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Mavie Jaeger.

We got closer and closer to Reiner, Bertholdt and Ymir, who had kidnapped Eren and Historia, and the only thing I could feel was distress. I could see my unconscious brother on Bertholdt's back, while Historia was held by Ymir in her titan form and I could only observe everything from afar, with no strength to help either of them. I was still shocked by Ymir's betrayal, even more so by Reiner's revelation, the chip was still swaying back and forth, deciding whether it would fall or whether it would keep spinning and leaving me confused about my feelings towards the everything that had happened in the last few years. I could feel the rapid beating of my heart, just as I could also feel all the veins in my body throb due to the adrenaline that was coursing through them, leaving me stunned and willing to do anything to save two people important to me, even if it meant I would have to fight the boy I love and my best friend.

I didn't know what to feel, actually. She was filled with hatred for the lie, shocked by the revelation and devastated to know who had lied: Reiner Braun. And I wonder, wasn't I enough? Despite never feeling firm in his words and the story he told me about his past, I was moved by all the pain he carried in his eyes, even if he was always accompanied by a big smile and impeccable humor. Reiner, above all, never disrespected me or made me sad, he was always a gentleman and treated me very well, I say even better than my own brother. But why? I gave it my all. Literally. I gave my laughs, my nights sleep, the warmth of my body and what was left of my sanity, and still... Wasn't that enough?

Tears flowed through my eyes again and slipped down my cheeks with each memory that crossed my mind, memories that I would like to forget to never suffer like this again.

The day I first saw him at boot camp and the way his serious countenance and soldierly posture captivated me; or when I got lost in the blizzard and he was the one who came back to look for me and kept me warm in his arms all night. All these memories will be seen as torture in my daily life, everything around me will remind me of him, especially the child I carry inside my womb. When I tried to take my life and he saved me, brusquely, but he did... And that night, my body and his became one. I could feel all his love that night, as well as in all the others we spent together. I'll never forget anything, and that's what hurts the most.

The world is very cruel, and it's not as pretty as I tried to believe it to be. People die around us all the time, whether they are young or old, no one escapes the lack of basic sanitation and the negligence that the government makes us spend every day inside the walls or rather, outside the interior. Eren was right after all. The Military Police are at an advantage just because they live in Sina and don't have to worry about anything else but political issues and rid the nobles' asses of all the dirt. That's how the world works, isn't it? Those who don't have money and power have no choice but to be forced to live on scraps and risk their lives in slave labor or serving as soldiers to earn miseries that won't last half the winter.

And to think that while I was with Reiner, I pretended the world could be beautiful because he was next to me and everything looked wonderful. However, now I see that I lived a lie. He made me live a lie. He made me live a beautiful, adorable lie. A lie so beautiful that I wouldn't mind living on, even if it cost me every day of my life... I'd be happy, at the very least. But not. Life is not like that. I'm not like that. I'm not naive or helpless as everyone wants me to be and makes me out to be, I'm more than that. I managed to handle two titans alone, I can handle Reiner after all... It's Reiner. He wouldn't really try to kill me, he never would.

- HISTORIA! – I shouted, as soon as I attached myself to Ymir's back, grabbing her hair and climbing to reach my blonde friend.

- Everything is fine! I'll go with them! – she said, with a frightened expression, but smiling.

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