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Mavie Jaeger.

The last memory that came to mind was shooting Erwin, then being startled by Levi's kick to my face, which sent me flying and hitting my head hard somewhere. After this incident, I lost consciousness. When I came to myself, I realized that my hands and feet were tied, in order to prevent me from running away, even if such an escape was not in my plans. I wasn't alone in the least. Floch was there, fast asleep. And honestly, I can't blame you. After all, we worked intensely for hours to retake Wall Maria, and only after fulfilling our objective could we rest a little. Obviously, I knew I would be treated like a criminal, as I killed the Survey Corps Commander when he had the chance to transform into a titan, mostly choosing to save my friend based solely on emotional issues.

Now I am once again confined in a cell, but this time, I find myself in the palace dungeons. Circumstances have been tumultuous since the rumors began to spread that I took Erwin's life. Despite the fact that he had a fatal wound in the stomach, people tried in every way to accuse me of treason and arrest me. Eren, Mikasa and the others did what they could to prevent me from being arrested. However, Hange, now the new commander, stated that she would take responsibility and do her best not to impose such a long sentence on me or, even worse, condemn me to execution, as many citizens demanded.

I honestly didn't care anymore. No matter how injured I am, I won't die without reason, I'll just witness the death of others before my eyes. I was only able to stop it once, and that got me to where I am today. Armin is fine and that comforts me deeply. I sacrificed my freedom and what remnants of trust Levi and Hange had in me to save him. Thus, I took Erwin's life so that Armin could inherit the Colossal in his place. It was not a sensible choice, I know that Erwin Smith was an important and powerful man within the walls, as he still managed to inspire people to believe in a promising future for the people. However, for me, it doesn't matter. Even if I am sentenced to life in prison, serve any number of years in prison, or even be executed for committing the crime of treason, Armin being alive and well is enough for me to deal with the consequences with ease.

However, there is only one thing that keeps me from feeling completely calm: Hunter, my son. I didn't hear from you or even get permission to see you before I was arrested, and that's making me anxious. He's just a baby and I'm his mother, I should have the right to see him even if they brought him here. I tried to talk to the Captain, but he ignored me and shrugged. At the time, I felt my entire being freeze as he pretended not to hear me and walked away, leaving me behind, unresponsive. It was a shock to be ignored by him, but it was something I expected, after all, I imagine that Erwin was as important to him as he was to Hange, that's why both of them have avoided direct contact with me.

Well, there's nothing I can do about it, I've also suffered a lot of loss and so have they, and didn't she herself say that we must deal with this if we want to continue in this life? Maybe I'm being selfish, but I couldn't handle losing Armin and I know my brother couldn't either. So... whatever I did, I did it for love. Love to Armin and love to my brother.

Although I was already in the sights of the Military Police from the beginning, or rather, since Eren revealed he had titan powers. They never trusted me, even though I'd always shown myself to be no threat and no match for the other cadets who would soon join the Reconnaissance, and even then, they never let me pass. The suspicious looks, the whispers, the inconvenient questions about my past in Shingashina, even the accusations of betrayal when word got out that I was pregnant and whose child I was expecting. It probably won't be possible to convince them this time and I'll be lucky if I don't get sentenced to death, so all I can do is wait and, as much as I hate to say it, pray desperately for a miracle and that I'll get away one more trap again.

I sat in the darkest corner of my cell, all alone. The environment was cold, dirty and poorly lit. All I had left was my own body heat to keep warm and an old sheet given to me on arrival. I let myself be carried away by the sadness that invaded my chest and allowed the tears to roll down my face. My emotions were a storm raging inside me, but at the same time, I made an effort to keep them at bay, as I didn't want to feel them. The pain Reiner caused my home was unbearable, the memories of all the destruction he and Bertholdt caused were still fresh in my mind. I had sworn to myself that I wouldn't cry for him anymore, that I wouldn't allow the longing to overwhelm me, but now I couldn't stop the tears that fell from my eyes. Despite everything, I couldn't bring myself to hate him.

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