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Reiner couldn't take his eyes off Mavie's lips, the urge to seal his mouth on hers had consumed him for years and he was afraid to take any initiative, after all, Reiner didn't know how she would react and the fear of being rejected made him give up on this one. . idea. However, it would be difficult to contain himself not to do what he longed for and dreamed of, especially when the two of them were alone again, after so long without having a moment alone. Mavie was there, standing in front of him, with those sad little eyes as usual and thin tears streaming down her face, how could he hate people like her without ever having met them? Reiner wanted to forget all his troubles and just kiss her, but his negative thoughts were always running through his head to stop him.

- I don't want to depend on you forever. I am not your responsibility. – she said, pressing her lips together.

- I know that, but I still want to protect you from all the dangers that exist in this place.

- But why?

Reiner then, ignoring all the remorse he felt, kissed her, kissed her without worrying that she might hate him one day, when she discovered her real intentions with him coming to the walls of Paradis Island.

Mavie's thin, dry lips tasted faintly of blood from the small wounds there, yet he didn't mind that, her mouth was magnificent and he was eager to taste every inch of her. Jaeger, on the other hand, was nervous and scared by Reiner's sudden action, as she hadn't expected, despite also wanting something between them to happen. She was happy, she felt complete and surprised, Mavie didn't imagine that something like this would happen, especially when it came to Reiner, who according to her, had never shown to have love interests in her person.

The kiss was being slow and awkward, the two of them didn't know what to do, but it was still good. Mavie had no idea how she was going to go through with this, she just followed Reiner and repeated his gestures, right down to the shy touches the boy left for some parts of her body. After a while, Braun asked for passage to her tongue and that's when she got desperate, because an inexplicable heat took over her, it didn't even feel like a blizzard had surrounded and trapped them inside that abandoned house.

Both were heart pounding, nervous and happy with what happened between the two, it was practically a dream come true, a dream neither of them would want to wake up from anytime soon.

Recalling the recent events due to the snow, Mavie began to wonder if she was dead and if this was all just an eternal illusion where she would be trapped until the end of time, if she was, it wouldn't be a problem, then anyway, it was wonderful to be kissed by Reiner and feel that euphoria in my chest. The blonde pulled her closer, being able to hug her tightly and caress her back very gently, giving a little space so that once again, a shiver ran through the smaller's body.

- Now you understand everything I do for you? – whispered Reiner, pulling his face away from hers a little.

- If I say no, will you kiss me again? Because if it is, then no, I still don't understand.

- Even if you said yes, I would kiss you one more time. – he replied in a sarcastic tone, giving her a quick kiss on the mouth.

They stayed in each other's arms, with their bodies pressed together, that would be perfect to keep them warm during the cold night they would have to face, which had ceased to be a problem, because after all, they were together and the heat of their bodies would keep them very warm. The situation was tense, however, it wasn't that bad.

Reiner moved closer to the fireplace, without taking Mavie out of his arms, and lay down next to her, close by. Shyly, she snuggled into his arms and looked at him, breaking into a short smile at the sight. Reiner gazed at her with tenderness, with passion and admiration, was delighted with how she had grown up to be even more beautiful than she already was, even if she didn't think so. They could no longer deny it to themselves or hide it, they were both hopelessly in love, that kiss and the looks they were exchanging gave it away.

Mavie was a saint and Reiner was nothing but a sinner, how would she react when she learned the truth? Unfortunately, it would be something he couldn't stop from happening, as the truth was slowly getting closer, they just didn't know it yet.


As soon as the sun rose, Reiner and Mavie tried to leave that place and go to where their colleagues were, fearing that Keith Shadis would make them suffer some sort of punishment for getting lost instead of acting responsibly and staying with the group. of cadets. Mavie walked a little further behind Reiner, who occasionally turned to look at her and make sure she hadn't gotten lost again, as the girl was slower and couldn't keep up with him. However, she remained attentive as she was afraid of getting lost again, she didn't want to cause more problems for Reiner or anything else that could harm him, after all, she knew that as soon as they set foot in the camp, they would be greeted by rain. of sermons.

Ignoring all those bad thoughts, Mavie decided it would be best if she remembered what a wonderful night she'd had. The dark-haired brunette remembered the little things that had happened between them, from Reiner's indirect statement, to the moment they slept together, holding each other, keeping their bodies warm.

Oh, and that kiss… It had been so good. That moment was sweet, so sweet she could die of diabetes whenever she remembered.

When they woke up that morning, Reiner and Mavie didn't talk about what had happened between them, however, it was clear that the two of them were still processing it, they weren't ignoring that fact out of spite or lack of consideration. Accelerating her steps a little, the Jaeger arrived at Reiner's side, doing her best to keep up with him on his walk and as soon as he saw her struggling to keep up with his pace, he swallowed his shyness and held his hand, squeezing it carefully. Mavie was startled by that, however, did not back away, repeating the same gesture as him, however, squeezing his hand less tightly.

- Thanks. – whispered the youngest, the sound of her voice was almost inaudible.

- Why?

- For coming back to look for me. Thank you very much. – now, she had stopped walking, causing the blonde to do the same.

- I couldn't leave you here, to die. I would never forgive myself if something bad happened to you. – Reiner replied, using a serious tone, different from what he used to use.

- You are too good. – Mavie said, smiling at him, who had just returned, with his followers, soon after.

"Too good," that phrase would never fit him, Reiner thought, as he felt Mavie's small hand slip between his fingers, gripping them tightly. Shit, she didn't even know how bad he was, how could she say he was "good"? He was the main culprit of all the misfortunes he had suffered throughout his life, Mavie would hate him when she knew the truth, he knew he would, but... He couldn't get away from her. As much as his split-personality mind told him to stay away from her, he could never pull away.

Reiner had everything, but at the same time, he had nothing.

A little further on, the duo spotted a small group of people coming towards them, being perplexed to realize that they were their friends. Eren was ahead of the others, being joined by Mikasa and Armin, who ran alongside him. The green-eyed brunette seemed to have spent the night awake and crying, as there were huge dark circles under his eyes, which were in a reddish placement, followed by his face, which was a little swollen.

- MAVIE! – Eren shouted, gripping his sister tightly, feeling her gasp with the grip he felt.

- Er... Eren..! – she muttered the brunette's name, having a little difficulty speaking.

- You idiot! Why do you always stay behind!? Glad Reiner found you! – Eren yelled, holding himself back from crying again.

- He saved me. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be hugging each other right now.

Eren looked at Reiner and grinned, thanking him countless times that the blonde had saved his sister and taken care of her during the snowstorm that had tormented them all night. Reiner didn't say anything to him, he just returned the smile and could feel relieved to see that beautiful reunion of brothers, and that made him wonder if he would be received in that same way, when he returned to Marley.

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