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Mavie Jaeger.

I woke up feeling my entire body hurt, as if I had been beaten. I looked down and saw Falco clinging to me like a puppy looking for shelter. A little blood was running from his nose, and his face had some scratches, as did mine. I got up with some difficulty and laid the boy on the floor, standing up while looking at him. He remained motionless and unconscious, but he was still breathing, and that was what reassured me. I staggered a little until I managed to grab something for support before hitting the ground. When I looked to the side, I saw that my hand was resting on Reiner's head. My eyes widened and I abruptly moved away from him, immediately remembering what had happened and what had led us to that situation. "I will keep advancing... until I drive away my enemies." These were my brother's last words before he transformed and destroyed everything around him, putting my life and Falco's at risk.

I went into shock again, questioning the reasons that led Eren to risk my life like that, when he could have just let me go to join the others. After all, the Grice boy was beyond salvation anyway. I lightly passed my hand over my face and felt something damp and warm. I soon became certain that it was my forehead that was bleeding and I realized that I had received yet another wound that would leave another scar on my face. I took a deep breath and looked at Reiner, feeling a pang in my heart when I saw him with such a worn and haggard expression, also quite different from the last time we saw him clearly, on top of Wall Rose and, later, in the Shingashina District.

Back then, Reiner was more robust, had a friendly and trustworthy face, a charming smile, and a charismatic personality. Therefore, it was almost impossible to discover that he was the traitor coming from beyond the walls, the Armored Titan. Now, he has a thinner body, with deep dark circles under his eyes, a stubble beard and appears to have aged ten years in just four. As much as I fought not to feel it, it was difficult not to look at him and not feel sad to see him in such a way, so finished and depressing. My heart ached just being close to him again, and it hurt even more to remember seeing him humiliating himself to be killed instead of his entire nation. I couldn't tell if he was really a patriot blindly loyal to Marley or if he was just making up an excuse to die and not suffer the weight of guilt anymore. Reiner really isn't who I knew anymore, or better said, he was never who I knew and I don't really know him... that wasn't him and would never be him.

- We all pay a price for our mistakes, Reiner... and that was yours. - I whispered to myself, kneeling down in front of him so that we could be at the same height, since the blonde had half his body inside the Titan.

I could feel a certain tremor beneath my feet, and the environment around me seemed to be permeated with tension and conflict. This made me take a deep breath and wipe the blood from my face with my hands, then wipe them on my uniform, staining it with my own blood. I knew that when I left the protection of Reiner's titan armor, I would get dirty with the blood of military and civilians. The latter cried for my false death and prayed for the salvation of my soul when they saw my residence in flames, so intense that they seemed like hell itself. I stopped for a moment to look at my hands, which had small, smudged stains of my blood on their palms. Then I remembered when I stained them not only with Kateryna's blood, but also with that of Richard, the Military Police soldiers and other people I was forced to execute under their own orders. They put me against the wall, forcing me to accept this or live in the misery of no longer being well regarded in society.

To be honest, while I'm happy to see Hunter grow up with his innocence preserved and leading a peaceful life at the expense of my daily sacrifices as a member of the Anti-Human Division, a secret organization within the Military Police, I also end up being stunned by everything. what has been happening. How I became a monster in the eyes of my peers just for having a child, and I know that all this widespread hatred directed against me affected me a lot, especially when I was pregnant. I also know that things were made worse by shooting Commander Erwin in a desperate act to save Armin from a slow death like the one he was experiencing... I simply couldn't allow someone else important to die without me being able to intervene in some way. . And even if it also brought irreversible consequences to me, I would never regret saving him. Yet I see in his eyes how much he would rather have died that day.

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