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As he revealed his real identity to Eren, Reiner's eyes ranged from the green-eyed brunette to the boy's twin sister, who at that point in the championship had already understood what was happening and was trying to process all that information that came to him as a sharp stab in her chest to the point that she didn't know how to react to it. Mavie stared at Reiner in anguish, searching for answers through looks or a simple explanation on the blonde's part. Discredited and anguished, the Jaeger walked towards the three of them again, ignoring Mikasa's calls, who tried to hold her again and received a slap on her hand, soon having her attention turned to the trio when one of the Wall Rose flags they flew away because of the wind.

- That's it... It's been three long years surrounded only by idiots. We were just kids. We didn't know anything. If I didn't know there were people like that here, I... I wouldn't have become a half-assed good-for-nothing! – Braun said, feeling bitter about everything he had been through and still needed to go through, as he removed the piece of fabric from his bandaged arm.

- Reiner, what are you saying..? – Mavie arrived in their midst, approaching the boy with golden eyes, who just looked at her with distress.

- It's too late. I don't know what is right anymore. But now my only choice is to face the consequences of my actions and, as a warrior, do my duty to the end! – he retorted, lifting his broken and bloodstained arm, revealing to everyone his titan regeneration.

Suddenly, Mavie's eyes filled with thick tears that threatened to fall at any moment, all her senses and feelings were a mess, she couldn't believe this was actually happening. Reiner went for Eren, however, he was prevented from attacking him by Mikasa, who quickly faced him with her swords and then attacked Bertholdt, hitting him in the throat. Both traitors fell to the ground, wounded but not unconscious. Mavie regained her senses and turned to face Reiner who got up at high speed and pushed Ackerman off the wall, who managed to hold on to the wall to not suffer a fall of almost 100 meters high.

- Eren! run away! – Armin shouted from afar, running as fast as he could towards his friends along with the other soldiers.

- Reiner! No, please! – Mavie extended her hand towards her lover, who refused to face her in the face of that desperate situation.

"It's for the greater good," he thought, as an explosion ripped through most of the walls, revealing his transformation into an Armored Titan. Mavie grabbed her swords and screamed once more for Reiner who just stared at her from above, his eyes blazing and golden like flaming gold. In that moment, Braun remembered what had happened years ago, the day he'd first met Mavie, when they were both children living in complete chaos at Wall Maria. The Jaeger kept on her face the same expression of dread and sadness of the first time she had seen that terrifying titan in front of her, not even the information that behind that monster was the love of her life was able to keep her. She was calm, on the contrary, that was what made her even more scared and distressed, not knowing how to react or what to do to protect herself and others.

As soon as she thought of acting, Reiner grabbed her brother and threw herself off the wall with the boy, leaving only the Colossal on top of her, emanating steam from her body to drive the soldiers away from her. Mikasa screamed for the brunette, searching Mavie and Armin with her eyes, finding neither of them and going into despair as Eren cursed Reiner and Bertolt for traitors and transformed into a titan soon after, hitting the Armored with a strong punch that made him crash against the wall and leave a crack in it. Mavie felt her entire body shut down with the tremor beneath her feet, and then she dropped to her knees on the floor, leaving her blades lying at her sides.

She was sobbing. His chest ached from so much anguish. Her blurred vision and so many voices around her made it difficult for her to think. What was happening? I mean, was this really happening? "Where's Mikasa?", she asked herself, widening her brownish orbs and standing up at the same moment, running to the edge of the wall and seeing her step sister hanging, as she watched Eren's titan fall to the ground and the Armored walking slowly towards you. Getting carried away by the fraternal feelings and the adrenaline that had quickly taken over her body, Mavie threw herself with her DMT next to Ackerman, who turned to face the brunette, who had her face covered by a few strands of hair.

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