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A month had passed since the incident at Wall Rose and the discovery of the infiltrated traitors, everything was in chaos, both in the Recon and outside. The news of the betrayal had spread quickly and in about 3 days all the people of the walls already knew what had happened and what was the identity of the Armored and Colossal titans. Due to the great loss of soldiers from the Military Police and Garrison on the mission to save Eren who had been kidnapped, the royal government was against the Exploration Troop and its members, claiming that Erwin Smith led many to death in exchange for nothing, however , a new clue had also been discovered about the origin of the titans: they, in fact, were people. Reiner and Bertholdt had their faces stamped on posters across various parts of Wall Rose and Sina, with high rewards in exchange for information and for their heads delivered as a form of their deaths.

Mavie, due to her early pregnancy, was away from Reconnaissance and had been sent to a cabin in the mountains, where she would be safe and free from threats, as the news of being pregnant by one of the traitors had also spread and many people began to threaten her. her to death and accuse her of treason. The hut was large, well ventilated and had a beautiful garden, with a vegetable garden and a farm in the back, it was a perfect place to live, however, she felt lonely there. For her own safety, Jaeger had to cut contact with her friends and brother, relying only on the company of a few soldiers who were guarding the residence from the outside and that was eating away at her insides, worsening her depression and anxiety.

Conversations were not allowed and she didn't want to either, after all, those men were only there to take care of her safety and make sure no one tried to kill her. Every night, Mavie leaned against the window and watched the sky, wondering when she could have a normal life again and what sins she had committed to get where she was, while a small tear ran down her eye, dripping onto her collarbone. When she felt the dripping of the tear in that region, the young woman remembered the times when Reiner kissed her there and remembered how he seemed really in love with her in all the moments they were together. She remembered the passionate looks, the lingering kisses, the caresses and how he always found a way to be alone with her so that he could demonstrate what he felt.

The hatred she felt towards the boy with blond hair and golden eyes only lasted for a few days, because soon she remembered how much she loved him and how, despite everything, he had been fundamental for her development as a soldier, just as he was important for her she could be more open about her feelings. From the corner, Mavie looked at the crutch propped up on her bed, then passed her hand over her thigh, feeling the scab that was still there, imagining how serious that would be if her leg was really compromised to the point that she would never return. could move around without the use of crutches or live her life without someone to help her with simple tasks. She didn't mind losing much of the movement in her leg because of that almost irreversible injury, but she didn't want to depend on people to live, Mavie just wanted to live on her own.

It was inevitable not to feel sad about everything that had happened in her life in the last few years, however, what could she do? She was weak, pregnant and with a "rotten" leg. Her eyes filled with tears again and her chest ached, ached with anguish. Why did she have to go through so much? Was that his punishment for killing someone? Oh. That. She didn't remember that incident. Suddenly, her hands started to shake and her forehead broke out in a cold sweat, as well as her breathing became labored and uncontrolled. Mavie was a killer. Mavie had killed a man. Mavie had committed a crime. She and Reiner weren't that different. So... why was she judging him? They were accomplices to that crime. She attacked Richard with a rock until he couldn't take the pain and died, then Reiner disappeared with the body, erasing all evidence against her. Remembering that, Mavie dug her nails into his shoulders, hurting herself all over again. She felt the pain of her body being pierced, but she didn't care, feeling that physical pain was like an anesthesia to not remember the psychological pain she felt for losing her family and being betrayed.

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