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Reiner's blouse didn't fit Mavie, as expected, looking like an old, baggy dress. The two stared at each other for a while, still trying to process everything that had happened minutes ago, Mavie couldn't forgive herself for taking someone's life, even if that person deserved to die that way. Jaeger's gaze seemed to be more sad and tired than before, that guilt accompanied by remorse was eating away at her inside, she mentally wondered if she had acted the right way or if she should have called out to Keith Shadis, who was the superior. from everyone in that HQ, including Richard.

Reiner took a deep breath and held Mavie's hands, who looked at him confused, not understanding the reason for that sudden action. Both were scared and not knowing what they should do and how they would hide Richard's body, however, Reiner had a rather dangerous and risky idea, however, he would need Mavie to return to the barracks soon, as he needed to be alone to complete the quick plan you've assembled in your head.

- Go back to your dorm and try to sleep, the day was very busy. – he said, releasing his hands from hers.

- Is that you?

- I'll fix that guy's body.

'Sorry to get you involved in this… – Mavie lamented, feeling even worse about the situation.

The blonde didn't answer her, just nodded his head and waited for her to leave. Reiner watched attentively the younger one slowly moving away and disappearing among the trees, with the darkness of the night completely consuming her, disappearing completely from her vision. Braun waited a few more minutes until he was sure that Mavie had already arrived at the HQ and gone to the girls' dormitory, and after that, the blonde looked around to not run any risk of being seen and when he had confirmation that he was Alone, the boy walked to the edge of the river, staring at Richard's body on the ground, grinding his teeth in anger at the sight of him.

- You were lucky it wasn't me who killed you, you son of a bitch... – he muttered, bringing his hand to his mouth and biting down hard.


Mavie Jaeger.

These three years have flown by and so much has happened that I would need days to count, but I will try to summarize as much as I can. Well I became closer to two girls and we became best friends, they are Christa Lenz and Ymir, I never thought that I would have my own friends and that for once in my life I would not depend on my brother to have friends, and speaking of him... Well, Eren remains the same as always, being impulsive and hardheaded at times, and because of that, he ended up giving up on Armin, his only concern now is to stay focused on his training and studies, everything so you can achieve your goals and get the best results. Armin, not unlike him, remains focused on everything, but he's still not good at heavy training.

About Reiner, we're still friends, however, we're not as close as we used to be. After I became friends with the girls, I ended up moving away from him a little, although I never stopped looking for him to talk a few times. Reiner has changed a lot compared to a few years ago, I confess he even managed to look better than before, more attractive, stronger... Hot, ok? It's delicious. In addition to all this, Reiner seems to be more confident and responsible than he already was, everyone still considers him as the big brother of the gang, our helper, our protector and the greatest example to follow. As always, he's still considered the best of all here, I'm so proud of him.

Today, we will leave the barracks and go to the camping huts that are inside the Rose Wall, where we will spend the winter and keep warm during the theoretical classes. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous about the route we're going to take, we always end up losing some of our companions and we're only allowed to go out in search of them when the fog passes, unfortunately we're not lucky to find them with their health intact and for Because of this, the majority who are lost decide to give up and leave, abandoning everything for a mistake that could be fatal.

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