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Mavie didn't even wait for Giorno's orders or read Hange's full report, it was enough for her to read where the soldiers' meeting point would be and set off with her horse, letting out information about who were the suspects of the titans infiltrating the walls: Reiner Braun and Bertolt Hoover. His heart was pounding desperately in his chest, almost tearing him apart, his mind was creating a thousand and one illusions about what could be happening at that moment, was Reiner okay? What was the reason for all that distress whenever she thought about the boy with blond hair and golden eyes? Mavie feared for his life and her anxiety to find him soon only got worse as she got closer to where she would possibly find him with her colleagues and brother. The long black strands of hair swayed with the movement of his body on top of the animal, his half-open eyes watered from the wind that beat against them, everything would get worse thanks to the rain that had started to fall, making his vision more difficult.

Giorno soon managed to catch up with her, already knowing the possible true identities of the two titans, however, he imagined that the girl had already found out when he read the Officer's report, so he just used his breath to call her and order her not to be so fast and clumsy, however, Mavie didn't hear him, just moved on. "Hell of a stubborn brat!", he muttered to himself, as he made his horse speed up his steps to get closer to the brunette, which made it clear how nervous he felt at that moment. As soon as he got close enough to Mavie, Giorno caught her attention with a whistle, making her stare at him for a few seconds, making it possible for him to notice her reddened and teary eyes. She was crying.

- Jaeger! Pull yourself together! – Giorno said, drawing her gaze back to him.

- I'll only be able to compose myself when I'm sure everyone is okay! – she answered him with arrogance, frowning.

- If you continue like this, you will end up falling off your horse and getting hurt!

- And does it matter!? My brother could be in danger!

- Is it just your brother you're worried about? – the man asked, leaving her stunned.

- No... He's there too.

- Who? – Giorno arched one of his eyebrows, trying to guess who she was referring to.

- My son's father. – Mavie said in a low tone, which was only possible to hear because he was close enough to her.

- And who is the father of your child!?

- Reiner. Reiner Braun.

When Giorno heard that name, his entire body shivered. "She didn't read the whole report", he thought to himself, as the blood in his veins began to boil in a deep hatred of that young soldier who, in addition to betraying everyone, had also used her and enjoyed her body, even after of having destroyed her life and everything she knew, taking away her family and causing her traumas that would never be forgotten by her or by any of those people who witnessed everything that happened at Wall Maria, in the year 845. The worst After all, it wasn't just that he'd stayed with her, kissed her, or sworn her thousands of vows of love, Reiner had impregnated her. He impregnated her, not caring how she would look after his departure. By herself. helpless. Without the help of your child's father. Because of him, Mavie would become a single mother and be cruelly judged for the rest of her life. He gritted his teeth, his eyes blazing, Giorno was ready to cut off the back of Reiner's head and neck as soon as he saw him, to make sure he didn't regenerate and cause that poor girl more suffering.

- When I find him, I'll tell him that I'm pregnant and I know that if everyone turns their back on me, he will be the only one who will stay by my side. – Mavie said, and finally a smile formed on her lips.

- And what makes you think he won't turn his back on you too? He's young, he has a lot to live for.

- Because we love each other, that's what will strengthen us while we're together... The love we have for each other. – His answer was quick, as it had been on the tip of his tongue for a while.

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