind whistled through the streets of Libério, as a harbinger of what was to come. Every second was precious, and Jaeger understood the magnitude of the responsibility that rested on her shoulders. The determined look and firm posture were reflections of an unbreakable determination, an iron will forged in the challenges faced throughout his journey. In the distance, the lights of Marley Harbor twinkled, dotting the darkness with a promise of departure and return. The carriage glided along the cobblestone streets, the tinkling of the horses' hooves accompanying the rapid beat of their hearts. Kyiomi, at her side, exuded confidence, a trustworthy ally in this dangerous dance with destiny.

The conversation was punctuated by brief intervals of silence, where knowing looks crossed, communicating more than words could express. Soon, they would arrive at port, and separation would be imminent. Kyiomi's safety was the priority, and Mavie would spare no effort to ensure that her ally reached the vessel unscathed, away from the menacing shadows that hung over Marley that night.

However, amid all that tension and the terror of the imminent bloodshed in the District of Libério, the brunette woman felt a small tightness in her chest, as if it were a warning. At that moment, she remembered what that could mean and also remembered the times she had had that strange feeling. She remembered how everything that happened after that grip ended abruptly with what was left of her sanity. Mavie struggled to calm down and took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. Then, she directed his gaze to the next window, managing to see the approach to the port and the people heading towards the center of the concentration camp. There, Willy Tybur would be proclaiming the declaration of war against Paradis and, at the same time, would meet his own end in a matter of seconds, as would everyone in the audience. Adults, children, elderly people, all of them innocent, would be victims of a conflict that did not belong to them, but their lives would serve as a sacrifice for a war that had been unfolding for centuries between the world and the Empire of Eldia.

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