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Mavie Jaeger.

I had no idea what time it was when I woke up to the sound of glass breaking from downstairs. As soon as I got up, I made sure that Hunter was still asleep and that he hadn't been awakened by the noise that echoed throughout the house. I sighed in relief seeing him in deep sleep. With quick but silent steps, I went to my bedroom window and looked out into the garden, being shocked by what I saw: there were some armed men there, five in all. At that moment, I swallowed hard and ran to my bedroom door to check that it was locked, and luckily for me, it was. I placed my hand on my chest and felt the vibrations caused by the acceleration of my heart, due to the despair I felt when I realized that my residence, which should be secret and isolated, was being invaded.

Quickly, I carefully picked Hunter up and placed him on top of some sheets that were inside the closet. Then I pushed the nightstand to the door to stop the baby from opening it. I looked around me and started thinking about what I would do to protect myself and my son. After all, I was completely unarmed inside that room, since my three-dimensional locomotion equipment, swords and shotgun were all downstairs. I don't know if these men are nothing more than some thieves who found me by chance, or if they are people who discovered the truth behind my supposed suicide and decided to come after me to avenge Commander Erwin with their own hands. I cannot judge them for that, because I know how much Erwin was respected and adored by a good part of the population of the walls, who did not accept his death and see me as the only and main culprit, completely forgetting the fact that he was first seriously injured by the Beast Titan.

I heard footsteps coming from the stairs and, without thinking twice, I took the impulse to run as fast as I could and broke down the door of my room with force. Quickly, I grabbed a broken piece of wood and used it to throw myself against the stairs, landing on top of whoever it was and knocking them down the same instant we collided. When I got up, I removed the part of the door from that man's face and saw him unconscious, with blood dripping from the back of his head, revealing the injury caused by the fall. About three shots were fired in my direction, but none hit me and that was enough to make me run out of there. Before that, I took the knife that was in the unconscious man's hand and went towards the man who was aiming a shotgun at me.

He fired once more, but before that I managed to hold the barrel of his gun and make him hit the window, which also broke it. I pulled the shotgun from his hand and fired at his two feet, making him fall and scream in despair, resulting in a scare caused in Hunter, who soon began to cry from the fright and fear caused by the noise that was being made. I kicked the guy who was down hard in the face, who hit the back of his head against the wall and called for help. Anticipating that the three men who were outside would soon enter my house, I began to use the body of the fallen man as a human shield and all the shots fired at me hit him directly. I looked at the three and my eyes widened when I realized who they were: three of the military police who were part of those who did not know about my release and location. They looked at me with a mixture of hatred and disgust, both thirsting for revenge and driven to it by their wounded ego due to the lack of trust of their superior, Commander Nile Dawk.

- How did you find me? – I asked, feeling more and more distressed as my son's crying increased.

- We don't owe you explanations.

- You're doing this because of Erwin, aren't you? If you don't get out of here right now, I'll make sure you meet him in person! – I tried to intimidate them, but I only got laughs in response.

- For Erwin? Spare me! We're doing this for the money your head and the boy's are worth! I don't care if you killed that upturned commander or not.

- Wait... What? My head? What about the boy!? What are you talking about!? – my eyes widened, feeling completely confused and scared by that information.

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