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Mavie woke up in the middle of the night, feeling the cut on her forehead throbbing and, at that moment, she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep that night, only waiting for the morning to get up and start her routine. When looking to the side, the brunette saw Reiner, sleeping peacefully, with a serene expression on his face, something she hardly saw, considering that the boy always seemed to be suffering from nightmares during his nights of sleep. Mavie smiled short at him, then caressed the sleeper's face, sighing with love for the older one. She, in fact, loved him. However, how long would that love last after the truths were told? I mean, would Mavie still be able to love him after knowing he'd been blamed for all the misfortunes she'd lived through since the day she saw her life change in a matter of seconds? After all, forgiving is easy, the hard thing is forgetting.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Jaeger glanced at the half-open dorm window, allowing some of the cool early morning breeze to enter the room, cooling both bodies and leaving them cool enough to sleep without having to be bothered by the heat. That night, the moon was completely covered by clouds, there weren't even many stars in the sky. "It's a sad night," Mavie thought, carefully pulling away from the blonde, who was still sleeping in the bed next to her.

Very slowly, she got up and walked slowly to the bedroom door, filling her lungs and letting it out very slowly, gathering strength and courage to go to Officer Hange Zöe, a woman who still terrified her. Mavie needed to overcome the trauma that had been caused to her and the fear that consumed her whenever she saw her, because Hange was the only one she could talk to at that moment, after all, she was the one who understood titans more than anyone else and would listen to her. with all the attention in the world without trying to divert the subject or call her paranoid. Yes, she had Reiner to talk to, as he'd said himself she could, however, his look gave away that he too thought the same whenever they talked about titans and the world beyond the walls, and Mavie hated that, she just didn't talk. nothing for fear of embarrassing him by being too expressive.

Quickly and careful not to make any noise, the dark-haired girl changed her nightgown for a slightly formal outfit and slipped out of the dorm, looking around before walking down the hall. Because it was dark and there was no moonlight to illuminate this place, Mavie had to be as careful as possible not to trip over anything or step on anything that made any compromising sounds to her. However, her fear, at that moment, was that she would bump into Levi and end up suffering some punishment at his hands, the look of disdain that Ackerman cast on her and the idea he gave of killing her for not being useful tormented her, Mavie was really afraid of being alone with him and ending up dead, even though she knew there was no reason for the man to do that. "Maybe I really am a little paranoid," the Jaeger whispered, as she still walked to the end of the hall.

As soon as she arrived in the kitchen, the little girl's heart raced when she saw Levi next to Hange, both of them talking quietly to each other. Mavie froze in an instant, fear consuming her again. How could anyone be so unlucky as to find two of their biggest fears in the same place and time? It was unbelievable how unlucky she was. Levi saw her, but didn't say anything, just a click of the tongue was heard in the environment, making the older woman look in the same direction as her colleague, spotting Jaeger there, watching them with a startled look, however, with no sign that would retreat after being spotted by the duo.

- Oh, Mavie, honey, do you need anything? – Hange asked the younger, offering her a wide and welcoming smile.

- Ac… Ac… Actually… Ye… Yes… – she stuttered a little, but soon recovered.

- You should be resting, brat. Did you forget that fifty-foot bitch nearly took your head off? – the Ackerman scolded her, reminding her of the event a day ago.

- But... Did not cut...

- Because I saved you.

- And what do you want!? A round of applause? You just did your job! – Mavie retorted, instantly regretting having raised her voice for him.

- Hey Hey! Let's not fight, okay? You wanted something, am I right? Well, tell us. – the woman put herself between the two minors, preventing them from ending up arguing.

- I thought a lot and, when I noticed the fighting style that the Female Titan had... I have a guess as to who she might be.

When Jaeger finished speaking, the two adults widened their eyes as they looked at her, both in disbelief. So that she could better explain her assumption without stuttering or sounding like an idiot talking, Mavie pulled a chair close to her and sat in it, not letting on how nervous she was to be there, alone with her two superiors who left her alone. panic just hearing their names. She took a deep breath and placed one hand on her chest while the other touched her forehead, somehow being able to calm her down for a while, which would be perfect to use that momentary lull to tell her everything that had happened, about the what he saw, heard and felt when he was with the Female Titan fighting for his life and the life of his brother.

- Annie Leonhart. She is the Female Titan. I can't think of anyone else but her.

- Annie Leonhart? Who is it? – Hange questioned her, curious.

- That is the question.

- What? – Levi arched one of his eyebrows, not understanding what she was saying.

- We don't know anything about Annie's past, just that she learned to fight from her father and that she came from the same place as Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover. Other than that, her past is a real mystery to all of us. And, well, we can't investigate her now, she joined the Military Police and maybe that breaks my theory a little… – Mavie lamented, lowering her head and staring at the hands resting on her thighs.

- No, no, go on.

- Right... Maybe I don't have the morals to say that, after all, that's the only thing that made us look like each other, in this case, our introverted and more reserved personality. But Annie didn't do it because she was shy, she really didn't like to get involved with us, you know? I admit I secretly admired her, Annie was always one of the best in our class, it wouldn't be a surprise that all that strength was because she was a titan. – the younger one concluded, repressing her lips then.

- Your accusation against this girl is very serious, Jaeger. Are those the only things you have to say that might incriminate her? – the Ackerman asked, rolling his eyes. To him, it was nothing more than a tantrum coming from the girl.

- It may sound crazy, but... As soon as I saw her, the Female Titan, in case... I found her face very familiar and it took a while for me to assimilate with someone I knew. You saw her up close too, right, captain? Can you tell me the features she had on her face?

- Well, her eyes were as blue as the sky and her nose was big, but that's the only things I can talk about, after all, she didn't even have skin. It was just exposed muscles and blond hair.

- I need a pencil and a sheet of paper. – she asked, looking at Hange, who ran to get what was asked by the brunette.

Once she had both objects in her hands, Mavie began to draw in great detail her old classmate, Annie Leonhart. First, she drew the full-length blonde, not hiding a single feature, from her expression lines to the girl's unruly strands of hair, it was all perfectly detailed. Next, Mavie started to draw only Leonhart's face, then did the same process with the Female Titan's body and face, finally finishing the drawing and pointing out the similarities to her superiors, who watched everything silently. The drawing was great in the conception of the two, however, they didn't know Annie and they couldn't give an opinion about the young woman, but they still found her slightly similar to the current enemy.

- Does anyone else think like you? – Zöe asked, analyzing the drawings with great attention to detail.

- I imagine Armin also thinks the same, after all, she made sure to give him a good look after attacking him.

- Levi, call the boy. – the taller one ordered the black haired man, who just nodded without saying a word.

- The Blinded and the Colossal are also human... Aren't they? she asked, looking sideways at Hange.

- I think so.

- So... Are there traitors among us?

- Probably. And they must be so close we won't be able to tell who they are.

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