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Reiner Braun.

I still remember her. It had been years since I first saw her, but the memory of her scared face and tears were still clear in my memory, not only that, but the fear stamped and clear in her eyes made me think of all the lives that had been taken. in that day. To this day I can hear those people's cries of despair, they torment me every night and I haven't slept well for a few months... I try to ignore the bad thoughts and focus on the good things, but it's impossible. No matter how much I try to ignore it, my demons always appear to torment me and make me slowly lose my sanity.

When I saw Mavie for the first time, it wasn't in the most appropriate way possible and as I would have liked, unfortunately. At the time, we were both too innocent children to understand what was happening… I mean, she was an innocent child, unlike me, who was already a monster sent from Marley to destroy all those we deem to be the devil's offspring.

Every now and then, I ask myself: is everything I'm doing really worth it? I don't know for sure and I don't think anyone should know. Bertholdt and Annie were the only ones left, after all, Marcel is dead and we couldn't locate the person who ate him in pure titan form, it would be impossible to find her in that situation we were in, even if Annie turned into a female titan, she would not be able to capture the jaw, because it can be more agile and faster than her.

Looking at Mavie now, I can see how downcast she is, even if she doesn't show it. Her eyes downcast and tired, dark circles barely visible and her body thinner than usual, her lips dry and with small sores from dehydration... She really isn't well and I would like to ask if this has anything to do with what it happened years ago, the day she lost everything she had. Mavie is different from the other girls, but not in terms of personality, something about her attracts me and I can't say what it is, maybe it's the remorse for knowing that, somehow, I'm to blame for the state she's currently in. The times I saw her walking around HQ, Mavie was always alone or with Eren, Mikasa and Armin, but she was always a few steps behind, as if she didn't want to be in their midst.

Watching her do that, I'm reminded of Annie, who used to act the same way when we were kids and just warrior candidates.

Another thing that catches my attention about her is how Mavie looks like a scared kitten, always walking quickly and suspiciously, looking everywhere she goes. In the boys' dormitory, I've already heard some boys making fun of it, calling Mavie paranoid and weird, even Bertholdt goes along with them, making fun of her along with them and it annoys me a little, I didn't imagine he would get to this Score. I looked to the side and saw her with that same sad face that I always see her, her eyes drooping and staring at the floor, while her hands don't stop still and her feet swing back and forth.

- Nervous about something? – I asked, managing to get her to look at me. Her big brown eyes look beautiful in the yellow lighting of the cafeteria lamps.

- Yes, and you must imagine why. – she replied dryly, crossing her arms and letting out a long sigh.

- Tomorrow is the day that Eren will try to pass the test, am I right? Don't worry, he'll be fine. – I said, hoping to reassure her.

However, I saw that it was in vain. Mavie didn't look happy about this conversation and her wide, frightened eyes told me that. I'm not sure what her true intentions are, I never saw her talking about why she enlisted and what she said yesterday didn't seem real to me, it felt like Mavie just said what Instructor Keith would like to hear so he doesn't scold her most.

- To speak the truth...

- Yea?

- I don't want Eren to succeed. I want him to fail. I want to see you fail and give up. – Mavie confessed to me, surprising me instantly.

- Fail? Why would you want this? He's your brother, you should support him in his dream, even if it's a little hard to come true.

- But you don't know how I feel, that's why you say these things. – she retorted, and I could see small tears forming in the corners of her orbs.

In fact, I don't know how Mavie feels about all this, but I imagine it's tough having to deal with a brother who's doing everything he can to leave the safe place where they live to fulfill a suicidal dream. I took a deep breath and brought my hand up to her face, using my thumb to wipe a tear that was rolling down her cheek, resulting in a flush taking over her small cheek, making me blush too.

- Yeah, I really have no idea how you must feel about it, but I know that nothing will stop you from following your dreams. – I said the kindest way I could, I didn't want to upset her.

- That's what worries me the most. Nothing will be able to stop you. Eren was always like that, impulsive. – the smaller one whispered, averting her eyes from mine.

- Look on the bright side, you'll be there to protect him from killing himself. – Mavie laughed at my speech, that was the first time I saw her really laugh.

- Heh, I hope so...

That said, we said goodbye and both left, with each heading to their dorm. I confess that Mavie's personality and appearance make me intrigued, how is it possible that she ended up here under these conditions? I can't believe that she, in this state she's in, managed to outperform her brother on the balance test, but I think appearances really do deceive us in certain respects.



The thing that Mavie feared the most happened: Eren had managed to pass the balance test and it was discovered that he had not passed it before because his equipment was broken, but even so, the boy managed to keep his balance for a few seconds with his equipment on. malfunction, surprising all the other recruits who had previously been making fun of him. Mavie hated that, however, she didn't show her frustration, she just congratulated Eren and celebrated her conquest with Mikasa and Armin, who, unlike her, were really happy for the brunette.

Mikasa, after the conversation she had with Eren, stopped bothering him with her exaggerated worries, but she still couldn't get over her feelings and knew that it would take a while, because her love for the young man started when they were still children and, since that time, that feeling has been growing in his poor heart.

- You'll be fine, won't you? – Mavie questioned the Asian, putting her hand on her shoulder.

- If Eren is happy, I will be too.

- Same?

- Same. – Mikasa answered her sincerely, giving him a short and gentle smile.

Mavie returned the smile, hugging her shortly after. The two were close, as close as if they were blood sisters, and Mavie loved her relationship with Mikasa, Jaeger didn't know what she would do without her confidant.

However, the brunette's happiness was short-lived. Those thoughts about the scouting troops and missions outside the walls bothered him again. Mavie didn't want to lose Eren, nor Armin and Mikasa, it would be hard to lose them, who were so important to her, however, with her brother managing to pass that damn test, there would be no turning back. Now it was official. Eren would become a soldier and serve in reconnaissance, suffering the risks of dying on missions or being seriously injured. Now Mavie had no choice but to follow.

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