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After one year and a few months of that sad event that marked the history of humanity, many changes have already been noticed. There is no doubt that the triumph of the Survey Corps against Marley's enemy warriors meant a new chance for the inhabitants of that once besieged place. Gradually, the truth about the people who inhabited the world beyond the walls finally came to light, and Paradis' independence from the outside world was no longer a certainty. In this context of change and renewal, Wall Maria was finally taken by the soldiers, which meant the end of an era and the beginning of another. With the complete extermination of all the titans and the peaceful return of the former residents of that region to their homes, the sense of hope began to spread through the people, who returned to dream of a better future. Indeed, it is certain that the world they knew was destroyed along with the lives that were lost. However, they now saw a new world being born from the center of the abyss of the ruins. The sea, the river of infinite salt water, is a symbol of this new world, which is now beginning to be built on the dreams and hopes of those who survived that terrible day.

Mavie was living a new life, in a new home, cut off from everyone she knew, including friends and family. Now, she found herself in a difficult situation, trying to stay out of trouble and keep her son safe from the cruelty of those who still considered him a mistake for being the fruit of a forbidden relationship. Society saw Reiner only as the Armored Titan, not realizing his humanity. Although this situation was distressing, she could not defy the authorities who had offered her shelter and a comfortable life in exchange for small jobs for the Military Police. Mavie's life was peaceful only inside her home, in contrast to the stress of going through the underground cities to chase drug dealers and pimps, leaving her son in the care of other soldiers in the army that she didn't even know.

Hunter was about to turn one year old and Mavie would like to bake him a little cake. However, how would she get the necessary ingredients without running the risk of being recognized at the fair and having her true identity discovered? If that happened, the Military Police would be blamed for allowing her to live "quietly" without problems within the walls, which would cause great chaos. Despite having Hunter by her side and seeing him growing up happy and healthy, she felt lonely and wanted to share her joy with people she knew and truly trusted, rather than soldiers she wasn't intimate with for deep conversations. Hunter, on the other hand, already walked and spoke a few words, he was cute and pleasant. Mavie loved watching him imitate her and was fascinated to see how he tried to make conversation using the few words he knew and pronounced correctly. Hunter was completely enchanted by his mother and, for him, she was a hero, although he didn't understand the world he lived in and what they were doing there, just the two of them.

- Yesterday I received a letter from Mr. Nile, Hunter. Do you want to know the news? I believe so, you are very curious. – she said, sitting next to the boy who was leaning against the wall to watch her.

- "Cuos"?

- "Curious". – the young woman corrected him.

- Cuos!

- No. Fuck... It's curious"!

- Fuck! – Hunter looked at her with an innocent smile, not knowing what he had said.

- NO! Please don't repeat this! Good thing we live alone here... Imagine the trouble you could cause me if someone heard you say that, Hunter! Do you want my head cut off? – Mavie despaired and put her finger on her son's mouth, who was confused, but kept his smile.

- Mommy! – innocently, he hugged her tightly.

The brunette didn't say anything, just returned the hug and kissed the top of her son's head, carefully caressing the region that was still sensitive due to his age. Whenever they shared moments like that, she wondered how anyone could hate such a pure and innocent being. Tenderly, Mavie lifted him and placed him aloft while she looked intently into those small green eyes that sparkled like two emeralds. The sparkling eyes, like the golden eyes of his father, Reiner. As was common, she noticed every similarity between the boy and Braun, seeing them multiply, which caused her shivers, as the fear of Hunter becoming like Reiner was constant. She raised him with love, care and a lot of attention, always paying attention to the smallest details of the little one's behavior, but she was still afraid that he would become corrupted when she understood why they lived in exile and without being able to live in society like other people. That fact could be enough to stoke some grudge or hurt in Hunter's heart, and Mavie didn't know how she would deal with that if it happened in the future.

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