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Still shaken by all the destruction, Mavie watched from afar as the Colossal wreaked more and more havoc on the outskirts of Shingashina. Despite this, she tried to remain firm and with her head held high, focusing only on finding survivors or bodies that had full gas tubes and had not expended their Thunder Spears. Her entire body was aching, but she didn't let herself get discouraged, because who knows what could happen if she stopped to rest and let her guard down for a few minutes. In that situation, it was all about time and effort, and she had to give it her all.

Mavie's wounds throbbed and bled beneath the bandages made from the torn fabric of her uniform jacket. In addition, she felt dizzy from the blows to her head. Despite this, her posture remained straight, and gradually she stopped staggering, keeping her steps steady and heavy as she walked away from the scene of fire and destruction that the Shingashina District, her home, had become since the day of the invasion, years ago.

As she walked, the young woman remembered the rainy night when she read an old book in which it was stated that the world would end in flames. Then, she turned her back and thought to herself: "Is this the end of the world? Of my world?", right after that, she swallowed the cry and felt it stuck in her throat. The end of the world... This is an idea that has haunted people's imaginations for centuries. It is a feeling that deeply intrigues them, but also frightens them. There are those who see the arrival of the apocalypse as a catalyst for change, a new beginning for humanity in a world without borders, without prejudices or differences.

However, the reality is far from that. The end of the world is not poetic, it is not a surreal and utopian journey into the unknown. It is a cruel and merciless event that shatters everything we've known and reduces us to a mere shadow of ourselves. No amount of romanticism or idealism can change this truth. The end of the world is a frightening and devastating image that cannot be minimized or underestimated. It is the total destruction of what defines them as society and individuals, and the battle to survive in this post-apocalyptic landscape is often merciless and painful.

Although the idea of ​​an end of the world can be seen as poetic, in reality, it is a tragedy that tears us apart and forces us to confront our own limits. It's a time of loneliness and despair, a time when everything we've known is lost forever. Therefore, we must understand that the end of the world is not a metaphor or a romantic fiction. It's a harsh, grim reality that can leave us feeling helpless and hopeless. It is the inescapable awareness that everything we value and love can be destroyed in an instant.

And seeing Bertholdt in his titan form, Mavie questioned not only his sanity, but her own as well. One day, she had considered that boy a companion, but now she knew that he was an enemy infiltrated with the mission to end her life and everyone there, as if they were nothing more than leftovers, garbage, scum to the humanity beyond. of the walls. Though she hated herself for thinking that way, Mavie felt in her heart that something had driven them to act in such a reckless manner. She clearly remembered Bertholdt's look of concern when she had been accosted by him and Annie, the afternoon she'd run away from Richard. She also remembered the hand-to-hand combat training in which Bertholdt tried not to seriously injure her, making it clear that he recognized the difference in size and muscle mass between them.

Annie was scary. That graceful blonde girl knew how to keep everyone at bay with just one look. However, the Jaeger still remembered with admiration the moment when Annie risked herself to save Connie from a titan of 15 meters of height, even knowing that any failure could result in both her death and that of the boy with thinning gray hair.

However, all that was just a disguise for the two, or rather the three, because Reiner had also lied. For Mavie, Reiner managed to be worse than Bertholdt and Annie. Among them, the blonde was the one who was most reliable and faithful to everyone. He was the one who lied the most, and because of this, his lies and betrayal were more difficult to deal with. Mavie couldn't forgive not just him, but all three of them. What they did was unforgivable. As much as she loved Braun with all her heart and wanted to be in his arms again, he didn't deserve her. Besides, he didn't deserve to be present in Hunter's life, the son he abandoned and didn't even look for, even on the sly. She felt betrayed by her lover, her best friend, the one who had chosen to know her like no one else. Her heartache for him was greater than for everyone who had betrayed her.

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