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Mavie Jaeger.

When I saw the shores of the Marley coast getting closer and closer to my field of view, I felt as if my body was going to fall apart, I was so scared and anxious. I walked over to the edge of the ship to look, and my eyes lit up when I caught sight of some buildings just beyond the hills. It was far away, but I could see how different it all was. Excited, I ran to the inside of the ship and went to my dorm, finding a dress that I had left there to wear when I arrived in Marley, a gift from Yelena, who told me that model was common among women "of nowadays".

I quickly changed and went to look at myself in the mirror, tucking my hair into the bow hat I had won from Onyankopon, because according to him, the big red bow highlighted my brown eyes. Facing my reflection, I started to admire my body with a smile on my face, then I looked at my feet and saw the high heels I had put on, feeling a little afraid to go out with them. I've never been in heels. I could fall in front of everyone and get attention, not to mention the embarrassment I would experience if I did. However, I want to make a good impression without arousing suspicion, so I'll have to make that small sacrifice. I walked over to my bed and grabbed some lip gloss that was on top, which was also a gift from Yelena. Both she and Onyankopon told me a lot about Marleyan women's fashion, so I know more or less how to behave and what to wear in front of everyone in Marley and Liberio, where I will be living for a while.

As soon as I finished looking at myself, I took the small bag with some belongings that I had taken and put it on me. I took one last look in the mirror and smiled at my reflection, blinking as if there was someone else there. I've never felt so beautiful. These clothes really flattered my curves and natural beauty, as if I had been transformed into someone else. However, it's still me. In that mirror, this beautiful woman... she is me! I never thought that one day I would look in the mirror and enjoy seeing my own reflection in it. The Mavie of a few years ago would be happy for me, I'm sure of that. In the end, everything I went through: the nights I slept without eating or the times I tried my best to shove food in my mouth against my will... resulted in the woman I became. My pregnancy was also essential for this, because during and after pregnancy I gained a little weight and my body had some prominent curves. Of course, I still have no breasts and they still look like two apples, but my ass being like two bags of meat makes me satisfied and content. After all, for those who had nothing, a huge butt is enough to be happy.

I left the dormitory and headed for the deck of the ship. Upon arriving there, I walked to the bow, where I had a better view of the new world that I would soon discover. I felt my heart racing, as if I were running a marathon in a pouring rain. The anxiety was immense. Anything could happen when he was finally in Marley. I would get to know everything that I was deprived of due to years away from experiences that the rest of the world should have enjoyed equally: the evolution of technology, the discoveries, everything... We were completely deprived of that. As I rejoice that I am about to experience all of this, I also feel sadness and compassion for those who will not be able to see what I will see, feel what I will feel, and enjoy all that I will enjoy. I feel a little guilty for them, like I'm enjoying everything while they'll only dream of enjoying it. Hugging my own body, I turned my back to the sea, closed my eyes and felt the sea sway under my feet, moving from side to side.

I can't let myself grieve for them, not anymore. They don't deserve my sadness or my tears. They hate me and root for me and my son to die, as if we were criminals. I mean, like he's a criminal. I am a criminal, after all, killing the former commander of the Survey Corps in cold blood is not something that can be turned into a one-off, as the news leaked out as soon as our reports were delivered. However, even before the truth came out, I was already being branded as a criminal and persecuted because of my pregnancy, even without knowing about Reiner's true identity. I found out about it some time after I realized there was something building in my womb. Those times were dark; I felt like a wild animal, needing to be aware of the four winds to keep my baby safe from hunters. I'm so scared for my baby, I feel insecure leaving him in Paradis... I know Floch will take good care of Hunter and get the job done, but I'm still scared... The world has screwed me over so many times. times and in so many different ways.

When all this confusion is over and we are finally free of Marley's threats, I will travel the world alone with my son and we will see every corner of the earth... always together. We will go to the lands of snow, we will see the river of fire and we will get to know all the nations, from the Middle East to that of Latin America. I want Hunter to have an amazing childhood, I want to see him always smiling at the world, I don't want to see him with tears of sadness filling his eyes. All I want for him is happiness and peace. Just that, nothing more. I didn't have the opportunity to enjoy my childhood as I should have, I lost my innocence too early and at a young age I already had to deal with things that I shouldn't even have to worry about... I don't want Hunter to go through any of the difficulties I went through, and I will do everything whatever is in my power to always make him smile for me and everyone around him. I want Hunter to remain a light in my life, to always be there to brighten my darkest days, and when he's ready, I'll leave him free to go his own way, because I know he can have a good life without me. And when he is far away... My life will end. When Hunter goes after his dreams, I can finally rest in peace and never have to worry about anything again. It's not a cruel fate; I just want to live as long as my boy needs me, because when he doesn't, I can end it once and for all and stop suffering in silence.

- Girl, do you have knowledge in nursing? – asked a male voice behind me. I turned to see who it was.

- Yes, but I'm not a professional. During my cadet training, I learned some first aid stuff... I only know the basics. – I replied to the captain who was looking at me with concern.

- This is enough.

- Excuse me?

- Yelena asked me to take her to the hospital in Liberius, which provides exclusive care for Eldian soldiers and warrior candidates. I don't know what your story is, but I do know that your father was a doctor. Congratulations, you will be just like him. – the captain said with a sly smile as he patted my shoulder.

- Like him..? – I mumbled confused.

It had been a while since I'd last thought of my dad, years I guess. I remember being quite hurt and upset when I learned the truth about his past, even though he was under a lot of pressure to do everything he did and give everything he gave. Honestly, I don't know what to think about him, although the longing to have him here is constant and I just try to ignore the thoughts I have about him. However, I wonder: did my father even see potential in me? I mean, Zeke, since he was born, has been blessed with royal blood and the power to control the Founding Titan. Eren was chosen to inherit my father's two titans. What about me? Did Dad have a purpose for me, or was I just unforeseen? After all, as far as I know, a couple having twins was and remains a bit unusual. Therefore, I believe that I was quite a surprise not only for my mother, but mainly for my father... It was probably not in his plans to have another child and, to make matters worse, a daughter full of problems healthy and frail. Maybe Dad was confused about what my fate would be considering that two of his sons were already predestined to save the Eldians and rebuild the Empire of Eldia.

Despite everything, I couldn't hate him. At the end of the day, Grisha Jaeger remains my father, the one who gave me life and cared for me while he was with me. I imagine that my father was just very attentive and careful with me so that I wouldn't feel alone and abandoned in that house, since Eren was the center of everything. Our parents' favorite and known around the neighborhood. Everyone knew Eren, everyone said how determined he was and would make a great soldier... They didn't lie. But who would have thought that, in addition to being an almost perfect soldier, Eren would also be the one to save us all? Eren is seen as a hero. Even I see it that way. Dad wasn't wrong in choosing Eren to save us and give us the freedom we both dreamed of having, because I could never get back on my feet like he always did and maybe that's what makes us so different. Since I was a child I was a more withdrawn and isolated person from the other children, I was always at home playing alone or helping our parents with their chores, while Eren was almost always causing trouble and playing with Armin. After a while, he also started to play with Mikasa when she came to live with us.

On the shores of Marley, as I watch the distant shore approach, I feel the melancholy filling every corner of my soul, like the waves gently breaking on the beach. Anxieties and fears mix like notes of a sad melody, echoing in my thoughts. Memories of the past fade like the shadows of the fading day, leaving only a void that seems impossible to fill. Amidst my dreams of exploring the world with my son, a subtle sadness creeps in, reminding me that not all journeys are made of eternal joys. As the breeze caresses my face, I wonder if the promises of happiness are as fleeting as the whisper of the wind.

- This is my last war. – I said, feeling the ship dock next to an improvised port.

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